Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 3.djvu/989

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" 'r A til ,1 . PARCEL POSI`-—IR.ISH 1·*aEmls*rA·rE.. 2419 fees, in the case of insured parcels (which must be returned inthe same kind of mailas received), may ~be’collected from the. sender and retained by the country making the collection. V · · *~ 2. The sender of a arcel may request at the time of mailing, that, R°'“‘°“°‘“°’·"’°’· if the arcel can not be delivered as-addressed, it shall be either (a) treated) as abandoned, or (b) tendered for delivery at a second address in the count or destination. No other alternative is ad- missiblei If the senldltri avails himself of this facilityyhis r%€est must appear on the parcel or on- a~Despatch Note or Customs c—· laration attached to or stuck on the parcel and mustbe in conformity with or analogous to oneof the following forms; · 4 " If not deliverable asladdréssed ........... ‘Abandon."’ " If not deliverable as addressed ......... T- ‘l)eliverto ...... .’·” ,3. Except as otherwise provided, undeliverable parcels will ,be Tim°°°°°m°d` . returned to the senders at the €XPi1‘ation of thirty days from the date of receipt at thepost office. of destination, while refused parcels will be returned at once theparcels in each caselto be mai·1;ed]_to show the reason for nondelivery. _ " — { Q " _ _i _ _ · 4. Articles liable to deterioration or corruyition, and these only, ,,,'§,‘°’,;‘,§{’§‘3},,_°’ p°’“"‘ may, however, be sold immediately even on t e outward or return journey, without previous notice or judicial formality for the benefit of the right party- . i _. ‘ -' y X The sum realized._by the sale shall be used in the first place to defray the charges `upon the arcel; any balance which theremay be shall be remitted to the Oigce of Ori in to be paid to the sender, on whom the expense of forwarding it slnall fall. If for any reason a sale is impossible, the spoilt or worthless arti- cles shall be destroyed. The sale or destruction shall be recorded and report made to the country of origin. A i i 5. Undeliverable parcels which the sender has marked "Abandon ’? "b°“°°“°° p“'°°1°‘ ma be sold at auction at the expiration of thirty days, butin case sucli dis osition is made of insured arcels ro r record will be made and the country of origin notifiedjas to the digposition made of the parcels. The country o origin shall also be notified when for any reason an insured parcel which is not delivered is not returned to the country of origin. I · XIX. Customs Charges to be Cancelled C“"°’““ °'”“°‘· Provided .. the formalities prescribed by the customs .aue1ma1e¤ ..§.‘1';.°°‘.}“.:€?§...;’f·..Lf concerned are fulfilled, the customs charges, properly soycalled, on parcels destroyed, sent back to the country o ori ‘in‘or redirected to another cormtry shall be cancelled both in theirish Free State and in the United. States of America. T', ` XX. Retransmission R¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤*¤¤¥¤¤· Missent parcels shall be forwarded (in the same kind of mail as M'”°“°"“'°°1" received) to their destination by themost directroute- at the disposal ofitbe reforwarding Administration only if no charges are to be. allowed to foreign dministratioixs in the parcel bills. » They must . not marked with customs orciother charges bythe reforwarding Administration. Theipartiss‘to:thei(3onvention may, however, ar— _r&11ge through correspondence for. treatment exceptional _-tp this clause in the casey of parcels addressed toany particularcountries. l,_ _ XXI: Receptacles ·’ R¤<>¤v¤¤=1¤¤~ Each Administration shall provide the ba s necessar for the Bm *°.b¤ P*°"d°d despatch of its parcels. The bags shall be regurned emrlty to the md www mm°d`