Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/674

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss . I. Ca. 655. 1928 .

623 the commission . The commission shall cease to exist six months after the date of final acquisition of the property under the provi- sions of section 2 of this Act . SEC. 2 . For the purpose of providing a site for additional buildings for the Li brary of Co ngress , the commis sion is aut horize d and directed to acquire on behalf of the United States, by purchase, con- demnation, or otherwise, at a cost not to exceed $600,000, all the privately owned land, including buildings and other structures, in square numbered 761 and so much thereof in square numbered 760 as is south of the north side of the alley, being lots numbered 15 to 30, inclusive, and including any easements or rights of reversion, in the District of Columbia, as such squares appear on the records in the office of the surveyor of the District of Columbia as of the date of the enactment of this Act . Any condemnation proceedings neces- sary to b e instituted u nder the auth ority of this Act shall be in accordance with the provisions of section 3 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for sundry civil expenses of the Govern- ment for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1891, and for other purposes," approved August 30, 1890, as amended . SE C. 3 . All such land, buildings, and structures, when acquired, shall be under the jurisdiction and control of the Architect of the Capitol, who is authorized, pending the demolition of such buildings and structures and the use of the land for Library purposes (a) to lease any or all of suc h property fo r such period s and under su ch terms and conditions as he may deem most advantageous to the United States, (b) out of such appropriations as may be made therefor, to provide for the maintenance, repair, and protection of such property and to incur such other expenses as may be necessarily incident to such jurisdiction and control, and (c) to render available for the use of the Library, upon the request of the librarian, such portions thereof as may be suitable temporarily for storage or other purposes . The proceeds of any leases hereunder shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts, and the Architect of the Capitol shall include in his annual report a detailed statement of his action under this section during the period covered by such report . SE C. 4 . The Architec t of the Capi tol is author ized to remove or Re mo val of build- ings, etc ., when land to provide for the removal of such buildings and structures or needed for constructing such part thereof as may be necessary, upon request of the j oint buildings ngs for the Li- Committee on the Library, when it shall become apparent to such committee that such land or any part thereof is needed for the purpose o f commencing t he constructi on of any add itional buildi ng or buildings for the Library of Congress . SEC. 5 . After the demolition of the buildings and structures acquired hereunder, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, upon request of the Joint Committee on the Library, are authorized and directed to close and vacate that part of A Street southeast, lying bet ween the east side of Secon d Street and the west side of Third Street southeast, and also the alley intersecting square num- bered 760 as described above in section 2, and the portion of such street and the whole of said alley so closed and vacated, together with the land acquired under this Act, shall thereupon become a part of the grounds of the Library of Congress. SEC. 6 . Appropriations made for carrying out the provisions of this Act shall be disbursed by the disbursing officer of the Interior Dep artm ent . Approved, May 21, 1928 . After a cquisition o f property, existence to cease . Acquisition author- ized by purchase, etc ., of desi gnate d pr ivate ly owned land . Cost li mit . Post, p. 1397. Condem nation pro - ceedings . Vol.26,p. 412. Architect of the Capi- tol . Proper ty when ac- quired to be under his control . Leases pending dem- oli tion of buildings, etc . Mai nten ance, etc ., to be provided for . Tempor ary use for Library storage, etc . Proceeds of leases to be covered into the Treasury . Vacat ion o f st reet and alleys upon demolition of acquired buildings . To become par t of grounds of the Library . Disburse ments .