Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/504

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I936 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. CH. 525. 1927. ·*""°°””°°*‘*· - The name of Aristeen Arnold, widow of James C. Arnold, late of Compleny F, Eleventl:;hRegime1;t$3Michigan liplunteer Infantry, andpay erapensionat erateo 0 ermont . _*§‘j,‘;},*‘}{‘,‘¤§‘_°'“°°d· C°The mimi 0% élice gplpeeie widow of) Emery, `Jonesiznlfate of any i y-eig giment Illinois so unteer antry

11: gigily her ,21 pension'. at the rate·0f $50 per month_in lieu of that

_ e IS now receiving. ; -

    • ’““° K°"°°· The name of Annie Kehoe, widow of James Kehoe, late seaman,
 States I*{1avy,1Civi¥ Vtgar, and pay her a pension at the rate

o per mont in ieu 0 at s e is now receivmg. s°°m° E' Dum"' The name of Sophie E. Dunham, widow of James F. Dunham, late of Company D, wenty·eighth Regiment New York Volunteer lI;nfan;rt% ansell pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in `eu o at e is now receiving. {§'§.,'{,‘{};B,,,,,,,,_ The name of Lucretia Burton, widow of Esguire D. Burton, late ·*”'°· P- 172* of Company K Eighth Regiment Michigan In antrg, and Company gl, Battalgogz of United gtates Engineers, and pay er a pension at _ e ·rate 0 0 per mon . . $‘§‘§’}§‘${’;‘,";§°T,1°,$,€°°‘ The name of Charlotte Bolin, widow of Aleazer Bolin, late of _ Company D, One hundred and twenty·third Regiment Illinoi Vol?1teer1_Infa;1i;1i]y,t1;ni1d _pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per mon m 1eu0 a a 61S!10W1‘6C81V111 . E°,.l}§%j{$'J}"t°°‘ The name of Belle H. Comlpton, widovg of John E. Com ton, late of Company B, Eighty-nint Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and_pay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that Risby J. Sh° ls mw "°°°‘““§: . . . . un. The name of isby J. McLaughlin widow of William D.

    • ”"· ¥’· ”°‘- McLaughlin, late of Company B, Thirty-fiourth Regiment Wisconsin

1 . X2}.`1’i}?§'i£.‘.‘3i‘$‘i.%t?.‘1§‘.Z£"3'.£°.1§..£’5’£§°“ ·** ***8 rate 0* W Pr ·*'““° “·H°°“· The name of·‘ Annie S. Hogan, widow of James Hogan, late of Company) B, Twenty-fourth Regiment Michigan Volunteer Infantry, and pay y er a pension at the rate of $50 per mouth in lieu of that she ns now rece1v1 . A1i¤¤L- Sell The name ld? Alice L. Self, widow of James T. Self, late of Company C, Eighty-first Regiment Ohio Volnmteer Infantry, and pay er a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that she is now receivmg. · °°¤‘¤¤¤¤·*·P¤‘¤•>¤¤· The name of Cornelia Parsons, widow of Frank Parsons, late of Company G, Fifth Regiment West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, éaelidpay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month in lieu of that e IB now receiving. ~ e · Mw -*1**-**** P•°°*’· fT:g: name 0fPMary iklmire Pjepor, helplgsslend depenldelptélgughter 0 pnjamm ecor ateo mpan int-' t ' t New York Volunteer Infantry, and gay her aegeiiisgon at thgdnigte ,,w_m_ 0f_;$20 per month -in lieu of that she is now receivin . r J B¤••K¤¤¤h¤1¤¤¤¤- The name of Rosa Knochelmann, widow of Jogn Knochelmann, ‘ late of C0mpany·K, Fifty·f0urtl1 Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infan- try Company B, Fifty-third Regiment Kentucky Volunteer P,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m_ Infantry, and fpay her a pension at the rate of $30 per month. E¤¤¤¥ M- P•¢¤b¤¤¤· The_name 0 Em1l%!_M. Pettihone, widow of_ Charles A. Pettibone, latejof Company I,_ ,11‘Sli Regiment Wisconsin Volunteer Cavalry, egutpay her a pension at the rate of $50 per month m lieu of that _ e 18 now receivmg. §gE?§ig°{¤¤<*¤· The name of Bertie C, Nields, helpless and de§endent daughter of I·Ienry‘ C. Nields, late lieutenant commander, mted States Navy, C1vrlW¤·1‘, andpaypher a pension at the rate of $20 per month.