LIS T OF P UBLIC A CTS AND RESOL UTIONS . Page. New York southern district, three additional judges . An Act To provide for the appointment of thre e additional judges of t he District C ourt of the United State s for the So uthern District of New York. Februar y 26, 1929 1317 Forest-tree nurseries . An Act Authorizing the acquisition of land and water rights for forest- tree nurseries . February 26,1929 1318 Federal prison camps. An Act To establish Federal prison camps . Februar y 26, 1929 1 31 8 South Carolina districts, additional judge . An Act To provide for the appointment of one additional district judge for the Eastern and Western Districts of South Carolina . February 26,1929 1319 Bridge, Susquehanna River. An Act Authorizing Richard H . Klein, his heirs, legal represent- atives, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Susquehanna River at or near the borough of Liverpool, Perry County, Pennsylvania . February 26, 1929 1319 Yuma irrig ation proj ect, Calif . An Act To amend the Act ent itled "An Act to authorize credit upon the construction charges of certain water-right applicants and purchasers on the Yum a and Yuma Mesa auxi liary projects, and for other purposes ." February 26,1929 1321 Bridge, Saint John River . An Act To revise and reenact the Act entitled "An Act granting the consent of Congress for the construction of a bridge across the Saint John River between Fort Kent, Maine, and Clairs, Province of New Brunswick, Canada," approved March 18, 1924 . Febr uary 26,1 929 1321 Bridge, Allegheny River . An Act To extend the times for commencing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Allegheny River at Oil City, Venango County, Pennsylvania . February 26, 1929 1321 Bridge, Potomac Riv er . An Act To extend the times for comme ncing and completing the construction of a bridge across the Potomac River at or near Dahlgren, Virginia . Feb- ruary 26,1929 1322 Bridge, Ohio River . An Act Authorizing E . T . Franks, his heirs, legal representatives, and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge across the Ohio River approxi- mately midway between the cities of Owensboro, Kentucky, and Rockport, Indiana . February 26,1929 1322 Judge Francis A . Winslow, investigation . Joint Resolution Providing fo r an investig ation of Francis A . Winslow, United States district judge for the southern district of New York . February 26,1929 1325 Fort Douglas, Utah, land to Salt Lake City . An Act To authorize the Secretary of War to grant to the city of Salt Lake, Utah, a portion of the Fort Douglas Military Reservation, Utah f or street purposes . February 27, 1929 1325 District of C1olumbia, healing art Act . An Act To regulate the practice of the healing art to protect t he public he alth in the District of C olumbia . February 27, 1929 1326 District of Columbia, Federal land for streets . An Act Authorizing the use of certain land owned by the U nited States in the District of Columbia for street purposes . Feb- ruary 27,1929 1341 General Supply Committee . An Act To authorize the consolidation and coordination of Government purchase, to enlarge the functions of the General Supply Committee, to authorize the erection of a public warehouse for the storage of Government supplies, and for other purposes . Febru ary 27, 1929 1341 District of Columbia, school teachers . An Act To amend certain sections of the Teachers' Salary Act, ap proved June 4, 1924, and for other purpo ses . February 28, 1929___ 1343 Pennsylvania middle district, additional judge . An Act To authorize the President of the Uni ted Stat es to app oint an addi tion al j udge of the Distr ict Cour t of the Uni ted States for the Middle District of the State of Pennsylvania . February 28, 1929___ 1344 Fort Apache, etc ., reservations, power permits . An Act Authorizing the Federal Power Com- mission to issue permits and licenses on Fort Apache and White Mountain Indian Reservations, Arizona . Februar y 28, 1929 1344 Vermont judicial district . An Act To amend section 110 of the Judicial Code . February 28,1929 1345 Navy, Dental Corps service . An Act For the relief of certain officers of the Dental Corps of the United States Navy . F ebru ary 28, 1929 1345 Dam, Kankakee River. An Act Granting the consent of Congress to the Momence conserv- ancy district, its successors and assigns, to construct, maintain repair, and improve a dam across the Kankakee River at Momence, i n Kankakee diounty, Illinois . Feb- ruary 28, 1929 1345 Judicial circuits, United States courts . An Act To amend sections 116, 118, and 126 of the Judicial Code, as ame nded, to div ide the eight h judicial c ircuit of th e United Stat es, and to create a tenth judicial circuit . F ebru ary 28, 1929 1346 Reports of Philippine and Porto Rico Legislatures . An Act To repeal paragraphs 127 and 1 28 of the Act entitl ed "An Act to discon tinue certain report s now required by la w to be made to Congress," approved May 29, 1929 . February 28, 1929 1348 Alaska salmon fisheries . An Act To amend the Act of Congress of June 26, 1906, entitled "An Act for the protect ion of the f isheries of A laska, and f or other pur poses ." Feb- ruary 28,1929 13 48 Appropriations, War Department and Army, 1930 . An Act Making appr opriations for the military and nonmilitary activities of the War Department for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1930, and for other purposes . February 28, 1929 1349