Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/87

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SIXTYJNINTH CONGRESSn. . sm. 1. cs. cos.- ms. 1519 fo -aixth Regiment New··York.Voluntee1·.Infa1ntry,‘and.0ae—lm- "3‘“°».£‘;“"` °°”"`.‘}?&..S°;°£'£;?‘i}’e£‘“6”°“i V‘§3{"“ K"°°2‘1£‘£‘£i andpay H 0 - permo im `eu . ‘ ISDOWIBOBI . > .= V · Pension. The name of J..B`dl1l8”_;allliB;0£? Ca tain ]`¤uhen’s Company w““""·"""’· B, First Regiment, Third;-Battalion, Capital Guards,. and pa himaipensicn.—attlrerateof$$(f:¤month.· p .» » e , 1 rmomsumma.

‘he.nune·of ow of1Benjamin{L. Kinsey, late. M“”'L‘K“"°"

of Company H, Seventh RBg1m9Dt¤ Infantry, and. pay her a pensioniat rate o£o$5Q·»per month in 1.ieul¤of·that l10‘W·1‘00B1 .*¢ i t w .» _ . . ·1·he;mQ¤”:$.»r Jane at Luugrasage, {mm .-eaew of rem K. ““°"·“"""’°‘*‘~ Bonebrake, late of Company I, Thirty·third_ Regiment Iowa Volun-»· teer·Infanh·y, and payhev apendon atfthe rate of $40 per month in lienofthatshesisnow ~ ·-,;¢ . » 1x_ ;:~ . . ~ 1 _ , pmol . The name of WGS oék,¢1ate telegrapher, Civil W‘“““" W·S"°°"· Wm-, and psy»mm·e» pension at the rate of $50Jper~month» _ . ~ . rmeemxmasee. The name of Hester R. Michael, widow of aeob O. Midiael, late H°"°‘ R·M*°*’*°‘· of F= Seoondltegiment "Haryland Yolnnliger; Infantry and pay hernggnsion at rate of $5ilfper·montl1. m lieu of that she-is — I]O`WP§l .`* ° -` ` ‘:·§» ·- _` The name if Edwina B. Kemp widow of Thomas__E..Kemp, late E‘“"“‘ B· K°”“’· a;1jutant,.Fo¤irth2Beginrent Maryland¥Vo1unteer Infantry and pay her ap pension at the rate of $50 per·month·m lieu of that she» The name of Mar ret E. Haviland, widow of Edgar?. Haviland, 1,,,”’§{""'°‘ L H"* late of Company Secondi Regiment United · tates- Volunteer Cavalry, andpay her a` al:»the;rate of $50.per_month»in‘lieu. ¤m.a¤ueea¤mw»eeeavi`.$g¤ ·· · -·er . - - e· The name of Ma J. Clark, _widow. of :F1·an¤is-Clark, late ef M•”’·°'*'*·

 M,   Umbed*States Arti.l1sK;tmd pay her

a·pgns1e;j.’ab-the rate of»$50*pet inlieu of she is-now`

 g`.·€l-5*   - '-     V TZ . ‘— I ·` ;`. V?.   , Yi ·1  PGDSODE.

The name of John B. Blouse, helpless anddependent son of Jacob. ’°"“ B- B‘°‘“°~ Blouse, hte; bef. hnmdred and Regiment Pennsylvania Draitedl » tu Infantry, ia pension at. the raterof—$%)·permonth·throngh· a· legally apgpomte d . » EH I Bl The name of Eliza J. Blonse,:hel less gd daughter-of “’ ‘ °““‘ Jacob =·Bluase, Tlitesoi and- Regiment Pennsylvania Drafted Militia Infantry, and» pay. herea- pensinn at the rate of $20`per month awlegallyi appointed gP’I‘herna:neof Katherine vwidowof Adelbert B. late K°°°°"°° wu"' of Company B»?iment-Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, payr berapension·atthe;rate·o $30per.month..»{ -».;-L; { ; .5. is ¤ ; C_mE·wm‘ The name of:Ga11·ie E. ¢WldDW’0f’Ol1V0! Miett, lateof Came _ . . pany =B, Regiment. e=Is1and‘Y0lunteer° Heavy Artillery, andp•g.l;¤*:?¢i13s1o¤·attlne-tatezof.$80l£er·1noutb.· .»2 . New B M `?1"he ”e=' ·Ne1lieB.·&&inswo1·th,.lie1 em·aad·depeudent ter. ° ‘ ""°"°‘ of Thomas Ainsworth, late of Company G,;Nindy·eighth ent:

Leith Inhn1a·y,·and·.pay;_her.a:pe1ls1on—at the—rate.0i¢&0

, rv : . ~··· sz:. ..:1 ,:s—m·--;:..;r·· > t::·~:rsz;-$1 J? Psffhazhame ucblary LPHDIWB , fllilcwmflohn H.sHarv!ey,1ate; MW L- K*"°Y- of Company C, Segnsy-fourth &gi.ment Nenr;York» National (luard. _ V A Intauu:y,·uuh a I a§;e¤$bn.1•ate of»;$15.per• month; . r·¤¤¤¤;_;_¤¤¤¤¤.‘

 mhig.; widow.=_of:;Jee•§h Bamhigfhhteofg M"' ""

Gompmy £[,¤!I‘1•enhy·-tlaird··B•g1m•ntvlI1¢h1g¤n e Mltqtoexj. fantry, andxpayher a Upennon amine rate o£·$50?per. month an heu of that,. she is now reoenvmg. ._ —_.» ~