Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/862

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2292 UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION-»A¤b¤sr*28,*1924. ’°”¤· °°°~• "‘“*-:~. A l&>1:muIb..eet?}ett•eh6e.,i form‘»is—attached to —a mm 4i:ed%le lirevetue -tracer,:>For1n I, with aapostge d’un,ati¤ibre-pottevrreptésexitnnt stamp,-srailixed repraeuitmg 4 e la.:taxptd¤;¤·et1ttnité•:selon···lds ehprge.due,`—•ad treated m ae- prescr1§§pm?de·>Uartieler¤44¤,;<1i+ cordance with; the previsiems of 1··»,p.••e. aprés, cette seule exception que, Article 44 hereafter, with the en cas dezllishihutien régulxere sole exceptibxr that, in case of de l’envoi auquel1’avis de réceg- regilar delivery of the article to tion se xzppersteptle 'bureau e w ch the»meh1m-receipt relates, destination retire la formule I et the oiiice of destinatmn with- A reiitnie =--G,i·dhnt? le drawn the Form-Iandretinnsthe vergo:·a>?1t;'e»»d01mnt¤ rempli,;A Form O the has 1’pnglne—§ %l¢§sm1te been=duiy`iilled m,_to.oi·1g1n m eh; §»3.¤is:lfart1e1e4·p1 ent.~ s the manner éev 42 ,— ~· ri. 4 -- J tien3of‘thespreee•ling 'cle. 4 ,,,§'°'*'*°'” °P°“°°‘ 2.-Les dispositions particu- 2. The special pro*vi*si0ns i adnptedebythe Administrations m•,p.m4. trationbeu wsrtu de l’articl•·44 bytvirtue e£·Artic1e;44 hereafter, ei-apréegpourla transmisiendes for the_ transmission oi inquiries réclametmnd 3-d’envois ` = reoomé- for registered articles, are appli- mandés, sont.·dp‘Ylioahles auxsrde- cable to mqueets for return. re- ¤iendes4‘d’avis¤_ qréceptionrfms ceipts made after ¤m¤l6e•pd:térie¤r·e¤nent.aud6}»6t· " · » ‘ , _rgg*g·* ¤¤ MM muvoxs comrum m=.:_uBomzsm- *00LLEO‘I‘ ONFDELIVEBY · ‘ » , E, 4 »ABTICLES.»-.». Cxurrmn Unique Som Cmyrnrzl

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