Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/573

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 551. 1928. j available during the fiscal year 1929 . Rivers and Harbors-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $2,150 ; janitor, $1,310 . Roads-clerk, $2,360 ; anitor, $1,010 . Rules-clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $1,830 ; janitor, $1,010. Territories-clerk, $2,360 ; janitor, $1,010 . War Claims- clerk, $2,880 ; assistant clerk, $1,520 ; janitor, $1,010 . Ways and Means-clerk, $4,200 ; assistant clerk and stenographer, $2,360 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,250 ; clerk for the minority, $2,880 ; janitors-one $1,310, one $1,010 . World War Veterans' Legislation-clerk, $2,880 ; assist- ant clerk, $2,150 . In all, $250 ,230 . Appropriations in the foregoing paragraph shall not be available for the payment of any clerk or assistant clerk to a committee who does not, after the termination of the Congress during which he was appointed, perform his duties under the direction of the Clerk of the House : Provided, That the foregoing shall not apply to the Commit- tee on Accounts . Janitors under the foregoing shall be appointed by the chairmen, respectively, of said committees, and shall perform under the direction of the Doorkeeper all of the duties heretofore required of messengers detailed to said committees by the Doorkeeper, and shall be subject to removal by the Doorkeeper at any time after the termi- nation of th e Congress du ring which th ey were appoin ted. Clerks subject to Clerk of the House at end of the Congress . Proviso . Committee on Ac- counts excepted . Janitors. Appointment, etc . Office of Ser geant at Ar ms . Sergeant at Arms, Deputy, cashier, etc . Police, House Office Building . Office of Doorkeeper . Doorkeeper, special employee, etc . Messengers, etc . Folding room . Superintendent, etc. Pages . Document room . Superintendent, etc. OFFICE OF SERGEANT AT ARMS Salaries : Sergeant at Arms, $6,500 ; Deputy Sergeant at Arms, $2,880 ; cashier, $4,000 ; two bookkeepers, at $3,000 each ; Deputy Ser- geant at Arms in charge of pairs, $2,500 ; pair clerk and messenger, $2,500 ; messenger, $1,730 ; stenographer and typewriter, $1,200 ; skilled laborer, 1,140 ; hire for automobiles, $600 ; in all, $29,050. For police force, House Office Building, under the Sergeant at Arms : Lieutenant, $1,520 ; nineteen privates, at $1,360 each ; in all, $27,360. OFFICE OF DOORKEEPER Salaries : Doorkeeper, $5,000 ; spec ial empl oyee , $2,500 ; su peri n- tendent of House press gallery, $3,300 ; assistant to the superintendent of the House press gallery, $2,240 ; jani tor, $2,400 ; m esse nge rs- seventeen at $1,500 each, fourteen on soldiers' roll at $1,520 each ; labo rers-s evente en at $1,01 0 each , two known as cl oakroo m men at $1,140 each, eight known as cloakroom men, one at $1,010, and seven at $890 each ; three female attendants in ladies' retiring rooms, at $1,440 each ; attendant for the ladies' reception room, $1,200 ; superinte ndent of foldi ng room, $2,880 ; foreman of folding room, $2,340 ; chief clerk to superintendent of folding room, $2,150 ; three clerks, at $1,940 each ; janitor, $1,010 ; laborer, $1,010 ; thirty-one folders, at $1,200 each ; shipping clerk, $1,520 ; two drivers, at $1,140 each ; two chief pages, at $1,740 each ; two telephone pages, at $1,440 each ; two floor managers of telephones (one for the minority), at $2;880 e ac h ; two ass istant floor m anagers in ch arge of telep hones (one for the minority) at $1,830 each ; forty-one pages, during the session, including ten pages for duty at the entrances to the Hall of the House, at $3 .30 per day each, $15,831 ; press-gallery page, $1,700 ; superintendent of document room, Elmer A. Lewis, $3,500 ; assistant superintendent of document room, $2,460, and $420 additional while the position is held by the present incumbent ; clerk, $2,040 ; assistant clerk, $1,940 ; eight assistants, at $1,600 each ; janitor, $1,220 ; messen- ger to pressroom, $1,310 ; maintenance and repair of folding room motor truck, $500 ; in all, $210,141 .