Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1243

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS . SESS. II. CH. 227 . 1929 . the sums apportioned to the several States, to be paid quarterly in advance, $720,000 . F it4 ar allotments. Pllsio ents.

To carry into effect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to U. S. Code, p. 115. authorize the more complete endowment of agricultural experiment stations," approved February 24, 1925 (U . S . C., pp . 115-117, sees . 361, Hawaii .

366, 370, 371, 373-376, 380, 382), $2,880,000 . Benefits extended to . To carry into effect the provisions of an Act entitled "An Act to Tee , p.571.

extend the benefits of certain Acts of Congress to the Territory of Hawaii," approved May 16, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp. 571-572), $15,000 . In all, payments to States and Hawaii for agricultural experiment sta tions, $4 ,335,000 . S ALARI ES AND GE NE RAL EXPENSES Administration ex- To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to enforce the provisions PeVols 34, p. 440; Vol. of the Acts approved March 2, 1887 (U . S. C., pp. 115-117, sees. 34' sac de p . 115. 0' U.

362 ) 363 365, 368, 377-379), March 16, 1906 (U . S . C .

115, 116, Ante, p .571 . see . 369, 37), ebruary 2, 1925 (U. S. C., pp. 115-117, sets. 361, 36 6, 370 ) 371, 373-376, 380, 382), and May 16, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp . 571- 572), and Acts amendatory or supplementary thereto, relative to their administration and for the administration of agricultural Te rrito rial and insu - e xperi ment stat ions in Al aska, Haw aii, Porto Ric o, th e isl and of lar possessions . Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, including the employment of clerks, assistants, and other persons in the city of Wa shington and elsew here, fre ight and express charges, official travel- ing expenses, office fixtures, supplies, apparatus, telegraph and tele- Outside rent.

phone service, gas, electric current, and rent outside of the District Annual statement of Columbia, $155,000 ; and the Secretary of Agriculture shall pre- forms . scr ibe th e form of th e annu al fin ancial statem ent re quired under the a bove Acts, asc ertai n whe ther the expen ditur es a re in acco rdan ce with their provisions, coordinate the work of the Department of Agr icultu re wit h that of th e Stat e agri cultura l coll eges a nd exp eri- ment stations in the lines authorized in said Acts, and make report Ma inte nance of ex- thereon to Congress . p eri ment stat ions in To enable the Secretary of Agriculture to establish and maintain Te rrito ries and insu lar possessions. agricultural experiment stations in Alaska, Hawaii, Porto Rico, the island of Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, in- cluding the erection of buildings, the preparation, illustration, and di stributio n of repo rts and b ulletins, and all other ne cessary e xpenses, Allotments .

$247,000, as follows : Alaska, $85,000 ; Hawaii, $45,000 ; Porto Rico, $59,000 ; Guam, $29,000 ; and the Virgin Islands of the United States, Sale of products . $29,000 ; and the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to sell such products as are obtained on the land belonging to the agricultural e xperi ment stat ions in Al aska, Haw aii, Porto Ric o, th e isl and of Guam, and the Virgin Islands of the United States, and the amount obtained from the sale thereof shall be covered into the Treasury of Build ings in Alas ka .

~ the United States as miscellaneous receipts : Provided, That of the ui ld su m here in app ropria ted fo r the experi ment st ations in Al aska $ 8,000 shall be immediately available only for the erection of buildings . In all, salaries and expenses, $402,000 . Total, Office of Experiment Stations, $4,737,000, of which amount services in the Dis- not to exceed $144,900 may be expended for personal services in the tact .

District of Columbia . Extension Service . EXTENSION SERVICE PAYMENTS TO STATES AND HAWAII FOR AGRICULI URAL EXTENSION WORK Co oper ative ltolotments . oat en-

For c oopera tive a gricul tural extens ion wor k, to be all otted, paid, lion work al Vol.3s,p. 372.

and expended in the same manner, upon the same terms and condi- tions, and under the same supervision as the additional appropria-