Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/834

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS . I. CH. 814. 1928. 783 up steam in boilers used for heating purposes in office buildings, cleaning boilers, and oiling machinery and related apparatus ; operat- ing passenger or freight automobiles ; packing goods for shipment ; supervising a large group of charwomen ; running errands and doing light manual or mechanical tasks with some responsibility ; carrying important documents from one office to another ; or attending the door and private office of a department head or other public officer . The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade shall Annu al p ay. be $1,200, $1,260, $1,320, $1,380, $1,440', and $1,500. Grade 4 in this service, which may be referred to as the under- Grade 4. custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of Under custodial . which are to perform, under general supervision, custodial work of a respon sible cha racter, s uch as su pervisin g a small force of unskille d labo rers, dire ctly supe rvisi ng a smal l det achme nt o f wat chmen or building guards, firing and keeping up steam in heating apparatus and operating the boilers and other equipment used for heating pur- poses, or performing general semimechanical new or repair work requiri ng som e skil l with hand tools . The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade shall Annual p ay. b e $1,320, $1,380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,560, and $1,620. Grade 5 in this service, which may be referred to as the junior J Gra de5 . ustodialr custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to have general supervision over a small force of watch- men or building guards, or to have direction of a considerable detach- ment of such employees, to supervise the operation and maintenance of a small heating plant and its auxiliary equipment, or to perform other w ork of simil ar cha racter .

Annual pay. The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade shall be $1,500, $1 .560, $1,620, $1,680, $1,740, and $1,800.

Grade s Grade 6 in this service, which may be referred to as the assistant Assistant custodial . custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to assist in the supervision of large forces of watchmen and building guards, or to have general supervision over smaller forces, to supervise a large force of unskilled laborers, to repair office applia nces, or to perfor m othe r work of sim ilar c haract er .

Annual pay. The annual rates of co mpensa tion f or posi tions in thi s grad e shal l be $1 .680, $1,740, $1,800 1 $1,860, $1,920, and $1,980.

Grade 7. Grade 7 in this service, which may be referred to as the main Main custodial . custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to supervise the work bf skilled mechanics ; to supervise the operation and maintenance of a large heating, lighting, and power plant and all auxiliary mechanical and electrical devices and equipment ; to have general supervision over large forces of watch- men and building guards ; or to perform other work of similar character .

Annual pay. The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade shall be $1,860, $1,920, $1,980, $2,040, $2,100, and $2,200.

Grade s . Gr ade 8 in this service, which may be referred to as the senior Senior custodial . custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to direct supervisory and office assistants, mechanics, watchmen, elevator conductors, laborers, janitors, messengers, and other employees engaged in the custody, maintenance, and protection of a small building, or to assist in the direction of such employees when engaged in similar duties in a large building, or to perform other custodial work of equal difficulty and responsibility . The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade shall Annual pay . b e $2,000, $2,100 , $2 .200 , $2,300, $2,400, and $2,5 00 .

Grade s . Grade 9 in this service, which may be referred to as the principal Principal custodial . custodial grade, shall include all classes of positions the duties of which are to direct supervisory and office assistants, mechanics,