Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1366

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . II. Ca. 331 . 1929 .

1315 west corner of the southeast quarter section 26 ; thence westerly to c ees~cription .-Con- the southwest corner of the southeast quarter southwest quarter sec- tion 26 ; thence southerly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter southwest quarter section 35 ; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 35 ; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 35, all in township 44 north, range 116 west ; thence westerly to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter section 2, township 43 north, range .116 west ; thence southerly on mid-section lines of sections 2, 11, and 14, to the northwest corner of the south- east quarter section 14 ; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter southeast quarter section 14 ; thence southerly on east quarter-quarter section lines of sections 14, 23, 26, and 35, all in township 43 north, range 116 west, to the right bank of South Fork Snake River ; thence westerly along said bank to its intersection with the north line of township 42 north, range 116 west ; thence westerly along said township line to the northwest corner of said township ; thence southerly along the west line of said township to its intersec- tion with the main hydrog raphic divide immediately south of Granite Canyon ; thence southwesterly along said divide to its intersection with the main hydrographic divide formed by the crest of the Teton Mountains ; thence north erly along sa id divide, be tween the head - waters of Moose Creek and Granite Canyon, Fox Creek, and Open C anyon, Dirby Creek and Death Canyon , Tet on Cre ek and Tagga rt and Glacier Creeks, Leigh Creek and Leigh Canyon, Badger Creek and Moran Canyon, to a point where said divide intersects the main hydrographic divide immediately south and southeast of Webb (Moose) Canyon ; thence northeasterly along the last-mentioned div ide to its in tersect ion wi th the project ed eas t . quarter-quarter sec- tion line of what will probably be when surveyed section 7, township 46 north, range 115 west ; thence southerly along said line to the northwest corner of the southeast quarter southeast quarter section 7 ; thence westerly to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter southeast quarter section 7 ; thence southerly on projected mid- section lines of probable sections 7, 18, 19, and 30, to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter section 30 ; thence westerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter northwest quarter section 30 ; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter southwest quarter section 30 ; thence westerly to the southwest corner of the northwest quarter southwest quarter section 30, all of town- ship 46 north, range 115 west ; thence southerly on projected west line of said township and the west line of township 45 north, range 115 west, to the southwest corner of section 6, township 45 north, range 115 west ; thence westerly on projected north line of what will probably be when surveyed, section 12, township 45 north, range 116 west, to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter northwest quarter section 12 ; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter northwest quarter section 12 ; thence westerly to the southeast corner of the southwest quarter northwest quarter prob- able section 11 ; thence southerly to the northeast corner of the south- west quarter southwest quarter section 11 ; thence westerly to the northwest corner of the southwest quarter southwest quarter section 11 ; thence southerly on projected west lines of probable sections 11 and 14 to the southwest corner of said section 14 ; thence easterly to the northeast corner of the northwest quarter northwest quarter probable section 23 ; thence southerly to the southeast corner of the northwest quarter northwest quarter section 23 ; thence easterly to the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter section 23 ; then southerly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter northeast quarter section 23 ; thence easterly to the southeast