Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/129

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I . CH. 57. 1928 . Detection and of crimes.

Detection and prosecution of crimes : For the detection and prose- Protection

of crimes again st the Unite d Stat es ; for the protecti on of the Protection of the President . person of the President of the United States ; the acquisition, collec- tion, classification, and preservation of criminal identification records and their exchange with the officials of States, cities, and other insti- tu tio ns ; for such other inv estigatio ns regard ing offi cial matt ers under the control of the Department of Justice and the Department of State as may be directed by the Attorney General ; hire, maintenance, upkee p, and opera tion o f moto r-prop elled p asseng er-car rying vehicl es when necessary ; firearms and ammunition, such stationery and sup- plies for u se at the se at of govern ment or elsew here a s the Attorn ey Gener al may direc t, inc luding not t o excee d $10, 000 fo r taxi cab hi re to be used exclusively for the purposes set forth in this paragraph Trav eli ng exp ens es . and to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General ; Services in the Dis ° traveling expenses ; including not to exceed $210,000 for personal trict. Director, Bureau of services in the District of Columbia, and including a Director of the Investigation .

Bureau of Inve stigation at not exc eeding $7,500 per annum, $2,250,000 . EXAMINATION OF JUDICIAL OFFICES Examination of judi- cial offices . Examination of judicial offices : For the investigation of the official acts, records, and accounts of marshals, attorneys, and clerks of the United States courts and Territorial courts, and United States com- missioners, for which purpose all the official papers, records, and dockets of said officers, without exception, shall be examined by the acts, rc or Investigating official agents of the Attorney General at any time ;; and also, when requested re cor ds, co urt offcers, etc .

by the presiding judge, the official acts, records, and accounts of referees and trustees of such courts ; for copying, in the District of Services in the Dis . Columbia or elsewhere, reports of examiners at folio rates ; traveling trict . expenses ; and including not to exceed $49,500 for personal services in the District of Columbia ; in all, $164,000 : to be expended under the direction of the Attorney General. Enforcing antitrust laws . Enforcement of antitrust laws : For the enforcement of antitrust laws, including experts at such rates of compensation as may be a uthor ized or a pprov ed by the Atto rney Gener al, inclu ding not to exceed $55,000 for personal services in the District of Columbia, $200,000. Enforcing interstate commerce laws .

Enforcemen t of Acts to regulate commerce : For salary and Vol. 24, p. 379; 36, p. Vol 34, p. 584; Vol .

expenses of assistant to the Solicitor General in representing the 539, Vol.37,p.701; Vol. Government in all matters arising under the Act entitled "An Act 38, p. 219; Vol . .10,,p7, as amended, 43,pp .793,801 ;Vol .44, p.1446. t~ t~ including traveling ex1 enses 7 to be exhended under the direction of the Attorney General, including not to exceed $9,900 for salaries of employees in the District of Columbia . $10,500 . PUEBLO LA NDS BOARD Pueblo Lands Board . Expenses of .

Pue blo La nds Bo ard : For expenses of the Pueblo Lands Board, Vol.43,p. 636. including compensation for member appointed by the President of the United S tates, an d for cle rical ass istants, interpret ers, surv eyors, tra nslato rs, an d sten ograph ers, r ental of quar ters, travel expen ses, fees of witnesses, telephone and telegraph service, including the mai ntena nce and o perat ion of a passe nger -carr ying motor veh icle, $33,000.