Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1860

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JNDEX. o.'g, Rog~. ,clA,k8,.~uic"""nial COM .1'.... tIIs.tftmt-Continued. . ...;. ptoVisiona for memorial! st· Vincennes, ,, bd.l~ commemorating winning old l'jorthwest, etc., to be con- 8truoted.by______ ..i"'..: ___ ..; __ ~__ . 723 G,org' WGl1ai"~BiI:fe1lUdl Commiliion;': . deficiency a'p~~tian!Or' general ex- penae!I, fUlids.a.ailable _____ .: . __ 888 George "W I111lIi,.qfon ;~ Uniueraitll HoapiiaZ, . D. C., .'.: appropriation for care .of ind~ent ,patient&____ :.,. _______________ " t}74 GeM'ge Waahi~-WalceJjeld MmnoriGi Bridt/"

time extended for bridglng PQtomac ' River, from ,DabllP"'n, Va., to Popes er.ek, Md., b.y __ __ _ _ 115,1322 G-IlUovm, Del., deficiency appropriation: for publio building at. ________ __________1658 G_getmim UniHfo8'it71 iloapital,D. C., appropriation for care of indigent patients_ ___________________ _ 674 deficiency a~p~riatJon for __ - : _ __ ~' 892,1631 G-fria, , " advances authorized. to farmers and , ,fruit growers fu 8to~ and flood '&,tricken areas, of, toP\l1"c~e Seed, feed" and fertilizer lor . crop of 1929_______________ ~__ 1306 may aeqwre, atter completion; 'bridge , , &Cl"08S "A,ltamaha River, at 'Towna Ferry_________________ 961 Ocmulgee River, at Fitzgerald.. ____ 403 may bridge Savannah River at Burton's Fe~------------------~----' 751 time extended for bridging Chatta- ' hoochee River, at Alaga, Ala., by Alabama aneL_______________ 309 Georgia Allen~ NW., D. C., " appropriation for -'paving, etc.,' Fern Street to District lfue; from psoline'tax fund_____________ .652 GllI'1nGn 87J«ial Dflpoftl ~ocoum (.fJ6 aUo, , Settlement< of Wat' Claims Act of 1928), . oreated in the Treasury______________ 260 sources of_____________ ,-- _ - -- - -- -- - - 260 payments directed from ___ • __ ______ _ 260 (JeI'f.1l(lRlI (aee aUQ Settlement of War Claims Act of 1928), appr~~ion for;~baBsador to_. __ ._ 66,.1096 ' •. for MIXed Claims Comm188Ion, United States and __________ 74,1105 deficiencY. approp~ti?n for Mixed " Claims CO~Ion, expell888___ 913 payment to,' for heir.a of deceased German ~tiona1a, who lost their liv~ while serving 88 lM!&lDeD in American vessels ____ • _ __ .~___ ,414 pro_ona for aettlemellt of awards by Mixed" Claims CommiSBiOIl of , claims of Americans against_ _ 264-~56 by War Claims Arbiter, of claimaof 'nationals of" against United ,States ___ •• __ _ __ • _____ ___ ~: 256-260 Gtrrry, Elbridg, T., .; law librarYQf, the gift of Senator Peter (}. ,~y, may: be aooep~ for , 'United States Supre~Court_ _ 457 GettyaWrg N"'i9nal JliliWry PfloTJc,," , 'appropriation,for continuing establish- ment of. __ ._. __ __ __ __ __ __ 356,1376 OObonl, James Cardinal, i'U6. erection' ,01 .,memorial~ldatue ot, 0Ii deelanateci reB8\"Qta.n ill District of COlum,bi&, auth~rized:_,-~~-~,..." ~ apptoval Of delip~y')~ of . ,~ne ~ ....... _..i't ...----.j.-,.. .. -..____4l14 .. ,,' su~on of erectIoD. _______ . _. __ 454 no Government expell88_________ .. " 45t Gila aM $a", Pr~ ~~ etc." ,~) " ,


