Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1792

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INDEX. xli C~ontinued.


appropriation for eradicating southern cattle tiCD; I'eIltriction _____ 546,1197 deficiency appropriation for inspection and :lt~rantlne work__________ 12 for refun dutles on dOJDeltic, re- crolllliq.ooundary____________ 30 duties remitted on, straying acroaa boundary line, admitted under bond from April 1,1927, to the present time_ ______________ __ _ 401 bond for, to be canceled___________ 402 provisions for humane treatment of, ex- ported, extended to hol'lleli, mules, &BBeB, sheePI goat. and swine__ 789 owner of v8BBe1 VIolating, may be pro- hibited from carrying cattle, etc., for a prescribed period. __ _ __ __ _ 790 clearance of v8BBe1 to be refused_ _ 790 Cattle Ticb, Southern, appropriation for eradicating, etc___ 546,1197 restrictlon on use of materials etc _______________________ 54~ 1197 demonstrations at fairs, etc____ 546,1197 Caumc PoiBon Act, Federal, appropriation for enforcing, etc____ 567, 1210 Cavalry School, Fort Riley, Kans., appropriation for instruction ex- penses ____________________ 345,1366 deficiency appropriation for salaries, etc., 1929____________________ 1690 Cauite, P. I., appropriation for naval station, tele- phoneline ___________________ 1464 deficiency appropriation for Naval Sta- tion, ammunition storage facili- ties_ _ _ _________ ____ ______ ___ 908 Cedar Bluff, Ala., bridge authorized across Coosa River at.________________________ 288,754 Cedar Point Bridge Company, may bridge Sandusky Bay in Sandusky, Ohio________________________ 1162 Cedar Rapids, Iowa, deficiency appropriation for public building at___________________ 1657 Cement, etc., appropriation for investigating struc- tural materials 01. __ _ __ _ __ _ _ 91,1121 Cemeteriu in EuroIJe, American (.ee also American Cemeteries in Europe), provisions for pilgrimages of mothers and widows of American forces who died during the World War, and are buried therein_________ 1508 Cemeteries, National (Bee National Ceme- teries). Cen8US Bureau, Department oJ Commerce, appropriation for Director, and office personneL __ __ __ _____ _______ _ 88 for collecting statistics; cotton, to- bacco________________________ 88 for special agents, etc______________ 88 temporary employees, allowed leaves of absence______________ 88 attendance at meetinp concerned with collecting statistics, etc___ 89 for tabulating machines, etc_ _______ 89 for salaries and expenses, Fifteenth Census______________________ 89 available until June 30, 1932_____ 89 for salaries, and expenses for prepar- ing, etc., the Fifteenth Census_ _ 1119 rent, employees, etc.__ ____ ____ __ 1119 CfJnBU8 Bureau, ~rtment oJ Com- :p.... m...ce - -:.contmued. appropriation for salaries, etc.; leaves of absence for temporary em- ployees______________________ 1119 compensation, etc., of special agents_______________________ 1119 motor vehicle allowance for em- ployees______________________ 1119 attendance at meetinp, etc______ 1119 contingent expenses, typewriters, tabulating machines, etc_______ 1120 printing anti binding____________ 1120 purchase of supplies, etc_________ 1120 discretionary suspension of other work during decennial period___ 1120 deficiency appropriation for expenses, census of agricultUl'e..__________ 15 for collecting statistiCII.. _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ 46 for expenses of Fourteenth Census_ 46, 933, 1617 for salaries, 1929, under____________ 1679 Census, Fifteenth, appropnation for salaries and expenses for taking, etc______________ 89,1119 available until June 30, 1932_____ 89 rent, equipment, etc___________ 89,1119 Centennial Bridge Compt!ny, The, may bridge Missouri River, at Liberty Center M=t~' r.,o-:.--------------- 154 appropriation for operation and man- agement of________________ 563,1215 deficiency appropriation for continuing operation of__________________ 1609 Center Point, Ky., bridge authorized acroaa Cumberland Ftiver,at_____________________ 614 time extended for bridging Cumberland Ftiver, at____________________ 1500 Centervilk, Utah, lands granted ~ for water supply____ 453 Central Avenue NJ!i., D. C., appropriation for paving, etc., Brent- wood Road to Myrtle Avenue; from gasoline tax fund.._ ____ _ 1271 Central Citll, Nebr., deficiency appropriation for public building_____________________ 32 Central DUpensarll and Emerflenctl HOB- pital, D. C., appropriation for care of indigent patientB __________________ 674,1291 deficiency appropriation for _________ 10,892 for, fiscal years 1928 and 1929_____ 1631 Central Pacific Railway Company, conveyances by, from land grant lands in San Joaquin County,legalized.. 1428 list of. _ _ ___________ _____________ 1428 track, etc., not diminished _________ 1429 adverse possession not by Railway Company, not legalized, etc____ 1429 mineral deposits reserved_ _________ 1429 Central Powers oJ Europe, War with (8ee also World War), appropriation for preparing, etc., naval records of_________________ 642,1470 Cereal BetJerages,

repeal of tax on, under Revenue Tax of

1926________________________ 868 Cereal Plants, appropriation for investigating insects affecting __________________ 558, 1208