Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/67

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. SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sus. I.; Gus. 527, 534+536; _1926. 1499 CHAP. 527.-An Act For the relief of Sherman Miles. 7[¤¤¤L RQ»°}”9¤:·] UBe it gvnaeted the Senate grad House of Iggepgesfrimtivles 0; the;:¤;°°°’;°;'m'l ' tates o merica in ongress assem at t e ‘ - ‘°' _°""°“ tary of the Treasury be, and is hereby, authorized and directed to Mliginivb-i¤im·¤¢ to. pa%l out oglpny moriiyl in %e may not othegvise appgogggaog, to ajor erman ies ni tates y esumo ,. in reimbursement of the ’said amount :paid by ’him for the storage: from January 1, 1917 to June 30, 1918 of household eifects and rofessional books used by him when iirst lieutenant, Field Artillery, llnited States Army, military attaché at Sofia, Bulgaria, within his authorized allowance and in the performance of his duties, and necessarily left by him there, because of the exigencies of the World War, when he was ordered to Russia as military attaché and observer. Approved, June 9, 1926. NCHI:§d5?4.-An Act For the relief of the owners of the barge Mcllvaine I%1`¥l°é?i¢iil•i1;0]1 um _ VI 0. Re it enacted by the_Senate and House of. Representatives of the Unzted States of Amenca in Corgress assembled, That the Secretary ,0%, gingzv •¤d of the Treasury be, and he is ereby, authorized and directed to reyuim ze, {or eu- pa , out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated °°°h°" and in full settlement against the Government, the sum o $5.343.29, to Ella M. Fay and John F. Clinton, owners of the barge Mcllvaine Numbered 1, sunk by collision with the United States submarine D-·1, on November 11, 1918. Approved, June 10, 1926. — CHAP. 535.- An Act For the relief of L. W. Burford mxgheilml ' [Private, No. 131.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Comlp- @;°‘§,,B‘;’u"j,',‘§éd in troller Gep¢iralv$e,Ban¢% hg iihereby, directed tx; allloyv credit in t 3 www- account 0 . . ur 0 ormer y receiver 0 u IC moneysan xcilagd agzntéadthe gcnited Etates Land Iggl llqorttle, lo o esumo 66.35 ingteamount` ow y e Comptroller General nmder cértificate of settlement C—971·1—I, April 29, 1924, nmder the apfpropriation " Contingent expenses of land ¢3l;iees," f]o)r1pIaIymeni&:)>1 iiigzwood used in the United States Land oe at e orte, ora 0. Approved, June 10, 1926. CHAP. 536.-An Act For the relief of Annie H. Martin J“?§_1?5%m1 ' Pri ,No. ’. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the [ me ml United States of Amerzba in Congress assembled, That the Secretary $;*;**uge§£,{f¤*“¤· of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to ` pay, out of an money in the Treasuxg not otherwise aqpropriated, to Annie H. Lgartin, of Carson City, evada, the sum 0 $545.02 to enable her to make ayment of a liability incurred by her as acting assayer in charge, States Mint, Carson City, Nevada, for losses in operating on_ ion. Approved, June 10, 1926.