Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/350

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1782 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CH. 158. 1927. R°'°°’* M°Q“°°"- The name of Robert, McQueen, late of Company G, Twenty- seventh Regiment, and Compan F, Twenty·sixthRegiment, United gtates Voluxézleer Infantry, andy pay him a pension at the rate of 10 er mon . 1 , 2 s .· Am S- '*`°“°°’· Tli)e nameof Agmaa S. Tenney, widow of Ammon M. Tenney, late of Captain James A.udrus’s company, Utah Militia, during the Indian wars, and 'pay her a pension at the rate of $20 per month. T“°"‘“’·°’““°’· The name of. homas J. Clancy, late of Company] G, Twelfth Regiment Urfiigesd States Vlpllunteer Infantry, and pay im a pension w}*°°°°”“ M°W”°'“ The name of Rosanna McWhorter, widow of John S. McWhorter, `· · late of ·_ Company E, Lieutenant B. S. Foster’s Texas Frontier %3attali<;p1, anh pay her apension at the rate of $20 per month in ieu o at s e 1S now receiving. . V ‘ }1I?'i%.Guytou. The name- of Harry B. Guyton, late of Company K, Fortieth Reggment Ugigeg States Vpllunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension att erateo 1 rmont. - . Am°Y°°°g‘ The name of Emiel Young, widow of Albert Young, late of Company C, Twenty-sixth Regiment United States Infantry, and Cum H www pay er a pension at the rate of $20 per month. p wm. °s ` he name of Charles H. Woodward, late of Company F, United PWM mmmd States Infantry, and pay him afpeusion at the rate of $6 per month. aiasmn wdmmi. The name of Elizabeth Wol ord, widow of Albert T. Wolford, late of Company C, Nineteenth Regiment Kansas Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension atthe rate of $20, per month in lieu of that Pmim she is now receiving. _ S _ _ · Mma.s1nd1¤. The name of Mary E. Shadle, widow of William Shadle, late of Captain L. L. Tacl{itt’s company, Parker County Texas Minute Men an pay her afpensron at the rate of $12 per month. , M°" E· L“d"°"· Thename o .Mary E. Ludrick, widow of George F. Ludrick, late of Company F, Second Re iment United States nfantry, and pay » her a pension at the rate of S15 pler month. _ E“‘°b°°‘ F"“°k“°‘ The name of Elizabeth Fran in,.widow of Charles M. Franklin, late of the Hospital Corps, and pay her a pension at the rate of $12 ppr month, an $2 additional for each minor child under 16 years ¤.nu."sEd_ O ,8 9.* -· , · 7;2¢ ’~ {T , gwsiiisiszer. TEe name of George. Slifer, late of Company K, Fourth Regiment United States Infantry, war with Splain, and pay him a pension at P,,,,,_,,,,_ therate of $12 pg month inlieu of t, at he is now receivi . H¤¤v G- <>¤¤<>r¤·S¤· The name of rry C. Cliiford,€senior, late of Companyni Fourth lgegigient-Uniteg States Artillery, and payhim a pension at the rate o per mont . . ‘ A t M°”°mR°°°i°' The name of Margaret Rnépple, mother of S the late William Epgiple, latedof Cplmpany E, evenlteenth Eegment Unitzd States ,0 uu an ,an pa er a. ension att erateo Oper mont . §$»°°$¥ii¤. Thehgame of Bessie H. Cotten, widow of Lyman W. Cotten, y late line oiiicer, United States Navy, and pay .her a pension at the CMM w_ Andw rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. · wu. The name of Charles W. Anderson, late of Company H, Signal Corps, United States Army, Regular Establishment, an ay him a pension at the rate of $75 per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. » ghlgniiig Arm¤¤·<>¤z· The name of Thomas Armstrong, late of Company C, Eighth Reginiegté ` United gates Infantry, and pay him a pension at the ,,0,,, d_·rao permon., ¤f¤‘l‘·‘»»“€¤ r?'%i?°¤». The mma of Elizabeth r. Blinn, widow of Edmund R. Bmm, late of the United States Navy, and pay her a pension at the rate of $20 Bump B Yams per mouth in lieu of that she is now receiving. ` ' ' The name of Eleanor D. S. Young, widow of John S. E. Young, late retired officer, United States Army, and pay her a pension at the rate of $40 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving.