Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/406

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1838 SIXTYZNINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cue. 461-464. 1927. U:,;*‘$¤g·,§,}_?.§=b,;>!{dg$¤ redeem in_ favor of the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Com- pany, Umted States registered bonds numbered 41325 and 41326, Lnscrzbed Charles Kellogg 1}ockwell," and numbered 48018, inscribed Elkins, Morris and Co., m the denomination of $1,000 each, all of the_4 ger centum loan of 1925, w1thout_presentat1on of the bonds, the said _nds havmg been lost, after having been assigned in blank by the- registered pagoeesésand the said registered pagees having been P i _ reimbursed for the _n by the Umted States 1 elity and Guar- cmamm. anty_ Company: Promded, That the said bonds shall not have been previously presented to_the Treasury Department under such circum- stances as would necessitate their redempt1on_1n favor of the person, I,,d,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,d_ firm, or_ bank presentinlg them: And promded further, That the said Umted States Fide 1ty and Guaranty Company, shall first file ti`. “h° T”€S“§’{.¤.D°P*'“‘*“°£f *2 '&“d it E l’°“"1 S`? if °°“b1§ _e amoun ,0 e princip o e sai n s, in su orm with such surety or sureties as may be acceptable to the Secretaréymbf the Treasury, to indemnify and save harmless the States rom any loss on account of the bonds herein described. ` Approved, March 3, 1927. ' [P1§In;ct1§;20ég8?gL I CHAP. 462.-An Act For the relief of Josiah Ogden Hoffman. V 0. . i Na I He it enacted by tlze_Senate and House of Representatives of the Jcsilili ogaeu mn. Unzted States of Amerwa an Oongress assembled, That the President mggay be appomm is authorized to apgoint Josiah (gqgden Hoffman, formerly lieutenant immune wmmaudu, commander in the nited States avy, a lieutenant commander in the “’"'°°‘ United States Navy and place him upon the retired list of the Navy §f.g’,‘{,g°;,,s,b,,,,y_ with the retired pay and allowance of that grade: Promkied That a duly constituted naval retiring board finds that the said Josiah Ogden Hoffman incurred physical isability incident to active service in N°*’°°*P°Y·°*‘· line of duty: Prowded further, That no back pay, allowances, or emoluments shall become due as a result of the passage of this Act. Approved, March 3, 1927.

 CHAP. 468.-—An Act For the relief of the Royal Holland Lloyd, a Nether-

lP‘"“'·°· N°· °°°·] lands corporation of Amsterdam,. the Netherlands. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of ggrresentattves of the {§{g;}*;§“*r§,§r§gY$6 United States 3* America in Gon-gress assemb That the claim of Court ¤r¤'1¤im¤. the Bo al iHo and Lloyd, owners of the Netherlands steamship Zeelandyia, against the nited States for dama es alle ed to have been sustained as a result of the refusal of thegFederaF authorities to %1·antL<2ear§.1;§e Sie vessii duriing th; pegiod 1*3 191 to arc ma sue or y t e sai ya o an Lloyd in the Unitdd States (lhurtof Claims, and said court shall have jurisdiction to hear anddeterniine such suit to judggient and either §{,°,'{§",‘,tc_ to M. party shall have the right of appeal: Prowkled, at such notice

  • °"*°Y °°¤°’°l· of t e suit shall be given to the Attorney General of the United

States as may be provided bé order of the said court, and it shall be the dut. of the' Attorney eneral to appear and defend for the ,u§{f’“‘“‘°“°°‘“°“‘ °' United States: Provided further, That sai suit shall be brought and commenced within four months of the date or the passage oft is Act. Approved, March 3, 1927. [PE%`;;l?.zé2¥06 fl CHAP. 464.-An Act For the relief of Ira E. King. I E ’ _Be-it enacted by the Senate and House of Regresentatioes oé the Crigeditxi-llgdwed me United States of America. in Congress assemb d, That the ost- ’°°*°“’°‘“"““°“*°°°‘ master General be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to credit Ira E. King, postmaster at Sti lwater, Minnesota, in the sum