F4i*,~~I..PfliJ"~::-~, __t~l1 " fu n ,tlTarmstroBot (talk):·~rl<;l J;jIpoJ;ro eecon~-~in::iecJjjmit¥cii~~cf ,tgg ,., com ., silb1~ tQ ~ppro~1ij 1>t ~h. , 'tUte'ft"'d'CQn' "" ,1517 Gila Riv~, Ariz., ~i" ~'i"~:-c?-' defi~cy app~.' fpr CooUc1ge , Dam, can'yon oL_. _ __ •• .;_.:~ 18,1639 disposal, authonzedotbrWe' ~, in San Carlos Apache'Reaeri'a- '" tiona ~____ • ____ ' ___~. __••_~ 973 ,surveys, etl!.; autb:orlze4.tQ;·~ ernlihe' , methods of ~ng, and iii tita.'rie8, .. above· San Ca110e ~rvolr, for . irrigation, etc.,' in lNeW"Mexioo . and JUizo~ ________ ~________ 739 sum authorized from reclamation' fund __ • __ l..Jl.I_..!.::L.,;;,;_~_. __ ;.;_ _ ,739 equal amount from Iooal ao\lroeB_ _ 739 Gila River Indian Reservation, 'Ari,;;' , appropriation for irrigation system... .", lands of~ Indians___ .:.~.>~lO, 1673 deficiency appropriation fIX'diversion > dam_____ .... _____ "'_. _____ .. __ 46, 934 for irrigation project; repayment_;. . 47, 1617 Gilberta Ferry, A!tJ;t !, ',.,,". bridge authoriZed aeroaiI Coosa' Riwr at ______________________ :,.:~- 1526 Girard Placs NE. D:C; . - '," .." ' appropHation fcir ...;:;t,.. ..., etC~~" ,'. , ,'fifth Streetto~illts.. Avt;~ue; , , from ~line tax fund _____ .. : _ _ 1271 for, etc:;' 'StXth.~' '.'f~eventh Streets; from ga&Olin~ tll;t f\md_ 654 for l1aving, ~,~i: ,,.-enth ' io ,Twelfth Btree~; fiPm psoline taxt'und_ 654 Glacier N~;r..~qMIl!'J:.. '; " approprla~ici.n for.~~oDer____ • 79,1110 for admini8tratl,o.n . etc__________ ,233; 1596 for physical iin~femen~.~tc..... --~ 1596 for" commipiTarmstroBot (talk)8; !TarmstroBot (talk) 01:12, 25 September 2010 (UTC) ;e,~ other bUil~,.~.-.,.,,~~--,.,.:'I-- 1596 fo~ rpada, ,etc~~-.--,_:"'~i--"-~~i"':_~~-"'-:' 1601 deficIe~cy approp~~onJQr-,..--- .. , .. -- 46 for ~y ~Q~tion, ·apd ", f!PtinS t~t:~~-~----7;rr-' 1644 GlaaqoU!, ,YORI., ."" ,;' , , bndge 'authorized.acro. MiIIaoUrl mver , at_______ ~ __ _ __ ~ __ __ _ .'~·_~ __ 111,,471 Gllllla" , ..' ".', " apPl'9priation 10riDv~Ip~~,pro~ lems in ptoduction of optIcal and , otber,~ypee ol__ ~+ __ ._",_~ _ _ 92, ~122 Glaa8~ Pa., i.' -:.,


, ,. bridge a~thorized '1i.Qf9~; ,r4AAQ~aJ¥lla . ,JU,ver, betw:.,n ,~n and. __ 288 Globe, Ariz.,' ,. " C"'! " deficiency appropriation fQrpubllo . blJildingat__ ~~,.- __ _ .::_ .. _,_ _ _ __ _ ,33 G~,MIil,8B.; ,:".:, ' , deficiency appropriation for __________ 1658