Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/354

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1786 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 164, 165, 173, 174. 1927. ?¤b¤’E¤;¥g'2§;·]i927- QHAP. 164.-An Act Granting permission to Major Charles Beatt Moore,

 United States Army, to accept the followinlg decorations, namely, the Kegion of

Honor; tendered hun by the Republic of rance and the oHicers’ cross of die order ‘ Polonta Restituta" tendered him by the Republic of Poland. M Ch 1 Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the 3,,,,;,} §{,,,,,,,_ A’§§,,,?_’ United States of America in Congress assembled, That Major ,,§fs¤,{_0§-g¤;,gguQ,°<>·¤& Charles Beatty Moore, United States Armlyébe authorized to accept roms. the follow1n%£ecorat10ns, namely (1) the gion of Honor tendered him by the public of France, and (2) the oilicers’ cross of the order ‘Polonia Restituta " tendered him by the Republic of Poland, and that the Dlepartment of State be S rmitted to deliver the said decorations to ajor Charles Beatty Méoore, United States Army. Approved, February 21, 1927. hbnigycgif ml CHAP. 185.-An Act Authorizing Dominic I. Murphy, consul general of the {Private. N0. 374.1 United States of America, to accept a silver fruit bowl presented to him by the British Government. · Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ’,?,‘;*;*i¤§fx§é,f§°g{{’;§; United States of Amerika in Congress assembled That Dominic I. iéogn from ores: Murphy, a consul general of the mted States of America, be, and " ` he is hereby, authorized to t and rece1ve a silver fruit bowl bearing on one side an en crest of the British Government and on the other the wor resented to Dominic I. Mur hy by His Majesty’s Government ~ ovember 11, 1918," the bowl) being now in the custody of the Secretary of State. Approved, February 21, 1927. F°b?§'z,§f]1°27‘ F %§é1173.—-An Act For the relief of Captain Ellis E. Haring and Edward

 · °'- ‘

Be it enacted by the Senateand House of Representatives of the Hgggmjrmlyls E- United States of Americajin Congress. assembkd, That the Comp- cmiitmwésuna. ti-oller General of the Umted States is authorized and directed to eregit the acégunt pfhCa8gin Igarirég, Unit:->1dGState;si Agmy, dis ursin o ero ’t e °ce0 u` 'c ui 1n san roun s now Oiioe of Rublicilzluildings and Public Parks of tlie _N¤t10m.1 Capital), in the sum of'$163.62 isallowed upon vouchers numbered 102, 2 , and 117 diuing the fiscal year ended June 30, 1925, andlto credit °,,§_f*"”‘* F- 3****** the account of_Edward F. Batchelor, disbursing clerk of the Oiiice irndit i¤1¤m»¤¤¢a of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Cgpital ”°°’p° ‘ (formerly Ofice of the Superintendent, State, War, and avy Department Buildings), in the sum of $38.80 disallowed upon voucher numbered 38, fourth quarter of the fiscal year ended June 30, 1924. Approved, February 23, 1927. r°br§r§;3f]1m7' CHAP. 174.--An Act To lprovide for the nayment of the amount of an

 adjusted·service certificate to rving D’Forrest Parks, beneficiary designated by

Corporal Steve McNeil Parks, deceased. . ( Be itenaated by. the Senate and House of Representatives of the ,,g{>$?;g; S°°"° M° United States oé America in Congress assemble , That the director ‘ ra§m¤¤£ or amount of the United tates Veterans’ Bureau is authorized and directed ${¤Z2{EStt§€3§°X;¥$;°§,,$`3§f to ay out of the adjusted-service certificate fund in the same manner and effect as if an adjusted—service certificate had been in full force and effect on the date of the death of Corporal Steve McNeil Parks