Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/1963

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.. ccxu INDEX. Portland Water Di8trict, Me., water pipe line, etc., of Fort McKinley, Pap. authorized to be conveyed to___ 699 Porto Rican Hurricane Relief Commi8sion, deficiency appropriation for making loans to individual agricultur- ists, etc., in Porto Rico________ 1609 for .reb~il~n~,etc., schoolhouses; repamng lD·mlar roads, ete_____ 1609 for purchase, etc., seeds and seedlings_ 1609 for administrative expenses _ ____ ___ 1609 for expenses __ .-;----~-------------- 1627 created; compositIOn (l.______________ 1068 to assist in rehabilitation of agriculture, repairing schools and roads, etc_ 1068 no compensation for services_ _ ____ _ 1068 to appoint secretary and other assistants and fix compensation thereof ___ 1068 cooperation of personnel of depart- ments, insular authorities, etc., may be utilized____ ___________ 1068 sum authorized for administrative expenses_____________________ 1068 loans to individual agriculturists_____ 1068 agreement for use to be prescribed; limit, etc____________________ _ rate and payment of interest ______ _ sum authorized; available periods __ _ 1068 1068 1069 repavments received during five years 'to be a revolving fund__ __ ____ _ 1069 thereafter to be covered into the Treasury_____________________ 1069 sum authorized for repairing, etc., damagedschoolhouses, roads, etc_ 1069 expended as approved by the com- mission______________________ 1069 sum authorized for purc!lase and dis- tribution of seeds and seedlings; particularly food and root crops_ 1069 annual reports of activities to Congress_ 1069 Porto Rico, appropriation for Resident Commis- sioner from _______________ 520, 1390 for expenses, Resident Commis- sioner __________________ .__ 520, 1390 for clerk hire, Resident Commis- sioner ____________________ 523, 1393 for relief, etc., of shipwreckei Ameri- can seamen in ______________ 68,1098 for district judge________________ 79,1110 fordistinctivemallequipmentfor_ 192,1055 for care of insane Porto Rican soldiers_ 340 for agricultural experiment stations in ________________________ 542, 1192 sale of produc~_; _________ -: _. 5 42,1192 deficiency appropriatIOn for repamn~, etc., hurricane damages tc agn- cultural experimentstatio!ls ~__ 1609 for hurricane damages, repairs lD, under Coast Survey___________ 1637 branch of Federal land bank may be established in________________ 1558 interest rate' term of loans limited_ _ 1558 commission cr:ated to assist in re~abil­ itating, from results of hurncane, 1928________________________ 1068 construction authorized of buildings, etc., military post of _ _ _ _______ 1301 contracts authorized for completion, etc., of customs buildings in ___ _ SanJuan _______________________ _ Ponca __________________________ _ Mayaguez ________ .. _______ - - -- - - - I1umacso____ - __________________ _ payment for, from duties collected__ 596 596 596 596 596 596 Porto Rico--Continued. Pap. reports of acts of legislature of, to be continued____________________ 1348 salaries fixed of justices of the supreme court of_____________________ 997 submission to CongreBS discontinued, of acts and resolutions of the Legislature__ _ _____ __ __ ____ ___ 996 taxpayers in, having enjoined collection of taxes by summary seizures, etc., to have collection decreed by action at law______________ 447 time limit for bringing suits________ 448 Porto Rico OccupaUon Medal, gratuitous issue of, to persons en- titled___ _______ ____ _____ _____ 500 Port8mouth, N. B., appropriation for navy yard, public works_______________________ 635 PQTtsmouth, Va., appropriation for pu~lic building______ 1043 deficiency appropriation for public building aL _____ ___ _____ __ ___ 923 Portugal, . appropriation for minister to _ ______ 65, 1096 Possessions of the United States (8ee also Income Tax, Revenue Act of 1928), groBS income of citizens, etc., deemed from sources within the United States_______________________ 850 if 80 per cent derived from sources within a possession of the United States_______________________ 850 if corporation derived 50 per cent from active business therein_ ___ 850 if citizen derived 50 per cent from active business therein_ _ _ _ _ _ __ 850 all amounts received in United States included in__ __ _____ _____ __ ___ 850 Virgin Islands not included 88_ _ ____ _ _ _ 850 citizens allowed same benefits of deduc- tions as nonresident aliens_ _ _ __ 850 domestic corporations allowed same benefits as foreign corporatioDs_ 850 credits against net income of citizens limited______________________ 850 domestic corporatioDs not allowed spe- cific credit of $3,000__ _________ 850 deductions and credits allowed by filing returns of total income_ _ _ _ ____ 850 no allowance for credit against tax of foreign countries, etc ___ _ _ _ ___ 851 corporations not deemed affiliated with other corporations________ 851 citizens of, not residents nor citizens of United States, taxable only • on income from United States sources _____________________ _ not applicable to Virgin Islands____ _ 851 851 Post AUowance8, FQTeign Service Officer8/ appropriation for, to meet livlDg costs ______________________ 69,1099 deficiency approeriation for _ __ ____ __ _ 48 P08t Exchanges, Mditary, appropriation for constructing, etc__ 329, 1352 for training camps, etc__________ 329,1352 Post Field, Okla., construction for Air Corps, authorized at___________________________ 749 Post Office Department (8ee also Postal Service), appropriation for Postmaster General, and office personneL _______ 186,1049