Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1124

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESs . II. CHs. 53-55, 58 . 1929 .

1073 to be prescribed by the Postmaster General or not, with the design, intent, or purpos e to kill or in an y wise h urt, harm , or inju re anothe r, or damage, deface, or otherwise injure the mails or other property, shal l be fined not more than $10, 000 or im priso ned not m ore t han twenty years, or both ." Approved, January 11, 1929 . January 11, 1929. CHAP . 54 .-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy, in his discre- _ [ 11 . R. 13404.] - tion, to deliver to the custody of the Louisiana State Museum, of the city of [Public, No . 650.] New Orleans, Louisiana, the silver service set in use on the battleship Louisiana . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the N avy is au thorized, in his d iscretio n, to del iver to t he custod y of the Louisiana State Museum, of the City of New Orleans, Louisi- ana, for preservation and exhibition the silver service set which was in use on the battleship Louisiana : Provided, That no expense shall be incurred by the United States for the delivery of such silver service set . Approved, January 11, 1929 . CHAP. 55 .-Joint Resolution For the relief of the Iowa Tribe of Indians . Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That ju risdic tion b e con- ferred upon the Court of Claims to hear, determine, adjudicate, and render judgment, in the cause now pending in the Court of Claims, Docket Numbered 34677, entitled "The Iowa Tribe of Indians versus the United States of America," referred to said court by the Act of Congress, approved April 28, 1920 (Forty-first Statutes at Large, page 585), in the claim of the Iowa Tribe set forth in paragraph 6 of the amended petition filed in said court February 17, 1925, regard- less of the l imitat ion as to ti me for filing claim s made in sa id Act appro ved A pril 28, 1920 . Approved, January 11, 1929 . " Louisiana," Battle- ship . Silver service used on, to be delivered to Louisiana S tate Mu- seum . Pro vis o . No Federal expense . Ja nuary 11, 1929 . [S. J. Res. 139.] [Pub. Res ., No . 75.] Io wa

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of Indians. Time for filing claims in Court of Claims extended . Vol . 41, p. 585, amend- ed. January 12, 1929 . CHAP. 58.-An Act Providing for the purchase of one thousand one hundred [I3 . R . 11071 .] and twenty-four acres of land, more or less, in the vicinity of Camp Bullis, Texas, [Public, No . 651.] and authorizing an appropriation therefor. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That a sum not to exceed $15,000 is hereby authorized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the pur- chase by voluntary conveyance, or by condem nation proceedings, of one thousand one hundred and twenty-four acres of land, more or less, in the vicinity of and for use in connection with the present milit ary r eserv atio n at Camp Bull is, T exas, and the Secre tary of War is hereby authorized to make such purchase . Approved, January 12, 1929 . Camp Bullis, Tex . Sum authori zed to acquireadditionallands for .