Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/611

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560 Public Roads Bu- reau. General expenses . Salaries, supplies, etc . Vol. 39, p. 355. Vol, 42, p . 217. Chief of Bureau, and office personnel . Ro ad management systems . Materials, plants, etc ., investigations . Experimental hig h- ways . Farm irrigation, etc ., investigations . Dra ina ge of far ms, swamp lands, etc . Domestic water sup- ply, farm buildings con- struction, etc . Outside rent . Services in the Dis- trict. Agri cul tur al E co- nomics Bureau. General expenses . Salaries, supplies, etc . SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. Cu. 572. 1928 . BUR EAU OF PUBLIC ROADS SALARIES AND GENERAL EXPENSES For the following expenses, including salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washington and elsewhere, supplies, office fix- tures, apparatus, traveling, and all other necessary expenses, for con- ducting investigations and experiments, and for collating, reporting, and illustrating the results of same, and for preparing, publishing, and distributing bulletins and reports, in addition to any moneys available from the funds provided under the Act of July 11, 1916, as amended For ne cessar y expe nses for ge neral admini strat ive pu rposes , including the salary of chief of bureau and other personal services in the District of Columbia, $64,530 . For inquiries in regard to systems of road management and eco- nomic studies of highway construction, operation, maintenance, and value, either independently or in cooperation with the State highway departments and other agencies, and for giving expert advise oil these subjects, $62,060. For investigations of the best methods of road making, especially by the use of local materials ; for studying the types of mechanical plants and a ppliances use d for road bu ilding and mai ntenance ; fo r studying methods of road repair and maintenance suited to the needs of different localities ; for maintenance and repairs of experimental highways, including the purchase of materials and equipment ; for furnishing expert advice on these subjects ; and for the employment of as sistant s and labor, $70,000 . For investigating and reporting upon the utilization of water in farm irrigation, including the best methods to apply in practice ; the different kinds of power and appliances ; the flow of water in ditches, pipes, and other conduits ; the duty, apportionment, and measurement of irriga tion water, th e customs, re gulations, an d laws affecti ng irrigation ; for investigating and reporting upon farm drainage and upon the drainage of swamp and other wet lands which may be made available for agricultural purposes ; for preparing plans for the removal of surplus water by drainage ; for the development of equip- ment for farm irrigation and drainage and for giving expert advice and assistance ; for field experiments and investigations and the purchase and installati on of equipme nt for experi mental purpose s ; for the preparation and illustration of reports and bulletins ; for investigating farm domestic water supply and drainage disposal, the construction of farm buildings and other rural engineering problems involving mechanical principles, including the erection of such struc- tures outside of the District of Columbia as may be necessary for experimental purposes only ; for rent outside the District of Colum- bia ; the employme nt of assista nts and labor in the city o f Wash- ington and elsewhere ; and for supplies and all other necessary expenses, $244,290 . Total, Bureau of Public Roads, $440,880, of which amount not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of C olumbi a. BUREAU OF AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS SALARIES AND GENE RAL EXPENSES For salaries and the employment of labor in the city of Washing- ton and elsewhere, furniture, supplies, traveling expenses, rent out- side of the District of Columbia, and all other expenses necessary