Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1846

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INDEX. ri,,..,.. BureG'1.t DeparifMftC 01 C"".. Pal' 1II4II"Ot--U)ntiDueci. appropriation for fiah hatchery, B&nr.- ~ lVyo___________________ 99 NorthYme, Mich.. ________ .. ___ _ 99, 1129 f(\r transfer of Bryans Point atation to Fun Humphre~. VL_______ 99 for biologicalltation, Beaufori, N. C. 99 for ~Dp &.bert______________ 100, 1130 for .AIUIta, pnenl aervioe; proWlct- iDs ..J . fImeriee; food to Dativea, eWL_________________________ 1130 for MMUlippi wild life aud fiah reI- up; equipment, etc________ 100,1130 for power vElllel .. local tender for Pribilol I.Jand8, Aluka fiaheriea_ 1130 defienc~ appropriation for Boothbay Harbor. Me., power v~eL____ 16 for fieh hatchery, Springville, Utah_ 16 for miacellaneoua exp8nae1_ u uu 46, 1671 for Dew distribution CAr____________ 897 for food fishes inquiry _____________ 898 for fish cultural station, Lake Worth, Tes_________________________ 898 for salaries, 1929, under___________ 1680 FUMrUa Commiuion, Iflterf&alional HGli- but, appropriation for expell8e8 __________ 28, 1106 Fuheriu, Salmon (aee Alaska Fisheries). FiJchburp, Mcu/l., appropriation for public building______ 1042 deficiency appropriation for public buildbig at___________________ 920 FittJflflfYlld, Ga., bridge authorized ac1"Oll8 Ocmulgee River, at_____________________ -i03 time extended for bridgin« Ocmu1gee River,at_____________________ 1447 FiUmovrit:e, Ja"".. C ., distinguishedflying C1"Ol8 to bepreeented to Ehrenfried Gunther von Huenefeld, Herman Koehl, and, for fint; alrpiane nonetop flight from Europe to North Ainerica_ 482 Firle Cirliliud Tn"- oJ lradimal, 0&., appropriation for expenaea 01 attorne~ etc., in probate matters elf< restricted allotieel, etc______ ,1567 for expenaea, aeIling tribal property,. from pr00eed8 _____________ 206,1568 aegrepted Choctaw and Chickasaw coal and asphalt Janda Included etc_______________________ 206, 1568 for final settlement of aftaira of_____ 206 for tribal school8; allotments desic. nated_____________________ 21 ~ 1577 for per capita, etc., payments equal- ization of allotments, etc____ 223, 1684 payments authoriRd from tribal funds to desi«nated officials_ 224, 1585 for expell8e8 of attorneys, etc_ ___ 224, 1585 deficiency appropriation for equalizing Chickasaw allotments of freed- men_________________________ 1617 for administration of atraira_ ___ 1671, 1673 detailed report of all expenditures from appropriations for IUpport, to be submitted annually ________ 221,1583 restricted lands of each Indian, in excess of 160 acres, lubject to State taxation, after April 26, 1931._ _ 733 owner to select exempted tract_ _ ___ 733 selection by Superintendent, on failure oflndian,orifowner a minor, etc_ 733 • FiN Civili.led Tribea 0/ I~. Ol:la.- Continued. restricted landa of each 1ndIaD; d_g - Dated laDclafllUlDPt from tua. tion "hUe title remain8 in the Indian .___ ________ _______ ___ 734 Hmitation of esemption perlod.. _ __ 734 tax eumptioD DOt to _ceed 180 acn.________________________ 734 restrictioD agalnat; alienation, Mo., of allotment. to members of one- half or more Indian blood, further extended_ _____________ 495 removal authorised UPOD application of ownen, etc________________ "VI provlsiona for removin« re.trictiona on death of allotteea, contlnued.. __ · 495 from homeateada 01 decedent al- Provlsi~!To; =-;ip~p;,;ti-bY 495 will CC':ltinued until April 26, 1968________________________ t96 minerals .produced from restricted al- lotted I&Dda of lubject to tau. - tioD after APril 26, 1I~31_______ 496 p&YJI181lt 01, from funda of individual indian own..________________ 496 restricted 1ancIa In eKCeII of 160 acres, lubject to State taxation after April 26, 1931._______________ '96 selection by OWDel', of tract to be certified &I exempt____________ "" by luperintendent OD fallure of owner, or if legally incompetent_ 491 dellpated ucla uem~ from tua. tion, _hUe title remaiDe in ~e:, ~eiDpuoii-Hmi~=::::: not over 160 aerfII e:rempt ______ _ DO reltrictiODl rei.mpoeed, nor taxatiOD eumpted, by thfs Act_________ 491 Superintendent of, piaoed under civil aervioe ruJee, etc______________ 1583 time ext.ended for mt!1l suits in Court of Claims, of Clieroteee _______ 1229 ~Ino~________________________ 1230 ~ka___________________________ 1230 Choctaws and Chickasaws__________ 1230 unexpended balance 01 appropriation, for costs in suits of Indian allottees, covered in___________ 215 for equalizing allotmenta, Creek ~en____________________ 215 for Cherokee Orphan Training SChool______________________ 215 FI44/ltal, An •.• defiClency appropriation for Indian telephone line to Kayenta from.. 1638 Flatldreau, S. Dczl:., . appropriatioD for Indian School at__ 259, 1580 Flathead Agency, Mom., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at_____________ 222, 1571, 1584 Flathead Indian RumIation, Mom., appropriation for continuin« conatruc- tion, irrigation IYstems on___ 212, 1574 use of power plant allotment for distributin«lystem_________ 212, 1574 licenses for developing power, etc., authorized; rentals to credit of Reservation Indians___________ 213 public Dotice of permit requests_ _ 213