Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/732

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SEss. I. CH. 659. 1928 .

681 tingent expenses, including books, blanks, stationery, printing, post- age, damages, purchase of technical reference books, and periodicals, not to exceed $75, and other necessary items, $7,500 ; in all for maintenance, $335,000 . For extension of the water de p artment distribution system, laying Distribution eaten. of such service mains as may be necessary under the assessment sion . system, $250, 000 ; t o be a vailab le imm ediate ly . For insta lling water meters on se rvices to pri vate r esiden ces an d et Meters in residences, business places as may not be requir ed to ins tall mete rs under existing regulat ions, as may be di rected by th e commi ssione rs ; sai d meters at all times to remain the property of the District of Columbia, $30,000 . Hydrants . For installing fire and public hydrants, $50,000. For replacement of old mains in various locations, on account of Replacing old mains . inadequate size and bad condition of pipe on account of age, and laying mains in advance of payment, $50,000 .

New mains . For five thousand nine hundred feet of thirty-six-inch main in M Street from Eleventh Street to New Hampshir e Avenue northwest, $177,00 0 . For nine hundred feet of twelve-inch water main in Eighteenth Street northwest from Pennsylvania Avenue to F Street, $5,600 . For two thousand eight hundred feet of twelve-inch water main in Georgia Avenue northwest, Fairmont Street to Park Road, $21,350 . For one thousand nine hundred feet of sixteen-inch water main in Wisco nsin Avenu e no rthwe st, P Str eet t o Res ervoi r St reet, and in Reservo ir Str eet, W iscons in Ave nue to Thirty -fourt h Stre et, $23,400. For two thousand nine hundred and fifty feet of twelve-inch water main in Tenth Street northwest, K Str eet to Pennsylvania Aven ue, $20,000 . SEc. 2. That the services of draftsmen, assistant engineers, levelers Construction wor k, > etc., under Com mis- transitmen, rodmen, chainmen, computers, copyists, overseers, and sione rs . Draftsmen, inspec- inspectors temporarily required in connection with sewer, street, torn, etc., temporarily street-cleaning, or road work, or construction and repair of buildings em ployed . and bridges, or any general or special engineering or construction work autho rized by appro priat ions may be em ploye d ex clusi vely to carry into effect said appropriations when specifically and in writing ordered by the commissioners, and all such necessary expenditures for the proper execution of said work shall be paid from and equi- tably charged against the sums appropriated for said work ; and the commissioners in their Budget estimates shall report the number of such employees performing such services, and their work, and the Provisos . sums paid to each, and out of what appropriation : Provided, That Limit. the expenditures hereunder shall not exceed $20,000 during the fiscal year 1929 : Provided further, That, excluding five inspectors in the Employment period sewer department no person shall be employed in pursuance of the authority contained in this paragraph for a longer period than nine months in the aggre gate d uring the fi scal ye ar . T he co mmiss ione rs ar e fur ther auth orize d to empl oy te mpora rily mecha nics , et c laborers, such labo rers, ski lled labo rers, dri vers, hos tlers, an d mechani cs as may be required exclusively in connection with sewer, street, and road work, and street cleaning, or the construction and repair of buildings and bridges, furniture and equipments, and any general or special engineering or construction or repair work, and to incur all necessary engineering and other expenses, exclusive of personal services, inci- dental to ca rrying on su ch wor k and necessa ry for the p roper execu- tion thereof, said laborers, skilled laborers, drivers, hostlers, and mechanics to be empl oyed to perform such work as may not be required by law to be done under contract, and to pay for such serv- ices and expenses from the appropriations under which such services are rendered and expenses incurred .