Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1650

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1599 Department of the Interior, dated May 21, 1924, and payments here- tofore made to said corporation toward purchase of said electric transmission line under the contract hereinbefore referred to by sup- plyi ng su rplus elec tric ener gy pr oduc ed by the Gove rnmen t hyd ro- electric plant are hereby authorized and confirmed ; in all, $412,360 : Provided, That the unexpended balance of the appropriation of Campground faeili- $65 000 for t he con struct ion of water suppl y and c amp gr ound f acili- ties at Glacier Point . h

Balance available . ties at Glacier Point contained in the Interior Department Appro- Ante, p.236. priation Act for the fiscal year 1929 shall remain available until June 30, 1930 .

Zion, Utah . Zion National Park, Utah : For administration, protection, and maintenance, including not exceeding $2,000 for the purchase, main- tenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connec- tion with gene ral p ark work, $28, 500 ; f or con struct ion of physi cal impr oveme nts, $9,80 0, i nclud ing n ot e xceed ing $6,500 for the con- struction of buildings, of which $5,000 shall be available for an employee's cottage ; in all, $38,300 . Na ti on al m on um en ts : Fo r admi nistra tion, protec tion, mainte nance, mgist ion al moms « preservation, and improvement of the national monuments, including Administration,etc. not exceeding $550 for the maintenance, operation, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the cus- todians and employees in connection with general monument work, and including $5,000 for the construction of two employees' quarters at Petrified Forest National Monument, $1,000 for an addition to employees' quarters at Montezuma Castle National Monument, and $2,500 for an employee's residence at Tumacacori National Monu- ment, and $2,500 for an employee's residence at Chaco Canyon National Monument, $46,000 . Carlsbad Cave National Monument, New Mexico : For adminis- MO:rlsbaa cane rv. tration, protection, maintenance, development and preservation, incl udin g not exce edin g $80 0 for the main tenan ce, o pera tion, and repair of motor-driven passenger-carrying vehicles for the use of the superintendent and employees in connection with general monu- ment work, $59,500 ; for construction of physical improvements, $40 .500 including not exceeding $1,500 for an addition to the office building, $4,000 for a power house, $12,000 for additional water supply and water storage, $12,000 for a sewage disposal plant, and $500 for a garage to be constructed in Carlsbad, New Mexico ; in all, Pr oriso. $100,000 : Provided, That the Secretary of the Interior is authorized Acceptance of site for to accept that certain parcel of land in the town of Carlsbad, New

'ntendent's resi- dence . which has been tendered to the United States of America in fee simple, as a donation, for the site of superintendent's residence, and the appropriation of $5 000 for the construction of a su p eri n-

236 . . ~

Ante, p . 236 tendent's residence, contained in the Interior Department Appropri- atio n Act for th e fisc al yea r 1929 shall remain avail able u ntil J une 30, 1930. To enable the Secretary of the Interior to carry out the provisions moth Cave, nd Great of the Act entitled "An Act for the securing of lands in the southern smoky Mountain Appalachian Mountains and in the Mammoth Cave regions of Ken- PEstablishmentoft tucky for perpetual preservation as national parks," approved Feb- 44°pp, sib, 63958


ruary 21, 1925 (43 Stat ., pp . 958-959), the Act entitled "An Act to U. S. Code, p. 1936. provide for the establishment of the Shenandoah National Park in the Stat e of Virg inia and the G reat Smok y Mou ntain Nati onal Park in the States of North Carolina and Tennessee, and for other pur- poses," approved May 22 , 19 26 (U. S. C., p. 1936, sec. 403), and the Act entitled "An Act to provide for the establishment of the Mam- moth Cave National Park in the State of Kentucky, and for other purposes," approved May 25, 1926 (U . S . C ., p. 1936, see, 404), includ-