Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1162

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SE VENTI ETH C ONGRESS . SEss . II. CH. 102 . 1929 .

1111 TERRITORIAL COURTS ALASK A : Four judges, at $10,000 each ; four attorneys, at $5,200 each ; four marshals, at $4,200 each ; four clerks, at $4,000 each ; in all, $93,600 . HAWAI I : Chief justice, $10,500 ; two associate justices, at $10,000 each ; in all, $30,500 . For judges of circuit courts, at $7,500 each for the first circuit, and $7,000 each for the second, third, fourth, and fifth circuits, $58,000 . MARSHALS, DISTRICT ATTORNEYS, CL ER KS, AND OT HER EXPENSES OF UNITED STATES COURTS Territorial courts . Alaska . Hawaii . United States courts. Marshals . Salaries, etc . Alaska. For salar ies, fees, and expe nses of U nited Stat es m arsha ls an d their deputies, including services rendered in behalf of the United States or otherwise, services in Alaska in collecting evidence for the United States when so specially directed by the Attorney General, Traveling expenses, traveling expenses, and maintenance, alteration, repair, and opera- etc. tio n of moto r-pro pelle d pa sseng er-ca rryi ng ve hicle s use d in con- nection with the transaction of the official business of the United States marshals, $3,780,000 : Pr ovide d, That there shall be paid Carel of attached ves& hereunder any necessary cost of keeping vessels or other property sels, etc• att ached or libel ed in adm iralt y in such amou nt as the cour t, on petition setting forth the facts under oath, may allow . For salaries of United States district attorneys and expenses, including traveling expenses, of United States district attorneys and their regular assistant s, includ ing the office ex penses of United S tates district attorneys in Alaska, and for salaries of regularly appointed clerks to United States district attorneys for services rendered during vacancy in the office of the United States district attorney, $1,526,000 . For re gular assist ants t o Unit ed Sta tes dis trict attorn eys wh o are appointed by the Attorney General at a fixed annual compensation, $1,223,400. For compensation and traveling expenses of assistants to the cases . ants in special Attorney General and to United States district attorneys employed by the Attorney General to aid in special cases, and for payment of foreign counsel employed by the Attorney General in special cases (such counsel shall not be required to take oath of office as prov ided by s ectio n 36 6, Re vised Stat utes


315), $359, 600 : P rovid ed, That the amount paid as compensation out of the funds herein appropriated to any person employed here- under shall not e xceed $10,00 0. For salar ies of cl erks of U nited Sta tes circu it courts of appea ls and Unite d Stat es dis trict courts , thei r deput ies, a nd oth er ass istant s, travel expenses pursuant to the subsistence expense Act of 1926 (U. S . C ., pp . 1888, 1889, sets . 821-833), and other expenses of con- ducting their respective offices, $1,943,400 . For fees of United States commissioners and other committing magistrates acting under section 1014, Revised Statutes (U .S.C., p . 506, sec . 591), $550,000 . Fees of jurors and witnesses, United States courts : For mileage Jurors and witnesses . Mileage, per diem, and per diems of jurors ; for mileage and per diems of witnesses and etc . vo1.44, p. 323. or per diems in lieu of subsistence

and for payment of the actual

expenses of witnesses, as provided by section 850, Revised Statutes (U . S. C., p . 927, sec . 604), including the expenses, mileage, and per diems of witnesses on behalf of the Government before the United States Customs Court, such payments to be made on the certification of the attorney for the United States and to be conclusive as pro- vided by section 846, Revised Statutes (U . S . C ., p . 924, sec. 577), $3,550,0 00 : Provid ed, That not to exceed $10,000 of this amount Di stric t at torne ys . Salaries, etc . Reg ular assi stan ts . Foreign counsel . Oa th waived . R.S.,sec.366, p.52. U.S. Code, p.346. Proviso. Pay res trict ion . Clerks of courts, et c . Salaries . Travel expenses, etc . Vol.44,p.658. U.S. Code, p . 1888. Commissioners, etc . R.S.,see.1014,p. 189. U.S. Code, p . 506. R.S ., sec . 850, p. 160. U.S. Code, p.927. R.S.,see.846, p. 159. U.S. Code, p. 924. Proviso .