Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1905

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cliv INDEX. z.a- VolcGnic NatioflGl Park, Calif. - Pap. . C~tlnuecL . lands lidded to, tdr admfnfstrative head- ~18~____________________ 466 pI!ol'k. provision. appllcable__ ________ 466 W&tel' Po... Act provisions llot ex- teDded teL___________________ 466 &c:'Ceptanoe' Of title to lands within, val- uable for forest, or reereatioD&1 purpoees-------T- - -- - -- .- -- - -- 1443 other lands may be given in exchange 1443 timber lD!'f be aUcnved in exchange; CO~- ___L______________ 1443 accepted ~ added to the Park___ 1443 boundaries of, Dioditled.:,., ____________ 1081 deacriptloilof ne1f; fo~er lan ex- tended to added lailCk_________l082 Water Power Act not applicable____ 108~ excbauge otlaadaauthOlUed for eddi- tiollto___ ~ __________ ... ________ 644 prominent mountain in, to be ~ ! ., l lelltlyDaDl4!d in honor JOhn E. llaker, 4eceued Member:' of CO~---------------~---- 371 Latin Atnm'iaI, . appropria$iOD ;for pPeDIIII 1JIOIIIOf.Ing ClQQUlJerc8 with_____ .-' _.... w;..: 86, 1117 Latvia, 1AtItiMJ. aftd B~ .' appropriati~or miniBter to,..______ 65, 1096 LcvcferlWe CouaIr,·AlcL. '. . bridp authOIized acl'Ol!8 Elk RiveJ:, be- .. ..,een~ne County pd___ 109 Lcughl'" 1".".:.{t, '. . zeappointed &.Begent of. SmithlolWm In.titution______________ ._ _ _ _ 1146 Lctoft 8_ (.M G~). .' . Lcflll'mc.'ttillllmidolpA CofjftUat, Arl., .' 'may ~_~,_TarmstroBot (talk) 01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_~:.TarmstroBot (talk) 1093 .at Imboden______________________ 1093 Lmt1r1l'Mlf, Kcma., .'.. .• ;. . , approlLriAtion fOr ~o ~___ 179, 1042 , for HaiikeU InatitU~ XncBati8chooi . at_______ .; ______ . _ __ -'.:.: ____ 217,1578 . deficiency apprOpriatkmfQt. Haskell .' Iriftltlite'JDdIAn 8Chol)hL~_-___901, "."',. . . 1610, 1640 I.aiDrem» lJI;r.,c NB" ]); C., . . . apprO~n foiP&vbrg, ete;t Twelfth . to ;Fo~th Streets; nom gu. otlile tufund::_______________ 653 for VVtr!:~ eu,.• 'l'~ to Twelfth ,from 'luoUne tax fund_ 1271 for paving, etc.• F'Qurteenth ~ Seven- ' BtrtWita; from psoUne tax fund_, . _ __ _ _ ._~_ .--- .. ~----- 1271 , for pavin" ·etc.,Twenty-iecond . Stroettp ~h Dakot. Avenue; . .. fri).a .bi I 01 1b e' .' taX fund.________ 1271 £morencebur7,ilL' '. . . bridge' au~~ 8erolal MiaIDi'!Uver, . between CoI~bia fark and_ __ 394 Law. 01 tAl Diamiit Of Cof~mlM~ dellcieney approPrfatfon' for. $Dploy- ,Lawton, Oklo" . terms· Of Clourt at___________________ _ Lazaro, Ladi4laa, lace G RepruentatilJe if!. COngT'"IJ, . dellcie~o~Et01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC)_TarmstroBot (talk)_TarmstroBot (talk)_ ~ La'Zear, J_ W., name placed on yellow fever honor roll, . and pretented with gold medal _ Lazear, Mabel H. (1Didoto), appropri"tion f~ monthly paymenta to Lead ArlJenateIJ, Pqe. Hil8 1409 353, 1374 appl'QPriation for preventing a&Ie, etc. of adulterated ________ ~ __ .. _ 6 0 0 . 1218 LeadvilU, Colo., appropriation for fish cultural station auxiliary to; reappropriation_ 98, 112t lAirJ Hopper, . approp::!=TarmstroBot (talk):::'X~-C!-01:20, 25 September 2010 (UTC)~ 1220 Leo! Tobacco StatiBtica (.M Tobaooo). Leake CoiI., ., Jlia., . bridReauthoriHd acrosa Pearl River in_ 421 may bridge Pearl River, at Edinburg__ 975 Leaaing III N01IlMI.tJlJic MiMf'Ul DepoftIA Oft Public Lafttla, amended provisions relating to .lOdium .eompounda___________________ 1019 LeaIMr, appropriation lor developing standards of quality,ete., 0'- ___ ___ ___ _ 92, 1122 LeatMr', .".LetC., may brid&e wabaah River, at MoGre- pIS·Ferry. Dl_~ ___ .. ______ _ .. __ 480 lAO~K,,_., appropdatio for penitentiary, maID- tenanee ____________________ 82,1113 worklns capital te&ppropriated_ 82, 1113 for Misaouri River bridae repairs____ 1113 for Vorunteer80ldlera' Dome ____ 361.1383 deficiency appropriation for- peniten- tiary, malntanance_____ "'21, 906, 1646 for penitentiary, repairs, etc________ 1646 for penitentiary, building on prison farIm ______________ ._ _ __ __ _ __ 1646 for Volunteer SoldIers' Home_______ 39.! . 930, 1667, 166!S Liizvu oJ Abaence, extended, authorized Spanish .War veterans in departments, to at- tend annual convention in Ha- ban&, Cuba, in 1928; accumula- tion permitted________________ 433 granted employees of postal employees_ SP5 cumulative sick leave of ten days in a year, extended to six months_ _ 595 LeBN, J o.61Jh, C distinguislied flying croes to be pre- sented .Dieuaenne Coates and, for aerial journey of 35,000 miles, acroBB the SOuth Atlantic, etc__________________________ 482 Lee and GurrlOA'. Jlill, Gu.., metl't 'by COmmittee on Revlaion of the LaW!I ..~ouae of Repreaen- , tati\t~ CO<UI,YlIlg, etc.; reappro- wweon, ~~OMGCii~-ciinch~A.: deficien~y appropriation for paving La 3 Fayette Extenaion RcHW. to____ 929 Lee CouRt7/,.!U .! _ 10ft, . executors of estate of, permitted to erect ftaptaff, etc., at Port Sumter, as memorial to General Robert Andel8On ____________ , _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 499 1Ia.gBtaff substituted for a atatue____ 499 bridge autnorlZe<1 &OI'OBI Rock lUv8't, in_ 110 Le, Manaicn, Arlinpm NaWmal Ceme- t6f'J{! VII., . appropriation for restoration, etc., of._ 354 deficiency appropriation for restora- tion, etc., of__________________ 1666