Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1801

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I INDEX. COGat Guard Acodemu--Continued. acquiring lite without eost, in New London, Conn., for____________ 1189 CODIItruction and equipment of build- iDa thereon________"_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ 1189 amount authorized for_____________ 1189 COO4t Guard Cutter, (.u oleo Coast Guard Veuels) appropriation for com~letion of two_ _ 171 for commencinc construction of three_ · 172 for completing three______________ 1037 for commencing construction of one_ 1037 deficiency appropriation for repairs__ 48, 1618.! 1622, 167~ Ccxut Ouo.rd, TrllG3Ury DeJ!!lrlment, appropriation for civilian pereonnek Office of COmmandanL ____ 1 "10,1036 draftsmen, etc., may be paid from "RI;p'ai~ .to Coast Guard vee- sels i..liImt- ______________ 171,1036 for pay, allowances, etc., officers, ca- dets, enlisted men, etc______ 171, 1036 for fuel and water______________ 171,1036 fOllhipstores1eto ______________ 171,1036 for repairs of ouildings, etc______ 171, 1036 for traveling expenses, recruiting, eto________________________ 171, 1036 for draft animals; coastal communi- cation lines, etc_____________ l71, 1037 for completing two cutters_________ 171 for commencing construction of three cutters, equipment, etc________ 172 limitation, contracts, etc_ ________ 172 for completing three cutters________ 1037 for commencing construction of one cutter_______________________ 1037 limitation; contracts authorized_ _ 1037 for repairs to vesseIs.. ___ __ ___ __ _ 172,1037 for establishing new station________ 172 deficiency approprlation for stations, repairs, etc___________________ 31 for mileage and expenses___________ 31 for coastal communication lines_____ 31 for expenses______ 42,44,48, 93S, 937, 1618 1622, 1671. 1674 for repairs to cutters _________ 48, 935, 1618 . 162~ 1672 for additional vessels _____________ 48,935 for death gratuities________________ 915 for repairs to vessels___________ 1622,1671 for transfer from Weather Bureau funds_______________________ 1633 for seaplanes and their equipment__ 1654 for mileage, etc___________________ 1654 for Coast Guard Academy ___ ___ ____ 1654 for salaries, 1929__________________ 1688 allowances to beneficiaries of officers and enlisted m"n dying in service_ 710 additional dependent relatives made beneficiaries__________________ 710 payment directed_______________ 711 cutter "Bear" donated to Oakland, Calif., for museum, etc_ _______ 1145 commissioned personnel of, rearranged_ 1533 temporary officers t not above lieuten- ants, to be aetermined by the ~dent____________________ 1533 engineer officers to be promoted as of the line____________________ 1533 vacancy at bottom of, to reduce number, and add one to the line_ 1534 computations to exclude officers car- ried as additional numbers_____ 1534 escort to be furnished officers or en- listed men dying in the service__ 1534 I COGst Guard, Treaaurll Department-Con. ~. no pay, etc., reduction hereby________ 1534 monthly base pay of warrant oflicers of, modified_____________________ 1187 retired officers and enlisted men to have treatment at Public Health has- pi~,etc____________________ ~03 retired officers Qf, serving on acti\'e dutv during World War, to be credited therefor in longevity pal etc___ 433 Itation authorized on Pacific &ast at mouth of Quillayute River, VVash_______________________ 1156 Ccxut Guard Ves.ela, appropriation for repairs, etc______ 172,1037 Coaat Pilot, appropriation for compiling, etc_____ 96,1127 Coaater. Harbor Island R. I . appropriation for Naval War Col- lege______________________ 628,1456 Cochrane, Ala., bridge authorized across Tombigbee River, at_____________________ 754 Coco Solo Naval Air Station, Canal Zone, appropriation for improvements ___ 636, 1464 deficiency appropriation for public works_______________________ 25 COfX) Solo Naval Submarine Baas, Canal Zone, appropriation for improving water front________________________ 636 Code 0/ the Laws of the United States, preparation and pUblication of Supple- ment to, authorized___________ 1007 Code 0/ LaW8 o/the United States and of the Di8trict 0/ Columbia, publication of Supplement I of the Code as part of Statutes at Large, dispensed with_________ 1540 in slip or pamphletformA or in Statutes at Large, of the \;Odes1• supple- ments, etc., may be aispensed with________________________ 1540 number of the volumes may be cur- tailed; for depository libraries, and for sale continued_________ 154;0 printing and distribution of supple- ments to Codes, may be dis- pensedwith__________________ 1540 one supplement for each Congress to be printed and distributed_____ 1540 preparation and publication under Uouse Committee on Revision of Laws,authorized___________ 1541 supplements for each session to cur- rent edition of Code___________ 1541 codification of perma.nent laws relat- in~ to DiRtrict of Columbia_____ 1541 to be designated "The Code of the District of Columbia"_________ 1541 supplements to current edition for each session___ ___ ________ __ __ 1541 new editions of both Codes, once in five years;. distribution_ _______ 1541 acceptance in all courts, States, etc., that the .matter in current edition of the Code and current supple- ment, establish, prima facie, the laws then in force _________ ~___ 1541 Code of the District and current supplement, establish, prima facie, the laws relating to the Dis- trict then in force, except provi- sions in general laws relating thereto______________________ 1541