Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/491

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. CFis . 395-398 . 1928 . April 21, 1928 .

CHAP. 395 .-An Act To detach Okfuskee County from the northern judicial [11.It. 7011.1 district of the State of Oklahoma and attach the same to the eastern judicial [Public, No. 291.3

distri ct of the said Sta te . Okf us kee C oun ty, Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Okla.

United States o f America in Congress assembled, That Ok fus kee Transferred f rom c northern to eastern County, of the northern judicial district of the State of Oklahoma judicial district of Okia- be, and th e same is he reby, detach ed from the n orther n judi cial d is- vol.43,p .945,amend- trict and attached to and made a part of the eastern judicial district ed.

of said State . Approved, April 21, 1928 . April 21, 1928. [H . R.350.] CHAP. 396 .-An Act To extend the time for completing the construction of [Public, No . 292 .] a bridge across the Delaware River near Trenton, New Jersey . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Ti me Delaware extended for T


United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the time for bridging, at Trenton, completing the construction of the bride authorized b Act of N. J ., by Pennsylvania


y Railroad, etc.

Congress approved August 24, 1912, to be built by the Pennsylvania e Vol . 43,p .738,amend- Railroad Company and the Pennsylvania and Newark Railroad Company across the Delaware River near the city of Trenton, New Jer sey, whic h has here tofo re be en ex tend ed by Cong ress to A ugust 24, 1928, is hereby extended for a further period of three years from Proviso .

the last-named date : Provided That it shall not be lawful to com- Resubmission of plans requi red . plete or commence the completion of said bridge until plans thereof shall again be submitted to and approved by the Chief of Engineers .and by the Secretary of War . Amendmen t .

SEc . 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved . Approved, April 21, 1928 . April 21, 1928. [ii.R.242.] [Public, No . 293 .] CHAP . 397.-An Act To amend section 90 of the National Defense Act, as amended, so as to authorize employment of additional civilian caretakers for National Guard organizations, under certain circumstances, in lieu of enlisted car etak ers her eto fore aut hor ized . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the National Guard . Care of equip ment ,

States o f America in Congress assembled, That the second , etc . o1 .44,p .674,amend- proviso of section 90 of the National Defense Act, as amended by the ed.

Act approved May 28, 1926 (Forty-fourth Statutes, pages 673-674), be, and the same is hereby, amended so as to read o heavier eer caretaker "Prov ided furth er, That in each heavier-than-air squadron one in

-than-air squadron .

caretaker may be a commissioned officer not above the grade of first Employmen t of ci- vilian caretakers for lieutenant : And provided further, That in any organization when- materials, etc ., if none compe tent in perso n- ever it shall be found impracticable to secure the necessary competent nel . caretakers for the materials, animals, armament, or equipment thereof from the personnel of such organization, the organization commander may employ civilians for any or all except one of the caretakers authorized for the organization, and such civilians shall be entitled to such compensations as may be fixed by the Secretary of War ." Approved, April 21, 1928 . April 21 19 89 15 .] .

CHAP . 398 .-An Act To provide for the detention of fugitives apprehended [H. R. [Public, N67- 294 .]

in the District of Columbia . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Fugitives District of from jus Columbia . - Un it ed S ta te s o f America in Congress assembled, That whenever tice in .

any person shall be found within the District of Columbia charged