Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/638

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 Cbnventabn between the United States and Central American Republics

for the establishment of international commissions of infuiry. Signed at Washington, Fe 7, ,1923; ratwyication advise by the Senate, January 28, 1925; rati by the President, April 7, 1925; ratiyica- tibns deposited with the-Government of the United States, Jane 18, 1925· oclaimed June 15 1925. I PT I I Br run Pnnsmmrr or run Uurrma Sryrms or Amtmca. A VPROCLAMATION. mi:i;?u$i“mq%i?$f WHEREAS a convention between the United Statw of America " '“ an e nu cs o , uatem a, · v or, on uras 1G8I‘ a, R,";§,f,';,,*f“*“*°““ dthRe bli fG al ElSalad H d N' agu ' rmuus. and Costa Rica, for the establishment of International Commissions of Inq ' was concluded and signed lay their respective Plenilpotenti- _ aries at %ashington on the seventh ay~ of February, one t ousand nine hundred and twenty-three, the original of which convention, being in the Spanish and English languages is word for word as follows: CONVENCION PARA EL CONVENTION FOR THE ES- ESTABLECIMIENT0 DE TABLISHMENT OF INTER- COMISIONES INTER NA- NATIONAL COMMISSIONS CIONALES DE INVESTI- OF INQUIRY. GACION. °°""‘°“°‘ P°"°”‘ Ei Gobiemo de los Estados The Government of the United Unidos de América y los Gobier- States of America and the Govern- nos de las Rgpublicas de Guate- ments of the Republics of Guate- mala, El S svador ,Honduras, male, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicgxua, y Costa Rica, deseosos Nicaragua and Costa Rica, desir- de ` caryrefundir en una sola ing to unify and recast in one Convencion las Convenciones tins single convention, the conven- para constituir Comisiones n- tions which the Government of ternacionales de Investi acién the United States concluded with V°*· “· P- ”*°· celebro el Gobiemo de los lgstados the Government of Guatemala on Unidos con el Gobiemo de Guate- September 20, 1913, with the mala el 20 de septiembre de 1913, Government of El Salvador on V°‘·’°·¤·*°"· con el Gobiemo de El Salvador August 7 1913, with the Govern- _ el 7 de agosto de 1913, con el ment of Honduras on November Gobiemo de Honduras el 3 de 3, 1913, with the Government of V°*-”·P·*$“· noviembre de 1913; con el Go- Nicaragua on December 17, 1913, biemo de Nicaragua el 17 de and with the Government of diciembre de 1913, y con el Go- Costa Rica on February 13 1914, biemo de Costa Rica el 13 de all relating to the Establishment febrero de 1914, han nombrado of International Commissions of con ese objeto por sus Plenipo- Inqu.i(1iy, have for that purpose, tenciarios: name as their Plenipotentiaries: EL Pnnsmnwrn nn Los Ears- _ 'ham Pmtsmmwr 01¤··mE UNITED Dos UN11>os nn Amtmc.4: STATES or Amnmosz ”···‘¤·*·¤“··*·~ A1 steer Don ensues E. The Honorable chases E. Hugzhses, Secretario de Estado de Hughes, Secretary of State of the os aos mos e. rica. m aso erica: l td Ud dAmé UtedStte fAm'