Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1261

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1210 Reindeer in Alaska . Improving industry, etc . Vol.43,p. 739. U. S. Code, p. 1573. Up per Missi ssippi River Refuge . Acquiring areas for . Vol. 43 pp.650,1354. U.S. Code, p.721. Vol . 43, p. 652. Proviso . Contracts authorized for additional areas. Deemed Federal ob- ligations. Bear River Bird Ref- uge . Acquiring lands, etc ., for establishing of . Ante, p. 448. Balance available. Ante, p. 895 . Proviso. Contracts authorized for additional lands . Deemed Federal ob- ligations . Services in the Dis- trict . Pu blic Roa ds Bu- reau . General expenses. Salaries, suppli es, etc . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . II. Cii. 227.. 1929. of the Department of Agriculture, prohibit the transportation by interstate commerce of game killed in violation of local laws, and for othe r pu rpos es," inc ludi ng a ll n eces sary inv esti gati ons in con- nect ion ther ewit h . For investigations, experiments, and demonstrations for the wel- fare, improvement, and increase of the reindeer industry in Alaska, including the erection of necessary buildings and other structures and cooperation with the Bureau of Education, and for all expenses necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of the Alaska game law, approved January 13, 1925 (U . S . C ., pp . 157 3-15 77, sets . 192-211), $101,000 . In all, s alaries and ex penses , $1,16 3,566 . UPPER MISSISSIPPI RIVER REFUGE For t he acquisitio n of areas of land or land and water pur suant to the Act entitled "An Act to establish the Upper Mississippi River Wild Life and Fish Refuge," approved June 7, 1924 (U . S. C., pp . 437, 438, sees . 721-731), as amended, and for all necessary expenses incident thereto, including the employment of persons and means in the city of Washington and elsewhere, $150,000, which shall be avail- able until expended, being part of the sum of $1,500,000 authorized to be appropriated for such purpose by section 10 of said Act ; and for all necessary expenses of the Secretary of Agriculture authorized by section 9 of said Act, $40,600 ; in all, $190,600 : Provided, That the Secretary of Agriculture may incur obligations and enter into con- tracts for the acquisition of additional areas to an amount which, inclusive of the amounts heretofore and herein appropriated, shall not exceed a total of $1,500,000, and such contracts shall be deemed contractual obligations of the Federal Government . BEAR RIVER MIGRATORY BIRD REFUGE For the establishment of a suitable refuge and feeding and breed- ing grounds for migratory wil d fowl, includ ing the acqui sition of water rights and privately owned lands pursuant to the Act entitled "An Act to establish the Bear River migratory-bird refuge,' ; approved April 23, 1928 (45 Stat ., pp . 448-450), and for all expenses incident thereto, including the employment of persons and means in the District of Columbia and elsewhere, $75,000, being part of the sum of $350,000 authorized to be appropriat ed for such p urpose by section 8 of said Act, together with the unexpended balance of the app ropriation fo r this purpos e contained in the Second D eficiency Act approved May 29, 1928 : Provided, That the Secretary of Agri- culture may incur obligations and enter into contracts for the acqui- sitio n of lands to an amount whi ch, inclusive of amounts e xpended and obligated for this purpose, under existing authority, shall not exceed a total of $50,000, and such contracts shall be deemed contrac- tual obligations of the Federal Government . Total, Bu reau of Biolog ical Survey, $1,429,166, o f which amount not to exceed $245,000 may be expended for departmental personal services in the District of Columbia . BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES For the fol lowi ng e xpen ses, inc ludi ng s alar ies and the empl oyme nt of la bor in the ci ty of Washingt on and elsewh ere, supplies , office fixtures, apparatus, traveling, and all other necessary expenses, for conducting investigations and experiments, and for collating, report-