Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1167

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1116 Aircraft in commerce .

AIRCRAFT IN COMM ERCE Services and all eg- penses .

Airc raf t in com merc e : To carry out the provisions of the Act Vol.44,p. 568.

approved May 20, 1926, entitled " An Act to encourage and regulate u. S. Code, p. 2119. the use of aircraft in commerce, and for other purposes " (U . S . C ., pp . 2119-2123, sets . 171-184), including personal services in the District of Columbia (not to exceed $263,210) and elsewhere


in the District of Columbia and elsewhere ; traveling expenses ; contract stenographic reporting services ; fees and mileage of wit- nesses ; purchase of furniture and equipment ; stationery and sup- plies, including medical supplies, typewriting, adding, and computing machines, accessories and repairs ; maintenance, operation, and repair ac esso rrie s, et cirpl anes , of motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicles ; purchase of not to exceed five airplanes, including accessories and spare parts, and maintenance, operation, and repair of airplanes, including acces- sori es and spare parts ; specia l clot hing, wearin g appa rel, a nd sim- ilar equipment for aviation purposes ; purchase of books of refer- ence and periodicals ; newspapers reports, documents, plans, specifi- cations, maps, manuscripts, and all other publications ; and all other Air navi gatio n fa eii- necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $958,000 . ides .

Air-navigation facilities : For the establishment and maintenance Establi shing and of aids to air navigation, iincluding maintaining alas, mail

~, the equipment of additional air routes, etc • mail routes for day and night flying ; the construction of necessary lighting, radio, and other signaling and communicating structures and apparatus ; repairs, alterations, and all expenses of mainte- nance and operation ; investigation, research, and experimentation services in the Dis- to develop and improve aids to air navigation ; for personal services triet, etc. in the District of Columbia and elsewhere (not to exceed $82,540)

Maintenance of air- purc hase , mai ntena nce, oper ation , and rep air o f mot or-p ropel led, planes ' etc,

passen ger-ca rrying vehic les, i ncludi ng thei r exch ange ; m ainten ance, operation, and repair of airplanes, including accessories and spare parts and special clothing, wearing apparel, and suitable equipment sit es, for aviation purposes ; and for the acquisition of the necessary sites use°restricted . b y lease or grant, $5,458,620 : Provided, That no part of this appro- Vol.44,p. 568 .

priation shall be used for any purpose not authorized by the Air Commerce Act of 1926 . Forei gn a nd D omes- tic Commerce Bureau . SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS . II. CH. 102. 1929 . Columbia, and to employ such persons and means as may be neces- sary, traveling and subsistence expenses, purchase and exchange of instruments, technical books, tabulating, duplicating, and other off ice ma chiner y and device s, ren t and all oth er mis cellan eous i tems and necessary expenses not included in the foregoing, $460,000, of which amount not to exceed $85,770 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE Director and office per son nel .

S a la r ie s : For the director and other personal services in the Distri ct of Columb ia, $2 70,220 . Foreign Commerce Service .

For carrying out the provisions of the Act approved March 3, Expenses of .

1927 (U. S . C. Supp . I, pp . 71-72, sees . 197-197f), to establish in Vol.44, p. 1394. U. S. Code, Supp. I, the Bureau of oreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department p. 71 .

of Commerce a Foreign Commerce Service of the United States, Personal services, including personal services in the District of Columbia and else- where, the compensation of a clerk or clerks for each commercial attache at the rate of not to exceed $3,000 per annum for each outside rent . person so emp loyed, rent outsid e the Distric t of C olumbi a, tel ephone service, purchase of furniture and equipment, stationery and sup- plies , typ ewrit ing, addi ng, d upli catin g, an d com puti ng ma chine s, accessori es and re pairs, la w books, books of reference and peri odicals,