Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1935

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clxxxiv N aturalization-Continued. certificate of arrival may be issued when record of registry made __ _ lawful admission deemed on record of registry __________________ _ declaration of intention requires entry for permanent residence estab- lished, and certificate of arrival_ evidence from personal witnesses as w residence _________________ _ continuous residence, preceding petition _____________________ _ from date o~tition to admission_ personal qu . ·f ications __________ _ at oral hearings, testimony of citizc:ns to prove residence; etc., reqUlred ____________________ _ effect of returning to country of al- legiance and remaining more than six months and less than a. year preceding filing of peti- ~on ________________________ _ continuity of residence broken by absence for a year or more___ _ proof of residence not required of sea- men on American vessels _____ _ proof of five years' residence not re- qulred ______________________ _ fees for filing declaration of intention__ filing petition for citizenship, etc___ _ to be paid over to Naturalization Bureau _____________________ _ rules to be made by Commissioner ___ _ issues of new certificates, etc., in case of loss, etc.; payment, etc_______ _ special certificates of citizenship for naturalized citizens for use in country of former allegiance ___ _ to Secretary of State for trans- mission to authority in that country _____________________ _ application for certificate of citizenship through naturalization of .p,arenL issue of, on proof of claim). if indi- vidual within United I1Itates at the time ____________________ _ legal effect, etc_________________ _ acts punishablei. unlawful issue of cer- tificate Of citizenship_________ _ collecting, etc., unlawful fees ______ _ untruthfully certifying personal ap- pearance of signer of affidavit, etc_________________________ _ procuring certificate unlawfully ____ _ punishment for __________________ _ sections of Criminal Code relating to citizenship and naturalization offenses made appJicable ______ _ deposit and accounting of fees _______ _ extension of term "county" _________ _ photographs to be furnished by appli- cants; affixing, etc___________ _ report to be prepared upon those hereto- fore seeking citizenship; details; to be made annually__________ _ necessary sums authorized to be appro- priated _____________________ _ effective date, July 1, 1929__________ _ declaration of intention to be made under oath before clerk of court in district where alien has re- sided for two years prior there.o_ qualifications; age, intent of perma- nent residence, etc___________ _ personal description, etc________ _ INDEX. 1513 1513 1513 1513 1513 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1514 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1515 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1&16 1516 1516 1516 1516 1516 1545 1545 1545 N aturalization--Continued. Pa&8. declaration of Intention; not to be made outside office of clerk ___ _ effective in 60 days_____________ _ effect of erroneous statements______ _ new petition to be filed _________ _ alien veterans, if residents, entitled in two years to, upon terms, etc., 1545 1545 1545 1546 as if petitioned for before the armistlce_________ ___________ _ 1546 Naturalization Bureau, Department oj Labor, appropriation for Commissioner, and office personneL ___________ 107,1138 for general expenses, officers, em- ployees, etc________________ 107,1138 for travel, rent, witnesses, etc____ 108, 1138 for clerical assistance to clerks of courts in naturalization Case&__ _ 108 not available for assistants to clerks of Federal courts_____ 108, 1138 deficiency appropriation for miscella- neous expenses _________ 47,934,1621 fot special examiners, etc__________ 47 for salaries, 1929_~_______________ 1685 Nautical Almanac Office, Navy Department appropriation for civilian personneL_~ 642 for computers on American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac______ 642, 1470 Navajo Agency, N. M ex., appropriation for support, etc., of In- dians at; _8j>portionment in Ari- zona and New Mexico ______ 223,1584 Navajo and Hopi Indian Re8ervation, Ariz. and N. Mex., appropriation for miscellaneous irriga- tion projects_______________ 210, 1572 deficiency appropriation for water sup- ply__________________________ 1617 Navajo Indian Agency, Ariz., Southern, appropriation for additional water sup- ply__________________________ 1567 Navajo Indian Hospital, N. Mex., Eastern, appropriation for support, etc., oL____ 1581 Navajo Indian Hospital, N. Mex., North- ern, ap~ropri~tion for support, etc., 01-__ __ 1581 NavaJO Indwn Re8ervat~on, Ariz., appropriation for operating, etc., Ga- nado irrigation project on______ 1573 Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz. and N. Mex., appropriation for water supply, unallot- ted lands oL ______________ 209,1572 deficiency appropriation for support, etc.• from tribal funds_________ 1641 Navajo Indian Reservation, Ariz., We8t- ern, sum authorized for telephone liIie from Flagstaff to Tuba City Agency __ 1080 continuation to Kayenta Tubercu- losis Sanatorium______________ 1080 Navajo Indian Reservation, N. Mex., appropriation for operating Hogback irrigation project, under North- ern Navajo Agency _________ 213, 1575 for Gallup-Shiprock Highwa.y within_ 225 deficiency appropriation for diversion dam repair, Hogback project___ 900 Navajo Indian School, Northern, Shiprock, N. Mex., appropriation for water supply _______ 209 Navajo Indian School, Ariz. Ea8tern appropriation for central heating and power planL_________________ 216