Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/844

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2274 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UN10N.AU¤m 28, 1924. OOLONIEB et PRO'1'E0’l‘0BATS, of the other FRENCH Con- FRANQAIS de l’INDoon1Nn,- ONIES, GREAT BRITAIN, Pensemble des autres CoLoNms and various Bnrrrsn COLONIES FRANoA1sns, la GRANDE- AND P1wmo1·oRArns, Gannon, BRETAGNE et divers Conoiuns A GUATEMALA, the Rnrunuo or et ’PBO'1'ECTOBA’l‘B 'BRITANNI-· HAm,Y the Rmrunuo or HoN- qrms, la Gnnom, le GUA·n'·:- DUaAs HUNGARY Barnsu IN- uALA, la Ri:rUsuoU1¤d'HAi·r1, DIA, the Imsn Fam STATE la Rnrunuqoz du HoNDUnAs, IonLAND, ITALY, the whole oi la HONGRIE, l’INDn BRITANNI- the ITALIAN CoLoNms (JAPAN, qw, 1’E·rA•r Lmnn d’InLANDm, K01mA, the whole of the other 1'ISLANDE, 1’I·rALm, l’ensemble— JAPANESE DnvNDuNo1ns,LA·r- des CoLoNms ITALIENNES, 1e vm, the Rnrnnuo o1·L1nnn1A, JA1·oN, le Cnosme, l’ensemble LITHUANIA, Loxmnmao, Mo- des autres DEPENDANOES Rocco (except the Spanish JA1>oNA1s1¤s, la LETPONIE, la Zone), Monoooo (Spanish Rfzronuovn de Lrnnnn, la V Zone), Mmxxco, NIOARAGUA, LITHUANIE,16 LUxnunoURo,le NORWAY, Nnw ZEALAND the MARCO (a Pexclusion de la Rnrunuo or PANAMA, I;ARA— Zone Espagnole), le MARCO GUAY, the NETHERLANDS, the (Zone Esp§nole), 1e Mnxr- DUTCH EAs'1‘ Irmms, the qUn, le 1oARAoUA, la Duron COLONIES INAMERICA, Nonvnon la N OUVELLE- _PnRU,Pnns1A,PoLAND,PonrU- ZELANDE, la REPUBLIQUE de GAL, the PoR·rUoUnsn Cono- PANAMA, le PARAGUAY les NIES or AFRICA, the PoR·rU- PAYs-BAs, les INDns Ninn- otmsn Conomns or As1A AND LANDA1sns, les COLONIES OCEANIA, RUMANIA, the Rn- NEEBLANDAIBEB·0D.A.MZER1QUE, ronuo or SAN MAmNo, EL le Pnnou la Pnnsn, la SALvADoR, the SAAR Tnmu- POLOGNE,l’6 PoR·rUoAL, les ·roRY, the KINGDOM or mn COLONIES PoR·rUoA1sns de Smuas, CROA·rs, AND SLOYENES, 1’Ar·RrqUn, les COLONIES thBK1NGDOMOFSIAM,SWEDEN, _POR'1TUGA.ISEB de l’Asm et de SWITZERLAND, CZEQHQSLOVA- POCEANIE, la Roummn, la KIA, Toms, TURKDY theUN·1oN 'BllJPUBLIQUfE" de ST.-MARIN, le or mn Socuusuo Sovrnr Rn- · SALvADoR, le Tnnnrromn de runuos, URUGUAY and the la SARRU, le RoYAUun des UNITEDVSTATEB or VENEZUELA. 4 Smanns, CROATEB et SLOVENES, A le RoYAUun fe Sum, la Smtnn, la Smssn a TOHECOSLOVA• qmn, la 'llumsm la Trmoum, 1’UN1oN des _R£PUB'LIQUEB Sovxnmsrnsj SOCIALISTEB, 1’URUoUAY et les ETA1‘B—UNIS DRVENEZUELA. A §‘,,°,jf§f°,,;,§’f’°*°‘• Les soussignés, vu Particle 4 de The undersigned, in accord- la Convention %ta1e universelle, ance with Artic e 4 of the Uni- conclue A Stoo olm le 28 aotlt versal Postal Convention con- 1924,, ont, fau nom de, leurs cluded at Stockholm on August Administrations respective s, 28, 1924, have, in the name of arreté, d’un‘oornmun accord, les their respective Administrations mesures suivantes pour assurer drawn up, by common consent, Pexécution de Convention. the following measures to assure ` ` the execution of the said Conven- on.