Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/58

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7 UNITED STATES VETERANS' BUREAU Military and nava l Military and naval compensation : For an additional amount for compensation . the payment of military and naval compensation accruing during the Vol . e4 ,euae ' dbal- fiscal year 1928 or in prior fiscal years, $19,400,000, and in addition ances available . thereto unexpended balances of the appropriations of the United States Veterans' Bureau are hereby reappropriated and made avail- able under the appropriation "Military and naval compensation, Items specified . Veterans' Bureau, fiscal year 1928 and prior years," as follows : Mili- tary and naval compensa tion, fis cal year 1926, $1 ,732,000 ; military and naval compensation, fiscal year 1927, $259,000 ; salaries and expenses, fiscal year 1926, $3,136,000 ; salaries and expenses, fiscal year 1927, $5,517,000 ; medical and hospital services, fiscal year 1926, $1,148,000 ; med ical and hospital services, fiscal y ear 1927, $4,499,0 00 ; vo c a t i on a l rehabilitation, fiscal year 1926, $166,000 ; vocational rehabilitation, fiscal year 1926, $10,140,000 ; printing and binding, fiscal year 1926, $83,000 ; military and naval insurance, fiscal year 1926, $8,920,000 . Damage claims : To pay claims for damages to or losses of pri- Damages claims . vately owned property adjusted and determined by the United States Vol. 42, p. loss. Veterans' Bureau under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in sums not exceeding $1,000 in any one case," approved December 28, 1922, as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 731, Sixty-ninth Congress, $477 .0 2 . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GEN ERA L EX PEN SES Purchasing division : For personal services in accordance with the Classification Act of 1923, fiscal year 1928, $1,250 . L ice ns e bur ea u : For purch ase of me tal ident ification tags for horse- drawn vehicles used for business purposes and motor vehicles in the District of Columbia, or for the purchase of material for the manu- facture of tags, fiscal year 1927, $1,644 .56 . Office of director of traffic : The appropriation of fees received for reissuing motor-vehicle operators' permits, contained in the Dis- trict of Columbia Appropriation Act for the fiscal year 1927, is con- tinued available until June 30, 1928 . Register of wills : For miscellaneous and contingent expenses, tele- phone bil ls, print ing, type writers, towels, t owel serv ice, wind ow wash- ing, s treet- car to kens, furnit ure an d equip ment a nd rep airs t hereto , purchase of books of reference, law books, and periodicals, fiscal year 1928, $5,000. Veterans' Bureau . District of Columbia . General expenses . Purchasing division . Vehicle tags . Director of traffic . Use of fees continued . Vol. 44, p. 421. Register of wills . CONTINGENT AND MISCELLANEOUS EXPENSES co demnaryo buildings, Condemnation of insanitary buildings : For expenses necessary and incident to the enforcement of an Act entitled "An Act to create a Vol . 43, p.157. board for the condemnation of insanitary buildings in the District of Columb ia, an d for other purpos es," a pproved May 1 , 1906 , fisc al yea r 1927, $120 .75 .

Adver tising . A dvert ising : For genera l adve rtisin g, aut horize d and r equire d by law, and for tax and school notices and notices of changes in regula- tions, for the fiscal years that follow For 1926, $2,398 .60 ; For 1927, $2,972 .56. For advertising notice of taxes in arrears July 1, 1926, as required arrears . taxes in to be given by the Act of March 19, 1890, to be reimbursed by a Vol.26,p.24. charge of 50 ce nts for e ach lot o r piece o f propert y adverti sed, fisc al year 1927, $2,085 .44.