Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/297

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SIXTYKNINTH CONGRESS. ; Snss. I. ; Gr:. 845; 1926. 1729 Ydtk andpayn her pension at the rate of; -

 J   Linszlzr      A .&§   _- ~ `   mamma ·

The namaiof V una B.- Garland, helpless and dependent daughter ’of¤'1`ho;nas» te of¤»Compan_,yi;G,.Fifty»oig th Regzimentin- .diana.Voluntee1~ t¤y·.and< pay _ rapension at the rate of $20 per 1!101`lth¥hD0�€1z£‘]B%l£% appomted~guar&m.·€·- - I 4 . rswmmmna. The name of amg . eorge, widow of Claibourn M. George, N°’*°’ °·°°°‘°°· .latciofnCompany D,‘ Tennessee Volunteer Infantry, and psyhena pensioniat the rate;of $50 perrmonth inlieu ofthat she lgiq __; . ,_, _ · Pension. fghgname g Itlanlggnieiiia Burton, vilidsgw of Di£u1·l;on, ¥Z*»'?€°;€{°1?¤°l°°°' .0 _ pan}- ` teReQ;nen» " tz ·° iganewoun r an “an *

Battalion or   States, Engineers, pa;yher a

PQ) I1.¤.l51i}l91‘8l360f$15 putmohhhr »;; s · ·n~, I. . ~ Pensxanamerssseu. The name of Lucina McGhee, widow of Marion McGhee,;1ate of L“°*““ M°°'“°°‘ Company Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, andpay here pension at the rate of $50·por month~inlieu.of that she is now

of Hanna} Yi d h J. Bradford inow Blake, former" I   of H“"”°" '·m'“‘°·

Charles,Bradford, late of,Compeny SD Thirtieth Regiment Massa- .chusetits Volunteer I¤fantry,,and,p•y~l1ot~a_ pension. at the mate of $50 r month; in lieu ofthat shoes now . , y . .. , TE; name of .Carolino Dawson, widow oi Alexander Dawson,hte °"‘*“°° °°"°"· of Company lD,_Nintb Regiment New York.Volunteer- Cavalry, and pay her. ;_,p¤¤g;;>n.a¢. the rate;o,£$50 per month in lieu ofvthat she is DOW l°909iV]-Hg- _ _ _ .; E z Pensions. - s nanzeogf Chrnatenie R. Heuthorn, widow ofelhchard L. Hen- ,,,$,‘;,{'*°¤*• `R- H•¤· .tb01'¤a.1$t$»9f:.G0mP$DY, F; Ohio Vghunteer Infantry, and·pay.he1· apensaon at.the.rata,of,$3D jpermor _ J A, ·, ., _ » T. , ¤i ¤~-2. V- on { .Th of Marlin L. helpless, and do _ dent .oi """¤L-"·°*’¤·

 B. Rankin, lateof   , Eleventh»E;ima¤t?%oat

ggginia Volninteer Infantry, an pay lnm a. pension at theratmof v» ·In0nt·I,· ».¢ L V .',;_;._;§

news of,A~n¤¤toaia.‘Q¤¤o1l, w1dowYo£;John;Carmll,;e!a¢e of ~=·¤·=··<=·¤·>¤-

Contgany- ,,., fourth Bogmngont-M¤¤¤¤oh¤sotts.;Yo1unteer Heavy Art' ery, and pa her a pension _at the rate of $30 per month; g. I hum m___d_ =. ,, ,¤eo41§£rs. aldwsnnwxdowzof §.H..Ba1dw¤n, M·¤¤-¤··¤·¤¤- ,1ato,off]E<]§n e t~Gonnoot»out=Y. nntoen

   heP;¤·» .on—»¤t» tho ¤»fe.o£.$5QrP¤¤¤monfb..m  

of that she is now 1·eoe1v£g¤ ,2,,: 3,,,,,, ,.1], __, N; p,m,m,,_ .»»r The none ei ·#1hor¤dGe¤¤ts h¤¥a1es¤znn<1 sonapi wo -· *“*‘ °*"°“· Gon¤|i¤J.!;]P·¤D%Y}d .. d·h#o.¤`;C¢mP¤¤Y»·. q;E1Qh¥g·¢h1rd.¥_. 81* mont ,mfod.»$$¤¤os. Y¤l¤¤¢o¤¤‘ ron ·»voy:=h}m a pension ¤t tho Mo of por mon¢h..throuzh.¤l¤s¤J1yn¤ppom#ed

     l t'?  · `ri go f s’=··j .r i H"   »,;":a£i E2"; n ‘
 , n     .widownof»»Wi11ism·l1·>Da113g  not Emmy-
   -   . ind   F, Th1;Z¢§;fif$h

Regiment, Www, my hor eqpensono at —

  • "°q+§,‘””°“?,°x.¥°' I llmaew ze *1* n;ilne

me er'3 m“p¤ey"%'f°?sa»&l·1€5§1nae¤¢,1<e¤mcky Jxupeqéiceemy; §,pex.h¢rs;·pqn¤;on·;n¢»th¤ ¤>*=o.¤f<$50 por mon , <nn·hon.ot· . t vm , _ L . ·,; .T,,; .2v' 'J ·~ ..__` J}

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r•ny»l§r'1‘vonl¤¤mdnod¤h Beg¤¤nt.P¤nn¤ylw¤mo Yolunteerlnfantry, o !·l*d<P$Y;h9Fz·H,»P§9$i9¥¥ »·¢ is we of $50 month m,1¤¤n.on

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