Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1151

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1100 Forei gn Se rvice Buil d- ings fund . Acquisition of build- ings, etc., for Govern- ment u se in for eign countries. Vol . 44, p. 403. U.S. Code, p.1953. Foreign Service re- tirement, etc ., fund. Federal contribution placed to credit of. Vol. 43, p. 144; Vol. 44,p.902. U.S. Code, p.643. U. S. Code, Supp. I, p.113. International obliga- tions, etc . Mexican Water BoundaryCommission . Vol. 24, p. 1011; Vol. 25, p. 1512; Vol. 34, p. 2953 . S EVENTI ETH C ONGRESS . SESS. II . CH. 102. 1929 . eign Service officers, and officers of the United States Court for China in order to adjust their oficial income to the ascertained cost of living at the posts to which they may be assigned, $100,000 . FO REI GN SERVICE BUILDINGS FU ND For the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of the " Foreign Service Building Act, 1926 " (U. S . C ., p . 1953, sec . 295), and for each and every object thereof, including the initial altera- tio ns, re pair, and fu rnishi ng of buildi ngs her etofor e acqu ired u nder spec ific a uthori zation of Co ngress for th e use of the diplo matic and consular establishments in foreign countries, $2,000,000, to remain avai lable until expend ed . FOREIGN S ERVICE R ETIREMENT AND DIS ABILITY F UND For beginning the financing of the liability of the United States, created by the Act entitled " An Act for the reo rgan izat ion and improvement of the Foreign Service of the United States, and for other purposes," approved May 24, 1924 (U . S. -C., p . 643, sec. 21), as amended by the Act of July 3, 1926 (U. S. C., Supp. I, p. 113, sec. 21), $216,000, which amount shall be placed to the credit of the " Foreign Service retirement and disability fund ." IN TERNATI ONAL OB LIGATION S, COMM ISSIONS , BU REAUS, AND SO FO RTH C APE SP ART EL LIGHT, COAST OF MOROCCO Cape Spartel Light . For a nnual prop orti on of the expe nses of Ca pe Sp arte l and Tan- gier Light on the coast of Morocco, including loss by exchange, $434.25. RE SCU ING SHIPWREC IZRD AMERICAN SEAMEN Life saving testimo- For expenses which may be incurred in the acknowledgment of mass.

the services of masters and crews of foreign vessels in rescuing American seamen or citizens from shipwreck or other catastrophe at sea, $2, 000 . INTERNATIONA L BUREAU OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES International Bureau For contribution to the maintenance of the International Bureau of Weights and Meas- ure .

of Weights and Measures, in conformity with the terms of the con- Vol.20,p. 1714.

ventions of May 20, 1875, and October 6, 1921, the same to be paid, under the direction of the Secretary of State, to said bureau on its certificate of apportionment, $4,342 .50 . INTERNATIONAL BUREAU FOR PUBLICATION OF CUSTOMS TARIFFS Int er nat io nal Cu s- toms Tariffs Bureau.

To meet the share of the United States in the annual expense for Vol.26,p.1518.

the year ending March 31, 1930, of sustaining the international bureau at Brussels for the translation and publication of customs tariffs, pursuant to the convention proclaimed December 17, 1890, $1,400. WAT ER BOU NDA RY, UNI TED STATES AND MEXICO For expenses of meeting the obligations of the United States under the treaties of 1884, 1889, 1905, and 1906 between the United States and Mexico, including not to exceed $1,200 for rent of offices, and the expen ses o f ma inten ance and o pera tion of mo tor- prope lled vehicles, installation, maintenance, and operation of gauging sta-