Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1899

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cxlviii INDEX. J~LG.. . time extended tor bridging Black River. at_.~~ ___ ~ __________________ _ .p.... 75 JOaepMOr,a'"c.~ .. . may b~ . . , " pi RiVel', atBett4p1- . doff, owa___________________ 7159 time exten4ed torbrfdalna MfaUdppl , JiUver ~t ~ttenaorl, Iowa, by _ 1512 Judge .A~~'~'a.iliCe, NGt1fl.' 8PPropriatioJi tQi' ciVUTao pe1'8OnneI,

Navy Department.:..:. •• __ __ __ __

'642 ,deficienoy app'ro.p..tio~ 1 for eivillan ,',TarmstroBot (talk) 01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC),-~~-~~.:': 1648 ,fudgfJ AdvocatfJ GtmfJf'til'a OJ/ia. Wor ~,.,~.' .... ,8PPropriatlonfor ciVilian ~_ a26, 1349 fou..rl!s,patent.~e~t ~uitt... 326, . ;"'"",', .. ,.' ,"" 1349 , for eTarmstroBot (talk)tin•. pt!(ndilo.. of , settlement' of War 'Cl&iu:uJAct-_ 13152 . ' 'deficiency: appro.p~. tor ael~nt ,of,:w.... \Cli.I~,Mt.19~ UP. __ , Q25 Judgu, U.W8taH1tC".,.,.,;, " ' ,::..ppropii.ationJor 8upre~e COurt Jus- -: tiIM..:;,;-"' ..... ;.-.,-....- ..... _- .. _... ,--7~, 1109 . : foreirouit. __________________ ..... 79,1110 for,diatrlct __ .:_.;-'__ ... _.... __ .. __ ~ __ • 79,1110 for_ind.;,;;:...... ....: . __ ...... _: ._ H . .. . . . 7~ 1110 .' fo~.~_01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~~t~81, 1112 , :'defic1enc1 appropriation,foe. iItIlreMed 20 '., «Rn~fion,·SnpreDl8 Couzi_" for~eo~Dof.uit, >.1 . . diatrict, ~.retilW":.;. • .l _"j,, ___ _ for ", oompfInaatiQaJ;ec.n of " ,CuitdlDa'4pPeaJa.. ___ w,;.; ... ... _.. __ 20 20 . for lnCreued compensatiODt Covt of ~......:J~._~""'...;. .....~ .........._ .. _._:.. 20 for~~_~.;._.;_.;. .. ~ __ • .; ___ ~_ 1610, 16415 resiping.ol; permitted alw.lP9Ciled - . ye&nI of service. to have: .pay . aontilluecLi:..:. ·....._J _ . _ ~ ... ;,;_.·_ .. _ 1423 retiring from:'ft~ Mtive .moo ',wi.,...,;.'..;·... ,~ .: __'_______ .______ 1423 ~~=,:l!01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~ 1423 addition&l judge authorised when·inca- , .JlMlltated.JudIe, ·entitled. to ft- ','.' tire dOlB·n01; cfo.a __ '-' - __ -' __ __ _ 1423 retirin«, Or~W,:to be held .. J.· unior to remain1na fudpa_____ 1423 ienior to &ppOiDt oburt olIe.ia1a in cue it ~~o~~en~aPP;,b;ied:.. ;;; Ij23 , ,~Oawi8d by death, etc., of ,reUred, Ol" l'esipe«L ____ .;_ ___ __ 1423 sixth clroultto bav&lour__________ ~__ 492 J1MW1rlfJflIa, •t' f 1 .: deficien!'Y appropna Ion or pay ng, DIstrIct 01 Columbia_ ___ 11, 893, 1632 , for paying, United Statee courts_____ 39, , 931, 1615, 1669 for paying, Court 01 Claims ___ ~ __ ._ _ _ 4~ . 932, 16115, 167u Judit:iol CtHU, . ' amended;eeCtfon L_________________ 52, 1081, 1317, 1317, 1319, 1344, 1409, 1422 sectioaV!L;-~_____ ________ _______ 1424 section 80________________________ 427 section 98.; _____________ .-------.·- 495 section 101._ __________ __________ _ lIS18 ~ion 108.___ ________ _________ __ 747 section 110_______________________ 1345 JudiCUU Ccdt-Continued. Pap• amended, aection 116________________ 134& seeticm,118__________ 492,1081,1347,1414 section 1'16_______________________ 1347 section 128__ '- ______________ ______ 422 section 177_______________________ 877 section 224_______________________ 424 sectioI). 260_______________________ 1423 ~Qn 279 _______ . . ; _______________ 1145 Judicia'E~~, appropriatiollll tor_______________ , - 79,1109 JtJlicial Ojfiura, appropriation for books, etc., for____ 81, 1112 deficiency appropriation for law books for__ ~ _______________ 21,21,006,934 Judicial OflicU, etc., , aI?propriatlon tor 8Xpe1lll8S of fnveeti- gating by Department of Justice_ 78, nOD Jundioft 'Citt/, KG"'., 'appropriation for public building____ _ defi<;iency appropriation for publio . ." butldlDg. _______ ..; ______ ~ ___ _ _ J'II.1U(IU, Aldak, appropriation for Federal and Terri- 'torial buildiDsi. GOIt lncreued_ 1042 921 177, 1042 a8lary' of rt!ldster 01 land office at_____ 684 Jurora, UnitecI Sl.tJtu Coun., appropriation tor mileage, and per diems _____________________ 81,1111 deficiency 'approprtatlonfor .....; ._ .. _ __ _ _ _ 4~ 934,1617, 16b service and .Jieturn of write of venire faQiaa to, by' JDa1'fJhal; .to_ _____ 1145 by r$gi.tere«i mail to party__ _______ 1145 receipt of pel'lJOD addre8led re- 'garded ___ ___ ____ __ 11415 tranatel"of ~ teee, 1928, to appro- · priation fOr feea4lt, 1928_~_____ 1610 Jury CommiaaiontJra, UTlited 8I.tJtfJa COUf'e., appropriation for COInpenll&tion____ 81,1112 ./t'atu:u 01 Uae Peooe, . deficielic;yappro~lon for fees, acting . .·'COiimiIaionerl __________ 21,1610 JUllmilfl Coun, ·D. C ., . appropriation lor'8a1ariea.; __ ___ __ _ 669,1286 for niiaoellaneoua ______________ 669, 1286 for contingent expenses_________ 669, 128& · advances for returning, etc., at>- lIOOndinIProbatione1il ______ 669,1289 J'UlJenile Frmemal :Act, D. C., fraternal benefit lIOOieiiee may provide for fniunmoe or annuities upon Dvee ofolill<il-en at any age_____ 953 · branchee authorized, etc_______ :._ __ 953 basis ot contributlons____________ . :___ 953 standard reaerverequtred____________ 953 powers to enlorctl payments ot Con- · ¥butlons, designate beneficia- nea, ·etc__________________ ____ 953 K. K Street SB., D. C ., ' appropriation for ~viD«, etc., Twelfth to Fourteenth8treetsj from gas- ollne tax fund___ .: ___________ _ Kaibab AgSftC#~, Art.., '. appropriation for npport, etc., of In- dians at_,;.,__________________ _ Kaibab badiafJ ~ Ariz., appropriation tOft maintenance of road =~~::l_01:19, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~:~~ immediately avallable____ • __ _ __ _ 1272 222 225 401