SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. II. CHs. 23, 24, 26. 1928 . of cost of said memo rial, and plans an d specif ications for the l ocation and design of said memorial shall have been approved by the Joint Committee on the Library, with the advice of the National Com- mission of Fine Arts . Approved, December 12 , 1 9 28 . December 12,1928 . CHAP 24-An Act Amending section 764 of Subchapter VII, fraternal
[H . R .10869.] . . beneficial associations, of the Code of Law for the District of Columbia . Be it enacted b y the Senate and House o f Representatives of the District of Columbia United States of America in Congress assembled, That section 764 of cede . Subchapter XII, fraternal beneficial associations, of the Code of Law Fraternal beneficial for the District of Columbia, be amended to read :
as Vol . 31, p. 1316, °
amended . SEC . 764 . THIS LAW NOT TO APPLY TO ASSOCIATIONS FOR PROFIT .- Law not applicable Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to apply to any cor- to associations for f profit, etc. poration, society, order, or association carrying on the business o li fe, healt h, casual ty, or ac cident in surance for profi t or gain , and it shall only apply to fraternal beneficial associations as defined by section 749, and nothing in this subchapter contained shall be con- strued to affect any grand or subordinate lodge or branch of any such fr aternal b eneficial societie s, orders , or ass ociations which li mits its ce rtific ate ho lders to a p articu lar re ligious denom inatio n or t o the employees of a particular town or city, designated firm, business house, or corporation, or department or branch of the United States Government, nor the grand or subordinate lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, nor any grand or subordinate lodge, or other body of Free and Accepted Masons, nor the grand or any subordinate lodge of the Knights of Pythias, nor the National Council or any sub- ordinate council of the Junior Order United American Mechanics, no r the nation al cou ncil o r any subord inate c ouncil of th e Daug hters of America, nor the supreme council of the Knights of Columbus or an y subo rdinat e coun cil th ereof, or si milar o rders, assoc iation s, or so cietie s that do no t have as th eir pr incipal objec t the issuan ce of benefit certificates of membership in case of death or the payment of sick, funeral, or death benefits exceeding in amount $100 ." Approved, December 12, 1928 . CHAP. 26 .-An Act To amend section 8 of an Act entitled "An Act to inc orporate the Howar d Univers ity in th e Distric t of Colu mbia," ap proved March 2, 1867 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That section 8 of an Act entitled " An Act to incorporate the Howard University in the District of Columbia," approved March 2, 1867, be amended to read as follows " SEC . 8 . Annual appropriations are hereby authorized to aid in the construction, development, improvement, and maintenance of the university, no part of which shall be used for religious instruction . The university shall at all times be open to inspection by the Bureau of Education and shall be inspected by the said bureau at least once each year. An annual report making a full exhibit of the affairs of the university shall be presented to Congress each year in the report of the Bure au of Educ ation ." Approved, December 13, 1928 . a 1021 Approval of design . [Public, No . 633 .] Further exceptions . December 13, 1928 . [H. R.279.] [Public, No . 634 .] District of Columbia . Ho ward U nivers ity . Vol . 14 , p .439, amend- ed . An nual appropria- tions authorized for mai ntenan ce, et c . Post, p . 1606. An nual report to Congress .