Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/464

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1`896 SIXTY-NINTH GUNGRESS."*¥Stéee!II.· G¤QY·'52$: 4 1927; ’•°*"! l TBO;DI1!1S·6f}Jrt!I11filS IE. Mann,·aI~ias hmmm; law o!·€6m}:gny-lA,~Fiftl$ Regiment Pennsyl-`

 :£§";§?¤4‘“°”t“- Pi2.““°“  "“ ”"°` *"‘°? °‘ *5**

__ _ __ V _'_ ` YW·1‘6061V, .: ‘ “‘“""· ·· name¢of·§ugan·‘Ei*0reagev qwfidowot $eseph’ Creager, late ef=Gompanyi§,·VS1xth Beglmentvhhryland Volunteer Infantry, and pay here pension at therttwof $60 permonth m hou of that she is . t- MW ¤‘9¤Q1Y¤¤K·· on ·;* ‘ °,‘ ‘",‘ - ‘ ‘ ’*“*··*—°*°* I wmew of _11q;e»»-epi} w. St€Tne;r,1;8te g ·2()umphV· f ny·· g ahead ‘ Regi"'ment· »e vania· oun jr

 at“the rata mso oper month yin

““"‘*°·“‘°"""* me er Louisia` ddigineteeue, rwidow tr eaiiguem nc.

   _of;,Compandy F,__  ;,Reg1ment ew York

Pom St¤te»M1itg1a~gA.rt.il1ery,‘an ~_pay~“her 8:RBI!S10l1’·8$ the rate of $50 MMQ; B,,,,,_, per month m lieu of that she is now recewing. -

· 'Ehemdme oflzlalinda Barley, widow of‘Samuel iBarley, late of

Company K,* Que hundred and forty-ninth Regiment ‘Penns§gania· hmmm _ Xgm¥};**¢¤1'* I¤’f¤¤¢¤'3', md p¤y·h¤r- ¤ ‘p¤¤al§n‘tat—the rate of ner E“"°_ °°hJ°°”°', °'°t ,¤*1‘he¤uamé of*Elieabeth_Johnson,_·wido1v oz§?Otlio Johnson, lateof Co1npanyV··G, ·Tweng:y~·eeventh_ Reg1‘meut*uOh1o*‘Vo1unteer - Infantry,

i1d;p•y her aaipenauonvat the rateof $4¤0»per=~month in lieu of that

e is new reeeivm . ‘°“"“*F’*"‘*""*· aV-mimuameroi -`C6x*trlght,·widow et Geor%:anN. comsght, l¤`l¤0fl06m*pany D, »ThirdeRegimentNew¤ Jersey Vo teer Infantry, p,,,,,,,_, and _pay her a pensioxrat therate of month in- lieu of that d_§ggg°•c,;§],_°** °¤ shewd new reoe1v:ingt:¤Proo{ded,··That‘m t e event of the death of K“*hem,°**‘§ ?.‘;$'°*‘§m· m"?=..“’?°¢£a] 1°°§§§'€** ei‘}§*’2’&‘§§%§$“§?£?0¤°*teZZi$ dQr•:%?;::b:rm1u on granted and determmeguivtd provided further, That in V ‘ the event of the death of Emma _C0rtr1ght, the name of said Kath- e1-meiQortright{slinll¤ibe1plaoed·e1;_ the roll, subject to the prov1s1ons»and lrmitationmof thexxedsion laws, ati the rate of·§20- per gg*,g·¤·A_ umu, month _from and after the datef wleathfof said Emma Cortnght. ar. t » l;1`hl:;1a§1e&f Chaliles Mareteuerihelpless ambiepegidegltogon og ar 1 u arete er‘·-ate‘·pi·incipai musician, e uu an thi -fi>fth Regiment ‘Indiana=“V 1 tee ·—Infant i and * la" §_,,;•"*g•¤',h**g‘;f*,,·9“i·;_ penrdixm at the rate of $20 per most? r I ry, V - -’ Pg lm 3 I tf£”%+“6.f“..,,t°»t°*D Et"°i%’£’:; *%£’“*°’z‘#°"v“ *’“‘“°%‘?· ‘0= y -··V‘r'_ gimenl est i 'i ounteer av- a1lry,·;».1ud%pay*herV·•{¢peneio¤·at· the rate of ;$50r§•?rumentli in lieu of

 t ats eis now receivin . -g=¤¤‘·-·*»* ‘ · ·, ·‘ l
 The  ¤e<npmsg1i»mey,iw1a¤w of 1g0beien1as1i1ey,·1¤¢e of

Company A, {1`welfth‘Ihg§ment Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, gid; pay her a pension at;the rate of $50 peremonth m 11eu of that e is new receiving. _ “‘”"· "'“'°‘“· {ig; name 0§M';·:'y4iEf%l;K11£Enball, wiiliow orginriw L.I1:I1?1bn1, lat; o» man=·;-e ·-giment aineounteer tr n pay hergazgensrlon atthe rate of $50 pen month in lieu of Vth%t hhe P·¤·*¤¤· nowreeevm. · I V- - ‘ “""°“°'°°“·l dgriaagmiidnfneaiéntre;-t¤p,·w1eew=·ar—!11aru¤ Hem, late of mmm in Company ‘ VTwenty~sye§tli¥·uReg1menti ~-Maesachuqette f Volunteer Emmm D**°°°°d_y_ · Infantry, an ¥a§ her ·a1§en¤10n atjthe rate of, $80 _- ger month. The name o _ mma _ . Dai w1dow of·0wen·y _. Dayiblate of

 Companies VF and- I, *Flft€QD_ :Regment¢New~Je1eey ·‘ lunteer

°I;i£%ntryiiand‘pay,her‘Va at the rata of $40 penmonth in lieu gt; 6igmgv,r?;·ggiv¢gyg_= ‘i 2·: :s· ·¤;¤.· ; . , .V Im; _;_; 2