Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/139

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CH. 57. 1928 . Outside rent. Ser vices in the Dis- trict . Bringing ho me re- mains of o ffic ers d ying abroad. Transportation of families and effects . Paying officer s, etc., for expenses in going or returning to posts . Proviso . Restriction on using foreign vessels. Expenses of attend- ing at meetings, etc ., authorized . repairs, books of reference and periodicals, reports, documents, plans, specifications, manuscripts, and all other public ations, rent out side of the District of Columbia, travel ing and subsisten ce expenses of o fficers and empl oyees, a nd all o ther inci dental e xpenses not incl uded in the for ego in g, to enable the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce to collect and compile information regarding the restrictions and regulati ons of t rade imp osed by f oreign c ountries , $50,00 0, of wh ich amount not to exceed $49,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia . Tra nsportat ion and intermen t of rem ains of officers and emp loyees For defraying the expenses of transporting the remains of officers and employees of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce who may die abroad or in transit, while in the discharge of their official duties, to their former homes in this country for interment, and for the ordinary expenses of such interment at their post or at home, $1,500 . Transportation of families and effects of officers and employees To pay t he itemi zed and verified statemen ts of th e actual and nec es- sary expenses of transportation and subsistence, under such regula- tions as the Secretary of Commerce may prescribe, of families and effects of officers and emp loyees of the Bureau of For eign and Dom est ic Commerce in go ing to and returning f rom their posts, or when traveling under the order of the Secretary of Commerce, $50,000 : Provided, That no part of said sum shall be paid for trans- portation on foreign vessels without a certificate from the Secretary of Commerce that there are no American vessels on which such officers and clerks may be transported at rates not in excess of those charged by forei gn vesse ls . Appropriations herein ma de for the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce shall be available for expenses of attendance at meet ings conc erne d wi th the prom otio n of for eign and dom esti c commerce, or either, and also expenses of illustrating the work of the bureau by showing of maps, charts, and graphs at such meetings, when incurred on the written authority of the Secretary of Commerce . Census Bureau.

BURE AU OF THE CENSUS Direc tor, and off ice

Salari es : For the director and ot her personal services in the personnel.

District of Columbia in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, $1,010,000 . Col lecting informa- Collecting statistics : For securing information for census reports, tion for reports.

provi ded for by law, semimonthly reports of cotton product ion, Cott on and tobac co. periodical reports of stocks of baled cotton in the United States and of the domestic and foreign consumption of cotton ; quarterly reports of tobacco ; per diem compensation of special agents and expenses of same and of detailed employees, whether employed in Washington, vital statistics . District of Columbia, or elsewhere ; the cost of transcribing State, municipal, and other records ; temporary rental of quarters outside of the District of Columbia ; for supervising special agents, and em- ploym ent by them of such tempora ry service as may be neces sary Tobacco statistics . in collecting the statistics required by law, including $15,000 for collecting tobacco statistics authorized by law in addition to any other fund available therefor, and including not to exceed $5,000 for the employment by contract of personal services for the preparation Provisos .

of monographs on census subjects : Provided, That the compensation Pay restriction,

of not to exceed ten special agents provided for in this paragraph may be fixed at a rate not to exceed $8 per day, $875,000, of which Services in the Dis- amount not to exceed $350,000 may be expended for personal services trict .

in the Di stri ct of Co lumb ia i nclu ding tem pora ry e mplo yees who Temporary em- ployees .

may be appointed under the civil-service rules at per diem rates to