Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/781

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CONVENTION—DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. Jmwn 12, 1924. 2211 it is desired tomake such modifi- referidos derechos, ly calculados cation, the total net customs re- el monto y la clase e los efectos ceiptswould at such altered rates importados 6 cxportados, en cada of duties have been, for each of imo de esos dos anos al tipo de such two years, in excess of the los derechos de imlportacion que sum of $2,000,000 United States se tsretenda estab ecer el neto gold. to de esos derechos de aduana en cada uno de los dos anos, exoede de la cantidad de $2,000,- . 000.00 (dos milliones de pesos) oro Americano. _ III. The Dominican Govern- "III El Gobiemo Dominicano ,°,§’n‘;{‘('g;‘g;‘°”;,{‘,f,;_ °‘ ment and the Government of the {I el Gobiemo de los Estados V<>1·35.v- 1880- United States agree that the nidos convienen en que la Con- Conventioni signe on February vencion firmada en Febrero 8 de 8, 1907, between the_ U°nited 1907, entre la Repfiblica Do- States and the Dominican Re- minicana y los Estados Unidos` public, shall remam in force so permanecera en vigor por todo el ong as any bonds of the issues tiempo en que cualqiuera de los of 1918 and 1922 shall remain bonos emitidos en 1918 y 1922 unpaid, and that the duties of permanezca sin Ragarse, v en que the General Receiver of Domini- os deberes del eceptor General can Customs ayigointed in ac- de las Rentas Aduaneras Domini- cordance with t t Convention canas nombrado de acuerdo con shall be extended to include the esa Convencién seran extendidos application of the revenues glare incluir la aplicacién de pedfed for the service of those 'chas rentas afecta as al servicio on issues in accordance with de esos bonos emitidos bajo los the terms of the Executive Orders términos de las Ordenes Ejecuti- and of the contracts under which vas y de los contratos en virtud the bonds were issued. de los cuales fueron emitidos. IV. This arrangement shall "IV Este convenio tendra “°°“'° ‘°“· take effect after its approval by efecto después de su aprobacion the Senate of the Umted States r el Senado de los Estados and the Congress of the Do- Uiiidosyel Congreso de laRepf1- minican Repub `c. blica Dominicana." DONE in four originals two in Hecho en cuatro originales “‘““°°“'°‘ the English languagle, and two in dos en idioma castellano y dos the Spanish, and t e representa- en idioma inglés, ErmadosA1por tives of the High Contracting los Plenipotenciarios de las tas Powers si%ing them in the Citi Partes contratantes, en la ciudad of Santo omingo, this twelft de Santo Domingo, 6. los doce day of June, nineteen hundred dias del mes de Junio del ano and twenty-four. mil novecientos veinticuatro. [san.] Wumm W. Russnu. [sm;.] Homcro Vasquez [snAL]Homo1o Vasormz [smu.] Fm>°° Vnnésounz Y H. [smu.] Fnn°° Vrznésqmiz Y H. [san.] FnaN° J. Pmmmo , [1] Fn.aN° J. Pmmsno [ssa:.] WILLIAM W. Rvssnu. AND WHEREAS the said convention has been duly ratified on c,,{*,,},f,§‘°“"°°’ °" both parts, and the ratifications of the two Governments were ex- changed in the city of Santo Domingo on the fourth day of De- cember one thousand nine hundred and twenty-Eve; NOW, THEREFORE, be it known that I, Calvin Coolidge, P‘°°"’“‘"°"‘ President of the Umted States of America, have caused the said convention to be made public, to the end that the same and every article and clause thereof mag be observed and fulfilled with good faith by the United States an the citizens thereof.