Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1043

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SEVENTI ETH CONGRESS . SEss. I . CH. 901. 1928 . other services that may be require d and expressly approved by the Vol . 41,p .1409. Secretary of the Interior, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume Freedmen's Hospital 41, part 1, page 1409 .) patients.

78 . Statement relative to patients admitted to Freedmen's Hospital for care and treatment on the payment of such reasonable charges U.S. Code, p.686, therefor as the Secretary of the Interior shall prescribe, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 37, part 1, page 172 ; title 24, section 262, United States Code .) Alaska insane.

79. Report to Congress on advisability of establishing an institu- Vol.43,p. 1181.

tion for the insane within the Territory of Alaska . (Statutes at Tongue River Res . Large, volume 4 3, part 1, page 1181 .) ervation, Mont.

S0. Detailed report of the use of the appropriation of $15,000 Vol. 36, p. 277 .

for encouraging industrial work am ong Indians of the Tongue River Reservation in Montana . (Statutes at Large, volume 36, part 1, Indian hostilities .

page 277 .) R. S., see. 2100, p.366. 81 . Report to Congress of any case of hostilities by any tribe with which the United States has treaty stipulations . (Revised Statutes, section 2100, page 366 .) Indian hospitals.

82 . Detailed report regarding moneys expended in the erection of Vol . 38,p.584 .

hospitals provided for by the Act approved August 1, 1914 . (Stat- Sioux Nation horses. utes at Large, volume 38, part 1, page 584 .) Vol.43, p. 477.

83 . Report to Congress in regard to claims of certain members of the Siou x Nation of Indi ans for d amage oc casioned by the destruct ion of their horses, and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 43, part 1, H eirs of deceased page 477 .) Indians .

84. Report regarding all moneys collected to cover the cost of determining heirs of deceased Indians, and so forth . (Statutes at U. S. Code, p. 716. Large, volume 39, part 1, page 127 ; Statutes at Large, volume 42, Rent of buildings, part 1, page 1185 ; title 25, section 377, United States Code .) etc ., on cap itol 85 . Report to Congress at the beginning of each regular session Grounds enlargement . a detailed statement of the rentals received from the buildings and vacant lands condemned for the enlargement of the Capitol Grounds . U. S. Code, p. 1299. (Statutes at Large, volume 37, part 1, page 605 ; Statutes at Large, volume 41, part 1, page 1291 ; title 40, section 174, United States Surveys, Arizona and Code.) New Mexico reserva- 86 . A detailed statement showing the cost account of all survey tions .

and allotment work of reservations in Arizona and New Mexico . V ol.36,p. 272. (Statutes at Large, volume 36, part 1, page 272 .) Indian tribal funds . 87 . A report by the Secretary of the Treasury of estimates of the amounts of the receipts to tribal funds and expenditures which the Secretary of the Interior recommends to be made for the benefit of th e Indian s, from all trib al funds of Indi ans for the ensu ing fisc al U. S. Code, p. 698. year, a nd so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 39, part 1, page 1 58 ; title 25, section 142, United States Code . ) Ag ricult ural D epart- ment. REP ORTS UNDE R THE DE PARTMENT OF AGRIC ULTURE Yearly expenditures . 88 . Statement of the expenditure of all appropriations for the U. S. Code, p.59. Department of Agriculture for the preceding fiscal year . (Statutes at Large, volume 39, part 1, page 492 ; tit le 5 , sec tion 558, Uni ted Clerks in District of States Code. ) uolumbia . 89 . Statements immediately following estimates of each of the re spective offices , bureau s, and d ivisions of the Department of Agriculture, showing the number of clerks employed under general U. S. Code, p. 1015. ap propriat ions in the Dist rict of Columbia , and so forth . (Statutes at Large, volume 39, part 1, page 492 ; title 31, section 617, United States Code .) sonne mates of all per . 90. Detailed estimates for all executive officers, clerks, and employees below the grade of clerk, indicating the salary or compensation of each, and so forth . (S tatutes at Large , volume 36,