Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/254

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. CH. 137. 1928 . 203 timber districts, making fragmentary surveys, and such other sur- veys or examinations as may be required for identification of lands for purposes of evidence in any suit or proceeding in behalf of the United States, under the supervision of the Commissioner of the General Land Office and direction of the Secretary of the Inte- li me Sec tion n co rner mon- rior, $750,000, of which amount not to exceed $20,000 may be expended by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, with the appr oval o f the Secret ary of the I nterior , for the pu rchase of me tal or other equally durable monuments to be used for public-land sur- vey corn ers w herev er p racti cable : Prov ided furth er, That not to Provisos. field em- exceed $5,000 of this appropriation may be expended for salaries ployees. of employees of the field surveying service temporarily detailed to the General Land Office : Provided further, That not to exceed Oregon and Califor. $15 .000 of this appropriation may be used for the survey, classifica- ma railroad lands, etc . tion, and sale of the lands and timber of the so-called Oregon and California Railroad lands and the Coos Bay Wagon Road lands Provided further, That not to exceed $50,000 of this appropriation lands. and oil-shale may be used for surveys and resurveys, under the rectangular sys- tem provided by law, of public lands deemed to be valuable for oil Not available for and oil shale : Provided further, That no part of this appropria- surve y s in states ad- vancing shall be available for surveys or resurveys of public lands in any o money there- State which, under the Act of August 18, 1894 (Twenty-eighth Vol .28,p.395. Statutes, page 395), advances money to the United States for such f purposes for expenditure during the fiscal year 1929 : Provided Applica tion to othe r urt he r, That this appro pria tion may b e ex pende d for surv eys made surveys, and reimburs- un der the supe rvis ion of the Comm issi one r of the Gen eral Lan d able . Office, but when expended for surveys that would not otherwise be chargeable hereto it shall be reimbursed from the applicable appropriation, fund, or special deposit .

R eg isters . Registers : For salaries and commissions of registers of district land offices, at not exceeding $3,000 per annum each, $70,000. Conting ent expenses . Contingent expenses of land offices : For clerk hire, rent, and other Ante, p . 201. incide ntal expe nses of t he distri ct land o ffices, i ncluding the expen ses of depositing public money ; traveling expenses of clerks detailed to examine the books and management of district land offices and to assist in the operation of said offices and in the opening of new land offices and reservations, and for traveling expenses of clerks trans- ferred in the interest of the public service from one district land proviso . office to another : Provided, That no expenses chargeable to the Gov- Expenses limited . ernment shall be incurred by registers in the conduct of local land offices except upon previous specific authorization by the Commis- sioner of the General Land Office, $193,000 .

Timber de predations, Depredations on public timber, protecting public lands, and settle- protectin g, and swamp ment of claims for swamp land and swamp-land indemnity : F o r la nds

01. protecting timber on the timber lands, and for the more efficient execution of the law and rules relating to the cutting thereof ; pro- tecti ng pub lic la nds fr om ill egal a nd frau dulent entry or ap propri a- tion, adjusting claims for swamp lands and indemnity for swamp lands ; and traveling expenses of agents and others employed here- under, $430,000, including not exceeding $40,000 to be immediately avai labl e for the purc hase of mo tor-p rope lled passe nger -carr ying vehicles. vehicles for the use of agents and others employed in the field serv- ice and for operation, maintenance, and exchange of same and for operation and maintenance of motor boats, and including $40,000 for Fighting forest fires . prevention and fighting of forest and other fires on the public lands, to be available for this and no other purpose, and to be expended under the direction of the commissioner. Opening Indian reservations (reimbursable

For expenses her-

Indian reservations . Ope ning to e ntry . taming to the opening to entry and settlement of such Indian reserva- Balance available . tion lands as may be opened during the fiscal year 1929, the unex- Vol . 44, p. 938. 54835'-2D--PT 1