Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1774

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INDEX. Baltimore, Md., 1'- . appropriation for poet oflice, eto.; re- placiDc ~nt structure___ 1'18,I()U deJlcleJ:icy appropriaUon for,~ tiOD riatioD. ooD8truetion_______ 917 for poet office, e~., constructloD____ 919 , for iDariDe hoepbal______ :._________ 1666 BoKb, officers, etc., of, not prohibited from 1Mtr'YiDs as officers, etc., of two· other 6aoks, baokiog iDlUtUtioDl &n-w ~~ ,r,tes-------,, - - --203 appropriation for fulfiTIinlt treaty with.... l:a ~ Marie RON Jean, sum authorised to pay, mother of Andre Neleon, killed b~ Marine Corp. enliated man 10 Haiti____ 14:77 Bar"",." Bwha, appropriation for desttoyiDc, etc., or!g- loating veptabletuatapozes_ 661, 1201 Barku, det1c1eilcy appropriation for lovefti.. sa.~ FUIuiuJD bliPt, etc., affect~--------------------- 1635 Barnhill, F. C., may bridge Missouri River, at ArrotI time ~~Ji~or-bri(i8i~g--M~ 156 Rive!l at Arrow Rock, Mo., by_ lli36 Bcirroc1:a (1M ..,uarler., Army, appropriation for. ooDltruatlon, maiD- te n an ~ etc_______________ 336,1358 watereupply, roada, wharves, etc__ ~::s outside rent for work OIl mobiUu- tion of industrial orga.nisationa, eeaential to war-time needa_____ 1358

rent of o1!ices, etc., for military

attach6a __________________ 335, 1368 amount for fuel immediately avail- able______________________ 835, 1358 Te:,:00:58, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~_~: 335 "Castle," Fort Niagara, N. Y ., re- pail'll; additional from private con~1butioDB_________________ '335 deficiency appropriation for _________ 49, 9_~.l ... 1619, l~ &reze.ille, Ol:lcz., ... , appropriation for acquiring eite and tlI'eCting public building at..._ ___ 178 terms of court at___________________ 1518 BIJlket8 Jor F~, etc., Round, StaI1~ BM Splint (.ee COntainers ior Fruita and Vegetables), BBtavia,IU., deficiency appropriation for publio building at___________________ _ 32 Bath, N. Y ., deficiency appropriation for Volunteer SOldiers' camp_______________ 1668 acceptance authorized of title, etc., to State cam}) for veter&DI at, by . Board of Managers of Volunteer Soldiers' Bome_______________ 768 to become branch of National Home for Disat'ed Volunteer Soldiers_ 768 of cemetery to be maintained as a nation~ cemetery_____________ 758 Bathing Pooz" D. C ., appropriation for public pIaygrounds_ 659, 1275 double salary restriction not appli- cable to superintendent ot. __ 65 9, 1275 54835°-29-n 1-112 BGUrinq Poor., D. C. - Contloued. deficJeaoy. appl'ODriatiQlllor oomp1et1ng BatAing ~o;r~~:0;;--.--:--- 893 ooDltruction, etc.• of" a1RllCllUeCl by Director of Public Parka, etc.._ _ 1'12 buil~!:'~~-~~,-~?-~-~ 1412 limit of 00IIt; IUDlI provided.___ ____ 1412 contlol, I eto., may be traDlferred to the Commisaioners, or retamed by the ~r______________ 1'12 fees .autboriJled; to credit of the ~ct_____________________ 1412 Baton Rouge, LG. - bridge . authorized acn.a Miuiuippl River, at.._______ _____________ 130 time ~ded for bridging Mlaiaippi Ri~,at~____________________ 1093 patent to LouillaDa State University of fonner Army barracka at, ap- proved and coDfirmed_________ 595 Saint .,JOIIIIph'. 'Roman Catholio Church, for. tract efland in Oar- rison.Grounds at____ .: ___ ___ _ _ portion of national cemetery, conveyed to city for publio street_______ _ Baton Rout/I-MiMui pi ~ COlA " 751 768 " may bridge M:t:fppl River~M;:: time ~:~To;bri~-,diMi;.ppi 130 • River,M BatonRo., r.a., by _ 1093 B~,B~ ,. deficleney &rJproprI'ation for tnuJ.cript of teStimOny in case of United ~CrTarmstroBot (talk)---------------- deficiency appropriation for public BGttle F!u~~u-,;----------------- OUi appropriation. for IIUI'Vey of AtlaDta, Ga"andKeaeaaw!dountain:. __ 1377 for survey of Revolutionary War___ 1377 defici8DKrn appJlOpriatiOD for eurvey of p MouataiD,B. C_________ 929 rDi1eage of. dIi~ andtraVeliDg ex- pen-. Of ClvWana, IocldeDt to lI1l1'Vey.; etc., . of, payable from . appro~tiOD8 therefor,;. ___ __ __ 249 BoItle Fwu. of Kinp Mountain, 8. C ., oommialion ....ted:. to iJapect and re- port OIl feuibility Of :pNllerVing and marldDIJ__ _______________ 412 Battle Mon.umMlt8Corramiuion, AtrMr'Uan, appropriaticm for expeD8t'8 of___ • __ 574, 1231 BattlS Mountain BGnitGrium, Hot. Spring., S. DtJ1c., . appropriation for Volunteer Soldi8rll' 1I0mwa____ ~ _______________ 36 ~ 1384 deficiency appro...Priation for Volunteer SOldiers' Home_________ 39,930, UI67 Batt~O~rli:. l~~_~~ 1668 War, deficiencr.appropriation for tablet at Lititz. Pa. to mark burial place . of Revoiutionary soldiers wounded at~ __ :. ________ ~_·____ 1666 21 sum authorisedhn- tablet at Litits, Pa., the burial place of .American sol- diers wounded iIi______________ 718 site to be acquired by Utita________ 718 design to be work ·of American artiat_ 718 Battle 01 C01JJ'pmI, S. C., acqwrement by gift of land to erect monument to commemorate___ 1568