Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/439

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cn. 525. 1927, 187]. The name of Lucy Whitin , widow of J olm F. M. Whiting, late P°”*°¤ ‘¤°*°°°°d· of Company E, Eleventh Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Lmywhmm Ipfzntryil and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu o at s e is now reeeivin . Pm, m_ The name of Nellie S. Vo , widow of Albert A. Young, late N¤11i¤°S- Y¤¤¤z- of Company D, Thirty¤thir ent Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. The name 0 Flora Perry, helpless and dependent daughter of mm Pam'- James M. Perry, late of Company F, Garrison Guards, an thirty- secolpd .Regi1pgnt Indiana `;1olunteerVInfantry, and pay her a pension att erateo 20 ermont. V ~ ` V V, The name of Vllillie Ann Davis, widow of Burrell Davis, late of wm Am D““s‘ Company I, -· Second Regiment Tennessee ·Mounted Volunteer Infantry, and pay her a §nsion. at the rate of $30 er month. Ponsiomnmased The _-name. of Nancy . Stanley, widow. of J olm C. Stanley, Nancy ia. smnyl late ‘of*·Company F, Forty-sixth . Regiment Illinois Volunteer - illnfangryk argl pay her a pension at the rate of $50 permonth in `eu o t_ at He is now receiving. V . · . The name of Harriet Reese, widow of Edward Reese, late of H“""°"R°°°°· Company A, Eightietlr Regiment New York Volunteer Infantry,

1pd_ pay her a_pension at the rate of $50 per month in Vlieuof that

eis now recexvm . » . - · » . The name of Sagah A. Dilley, widow of Vincent F. Dilley, late §$iii°’i°§ nmey. substitute, unassigned, tenth congressional district, Indiana, and pay her a’ pension at the rate of $30 per month. V . he name of Alice Blackstone, widow of-John Blackstone, late *”°° m°°“°°“°· of Company C Eilghteenth Regiment Missouri, Volunteer Infantry, Endgompaply hgnth Regiment Driissouri gtgge Militia Vlolunteer av_ry,,an a ra ensionatterateo .0· rmont;- _ The name df Iiary V€ood, widow of William Wood, late of Mm w°°d` Company A, Fifty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay'!} er a pension at the rate o V $30 per month. _ . ~ p,,,,,0,, ,m,,,,,,,_ e name of Elizabeth. O. Kille, widowzof Thomas C. Kille, E“=¤°°*¤ °·K*”°· late of Company I, First Regiment Minnesota Volunteer Cavalry,

hnd_pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that

e is now receiving.- _ - .» ’ _ _. V · D The name of Martha E.- Crank, widow of Lemuel P. Crangolate 1i’i°£`§1ia`¤x. of Company A, Fifteenth Regiment United States Reserve » rpp, Misso;1r§3g7olunteerthHome Guards, and pay her a pension at t e rate o r mon . V ‘ I ‘ 5 . . The namgeof Elizabeth Hanners, widow of Alexander Hanners, §li!gl§¤¤€hmH¤·=¤eé. late of Company D, Fourteenth _Regiment Kansas Volunteer (%avlalry,hand pay her a pension at the rate of $50,-per month in lieu o t at s eis now receiving. ‘ _- · _·; The name of Martha A. Lund, widow of George P. Lund, late, MMM A·1·¤¤<1· of Company B, Fourth Regiment California Volunteer Infantry,

hnd_pay her. a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieuof. that

eisnowreceivmg. .V -a ‘ ~ . The name of Sarah J. Somers widow of James L. ;Somers·alias S°'“*’·$°'¤°”· Saxton, late of Compaig E, Twentieth Regiment Pennsylvania. Volunteer Cavalry, and ompany C, First Regiment Penns lvania Provisional Volimteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiving. - - The name of Mary C. Bennett, widow of Nelson M. Bennett, late M°¤°·B°¤”°“· of Company C, Fifty-third Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, A lidpay her an pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu ofthat e is now receivm . The name of Saraili Jane Campbell, widow of Thomas B., Campbell, ,,§,_“”“ J"' °“‘°l" late of Company K, Second Regiment New Jersey Volunteer Cavalry, and pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receiv1ng. A