Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1850

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INDEX. xcix I'or. 8ertlice-Continued. p ..... appropriation for boundary line,Alaaka andCanada ________________ 70,1101 for marking Canadian bounl:lary __ 70, 1101 for executing provisions of Canadian Boundary Treaty Act of 1926_ 70,1101 for IntematioDal Prison Commiuion_ 711 110 for Pan American UniOD _________ 71, 1102 for Bureau, Permanent Court of Arbi- ~n ____________________ 71,1102 for Interpartiamentary Union for In- . terDational Arbitration ______ 71,1102 for International Commiaaion on Tables of Constants, etc _____ 71,1102 for Internat.ional Inst.itute f/. Agri- culture ____________________ 72, 1102 for International Railway Congretl8__ 7~.t 11w for Pan American Sanitary Bureau_ 72, 1103 for International Office of Public Health __________________ • _ 72, 1103 for International Radiotelegraphio COnvention ________________ 72,1103 for Inter-American High Commie- sion________ .. __ __ __ _ __ __ _ __ 72, 1103 for Canadian Boundary Waters Joint COmmission ________________ 72,1103 for expenditures by Geological 8ur- vey_________________________ 1103 for expenditures by Agricultural De- paltment____________________ 1104 for JMl.yment to Panama__________ 73, 1104 for International Research Coun- CU ________________ : _______ 7~ 1104 for International Hydrographio Bu- reau ______________________ 73,1104 for foreign hospital, Cape ToWD ___ 73,1104 for International Trade Mark Bureau at Habana. _________________ 73,1104 for I~=01:10, 25 September 2010 (UTC)01:10, 25 September 2010 (UTC)TarmstroBot (talk) 01:10, 25 September 2010 (UTC)4, 1105 for German-American Mixed Claims COmmission _______________ 74,1105 Tripartite Austria and Hungary Cbima COmmission _________ 74,1105 for Mexican Mixed Claima COmmia- 80n_______________________ 7~ 1105 for Gorgas Memorial Laboratory____ 1106 for International Halibut Fisheries COmmission ________________ 75,1106 for International Institute for Pro- tect.ion of Childhood__________ 1106 for International Statistical Insti- tute ______________________ 75,1106 for Joint Commission on use of waters of Rio Grande, etc__________ 75,1106 for International Road Congresses_ 75, 1107 for International Map of the World Bureau _________ .. ____ ___ ___ 75,1107 for International Exposition, Seville, Spain________________________ 75 for statue of Henry Clay, for pres- entation to Venezuela_ __ _______ 76 for United States Court for China_ 76, 1107 for consular prisons, etc _________ 76,1107 for bringing home criminals______ 76,1107 minor purchases services, etc., with- out advertising _____________ 76, 1107 rent restriction _______________ 76,1107 for expenses of American gr:oup of the Interparliamentary Union__ 976 deficiency appropriation for contingent expenses, consulates___________ 27, 48, 937, 1618, 1622 Poreign 8eroie~ontinued. PI,P, deficienoy appropriation for contingent expenses, missions _____ 27,42,48,1671 for transportation_ ___ ________ __ ___ 27, 42, 48, 934 1618, 1651 for bringing home remains of officer:! dying abroad_______________ 27, 1611 for Foreign Service Bullding!' Fund_ 27, 1612 for consular bullding, Amoy, China; 28 reappropriation______________ _ for Mexican water Boundary Com-

miBslon rea.ppropriation__ 28, 1612, 1622

for bringing home criminals from abroad______________________ 913 for International Radiotelegraphic Conventions _______________ 28, 1612 for Canadian Boundary Waters Com- mission _____________________ 28, 911 transfer to Agricultural Depart- ment________________________ 911 for Canadian Boundary Waters COm- mission~929----------------- for Halibut .l'isheries COmmission __ _ for expenses of prisons____________ _ for consular prisons, available for 1651 28 29 Morocco and Ethiopia_________ 1612 for Joint Commission on Equitable Use of Waters of Rio Grande___ 29 TarmstroBot (talk)!~~_~!__~~tTarmstroBot (talk) 01:10, 25 September 2010 (UTC)i~~_~~ 29 for Etelka BelL__________________ 29 for Edith L. Bickford______________ 29 for Agnes W. Wilcox______________ 29 for ambassadors and ministers_ _____ 48 for char~s d'affaires ad interim_____ 48, 911,1611 for Diplomatio secretarles__________ 48 for clerks at embassies and legations_ 48 for interyreters to embassies and lagatlons________ .. __ ___ __ __ __ _ for immigration of aliens__________ _ for relief and protection of American 48 48 ae&Dlen ____________________ 48,1618 for salaries of offieers ____________ 48,1618 for instruction and transit pay_____ 48 for post allowances________________ 48 for Cape Spartel, etc'J.lighL ____ 911, 1651 for statue of General tsimon Bolivar__ 911 for indemnity to China for death of Chang Lin and Tong Huan yah_____________ _____ ________ 911 for indemnityto Dominican RepUblic, for death of Juan Soriano______ 911 for indemnity to China for injuries to Sun Jui-Chin________________ 911 for indemnity to Great Britain for dcath of Edwin Tucker________ 911 for indemnity to the Netherlands for injuries to Arend Kamp and Francis Gort_________________ 912 for payment to Great Britain in ree- ~i!TarmstroBot (talk) 01:10, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~~iTarmstroBot (talk) _~f_ ~:l:i~~ for indemnity to Great Britain for death of Reginald Ethelbert !4yrie ______________________ _ for indemnity to China for death of VVang Erh-lCo _______________ _ for reimbursing Great Britain for services of Reverend F. North to Americans in Russia _______ _ for Gorgas !4emorial Laboratory, contribution ________________ _ 912 912 1651 912 912