SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. Ciis. 484-4 87 . 1928 . dea th of Regin ald E thelb ert My rie, a Bri tish s ubjec t, al leged to have been killed in the Panama Canal Zone on February 5, 1921, by a United States Army truck driven by a private in the Motor Tra nspor t Corp s, as set forth in the message of the Pres ident of Janua ry 4, 1928, printe d as S enate Documen t Numb ered 32, Seventieth Congress, first session ; and t here is her eby a uthor ized to be appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, a sufficient sum to carry out the purpose of this Act . Approved, May 3, 1928 . App ro pri ati on
au- thorized. Post, p. 912. May 3, 1928. [H . R. 12179.]
CHAP . 485 .-An Act To provide for the reimbursement of the Government [Pub lic, No . 345.] of Great Britain on account of certain sums expended by the British chaplain in Moscow, the Reverend F . North, for the relief of American nationals in Russia in 1920. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Great Britain .
Unit ed State s o f Am erica in Congress assembl ed, That the Secretary Payment to, directed as reimbu rsement of of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, directed to pay to the Reverend F . North, Gov ernm ent of G reat Bri tain , as a matter of gra ce and w itho ut for expenses relieving American nationals in reference to the question of legal liability therefor, the sum of Russia. $19,407.60, being the equivalent of the sum of «3,988, at par exchange, as reim bursement on account of certai n sums exp ended by the British chaplain in Moscow, the Reverend F. North, for the relief of Ame rican na tionals in Russi a in 192 0, as se t forth in the m essage of the President of February 27, 1928, printed as Senate Document App ro pri ati on au- Numbered 66, Seventieth Congress, first session ; and there is hereby thorized .
auth orize d to t he ap propr iated, out of any money in the T reasur Post, p. 912 .
Y not otherwise appropriated, a sum sufficient to carry out the purpose of this Act . Appr oved, May 3, 1928 . May 3, 1928 .
CHAP . 486.--An Act To authorize appropriations for the construction of [Public, [H. R . so No .
34G 34 .] roads at the Presidio of San Francisco, California . Army .
Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the Amount au thorized Un ited Stat es of Am eric a in Co ngre ss a ssem bled , That there is for comple ting roads at Presidio of San here by autho rized to be appro priated, out of any mone y in the Treas- Fran cisco , Ca lif .
ury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of $47,200 for the purpose Post, p . 927.
of completing the military roads at the Presidia of San Francisco, Cali fornia . Approved, May 3, 1928 . May 3,1928. [H. R. G8G2 .] CHAP . 487 .-An Act Authorizing and directing the Secretary of th e In te ri or [Public, No . 347 .] to investigate, hear, and determine the claims of individual members of the Sioux Tribe of Ind ians ag ainst t ribal funds o r again st the United States . Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Sioux India ns i Investigatio n, .
United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Investigtion etc., of claims of enrolled in- of the Int er ior be, and he is he reb y, authorized and directed to dividual, against tribal investigate, hear, and determine the claims of the individual Indians fun ds, e tc' whose names are enrolled on the approved rolls of the following Indi an ag encies : Rosebud, Pi ne Ridge, Lower Brule, Crow Creek, Cheyenne River, Yankton, Sisseton, and Flandreaux, in the State of South Dakota ; Fort Peck, in the State of Montana ; Fort Totten, in the State of North Dakota ; Standing Rock, in the States of North Provisos.
and South Dakota ; and Santee, in the State of Nebraska : Provided,