Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1101

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1050 Attendance at meet- ings. Furniture. Printing and bind- iag. Reimbursement for heating, etc ., Wash- ington City Post Office building . Field service appro- priations not to be used for the Department . Proviso . Traveling expenses of officials payable from service appropriations. Field service . Postmaster General . Equi pmen t sho ps b silding. Cash rewards to em- ployees for inventions for improving the serv- ice . Provisos . Addit ional t o regu lar pay Amount limited . Agreement for Gov- ernment use required . Appropriati on restricted . Shipment of equip- ment, supplies, etc . Travel, etc . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. II. CIi. 39. 1928 . for telep hone s ervice , not exceed ing $1 ,800 ma y be e xpende d for pur- cha se and excha nge of law b ooks, books of refe rence, railw ay gui des, cit y dire ctorie s, and books neces sary t o condu ct the busin ess of the department, and not exceeding $2,000 may be expended for expenses, ex cept memb ershi p fee s, of att endan ce at mee tings or c onven tion s concerned with postal affairs, when incurred on the written authority of the Postmaster General, and not exceeding $800 may be expended for expenses of the purchasing agent and of the solicitor and attor- neys connected with his office while traveling on business of the dep artment. For furniture and filing cabinets, $8,000 . For printing and binding for the Post Office Department, includ- ing all of its bureaus, offices, institutions, and services located in Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $1,165,000 . For reim burse ment of t he Go vernm ent P rint ing O ffice or Capit ol power plant for the cost of furnishing steam for heating and electric current for lighting and power to the Post Office Department Build- ing at Massachusetts Avenue and North Capitol Street, District of Columbia, $47,000 . Appropriations hereinafter made for the field service of the Post Office Department, except as otherwise provided, shall not be expended for any of the purposes hereinbefore provided for on account of the Post Office Department in the District of Columbia Pr ovided , That the actual and necessary expenses of officials and emp loyee s of the Post Offi ce De partm ent and P ostal Serv ice, when traveling on official business, may continue to be paid from the appro- priations for the service in connection with which the travel is per- for med, a nd app ropria tions for th e fisc al year 1930 of the chara cter heretofore used for such purposes shall be available therefor . FIELD SERVICE, POST OrT1CE DEPARTMENT OFFI CE OF PO STMA STER GEN ERAL For gas, electric power, and light, and the repair of machinery, United States Post Office Department equipment shops building, $7,500. The Postmaster General is hereby authorized to pay a cash reward for any inve ntion, su ggestion, or serie s of sugg estions f or an imp rove- ment or economy in device, design, or process applicable to the Postal Service submitted by one or more employees of the Post Office Department or the Postal Service which shall be adopted for use and will clearly effect a material economy or increase efficiency, and for that purpose the sum of $1,500 is hereby appropriated : Provided, That the sums so paid to employees in accordance with this Act shall be in addition to their usual compensation : Provided further, That the total amount paid under the provisions of this Act shall not exceed $1,000 in any month or for any one invention or sugges- tion : Provided further, That no employee shall be paid a reward under this Act until he has properly executed an agreement to the effect that the use by the United States of the invention, suggestion, or series of suggestions made by him shall not form the basis of a further claim of any nature upon the United States by him, his heirs, or assigns : Provided further, That this appropriation shall be avai lable for no other purpo se. For the transportation and delivery of equipment, materials, and supplies for the Post Office Department and Postal Service by freight, express, or motor transportation, and other incidental expenses, $550,000 . For travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, office of the Postmaster General, $1,000 .