Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1701

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SEVENTIETH C ONGRESS. SEss . II. CH. 707. 1929 . Shipment of equip- ment, supp lies, etc . Transportation of equipment : For an additional amount for the transportation and delivery of equipment, materials, and supplies for the . Post Office Department and Postal Service by freight, express, or motor transportation, and other incidental expenses, fiscal year 1929, $75,000 . Chief Insp ector 's Of -

OrriCE OF CHIFF INSPECTOR fice . Payment of rewards . Payment of rewards : For an additional amount~ ,for payment of rewards, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year 1928, $1,000 . First Assi stant Post - master General .

OFF ICE OF FI RST ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Postmasters. Compensation to postmasters : For an additional amount for com- pens ation to post mast ers, and for all owan ces for rent , li ght, fue l, a nd equipment to postmasters of the fourth class, fiscal year 1929, $1,2 50,00 0 . Special delivery fees .

Special Delivery Fees : For an additional amount for fees to spec ial-d eliv ery mess enge rs, fisc al y ear 1929 , $7 50,0 00 . Sec ond Assistan t Postmaster General . Railroad routes . Railroad transportation and mail-messenger service : For an addi- tional amount for inland transportation by railroad routes and for mail-messenger service, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the, Post Office Railway Mail Serv- Department for the fiscal year 1929, $15,000 . 000 . ice .

Railway Mail Service, salaries : For an additional amount for "Railway Mail Service, salaries, 1929," $250,000 . Contract air service . Contract air mail service : For an additional amount for the inland transportation of mail by aircraft, under contract, including the same objects specified under this head in the act making appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year 1929, $1,000,000 . Foreign mails . Foreign-mail transportation : For an additional amount for for- eign-mail transportation for the fiscal year 1930, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year 1930, $3,400,000 . Fo urth Ass ist ant Postmaster General .

Or r ICE OF THE FOURTH ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL Rural Delivery Serv- ice . Rural Delivery Service : For an additional amount for the Rural Delivery Service for the fiscal year 1929, including the same objects specified under this head in the Act making appropriations for the Post Office Department for the fiscal year 1929, $250,000 . Department of State .

DEPARTMENT OF STATE Secretary's Office .

SECRETARY'S OrrICE Transfer •f et in m- - griations When specifically approved by the Secretary of State, transfers crea ses in to meet eompensa- may be made between the appropriations for the Department of tiou from reallocation . State in the Act making appropriations for the Department of State for the fiscal year 1929, in order to meet increases in compensation resulting from the reallocation by the Personnel Classification Board of positions under such department . Any such transfers shall be reported to Congress in the annual Budget . Orfr ICE OF SECOND ASSISTANT POSTMASTER GENERAL