Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 1.djvu/989

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SEVENTIETH CONGRESS . SESS. I. Ciis . 853, 854 . 1928 . For mileage to officers and contract surgeons, $15 . For increase of compensation, Military Establishment, $2,955 .70, For pay of the Army, $230 .30 . For increase of compensation, War Department, $142 .50. For Ar my transportation, $7 .13. For clothing and equipage, $24 .27 . For general appropriations, Quartermaster Corps, $25,753 .28 . F or sew erage syst em, Fo rt Mo nroe, Virgi nia, $140 .57 . For arming, equipping, and training the National Guard, $96 . F or Org anize d Res erves, $73 .14. For Reserve Officers' Training Corps, $1 .11 . For headstones for graves of soldiers, $1 .75. POST Or i ICE DEPARTMENT-POSTAL SERVICE (Out of the p ostal re venues) Po st Office Depart- For balances due foreign countries, $86 .52 . ment. For indemnities, domestic mail, $160 .14. For indemnities, international mail, $20 .53 . For indemnities, international registered mail, $209.85 . For rural delivery service, $461 .61 . Additional, to meet increases in rates of ex- Total, audited claims, section 3, $108,982 .03, together with such change .

additional sum due to increases in rates of exchange as may be necessary to pay claims in the foreign currency as specified in certain of the settleme nts of t he Gener al Accou nting Office. Private pr operty SEC . 4. For the payment of claims allowed by the General Account- damages, etc .

ing Office under the provisions of Private Acts Numbered 152 and 476, Vol. 44,pp. 1505, 128. approved June 11, 1926, and March 3, 1927, respectively, and certi- fie d to the Seventieth Congress, in House Document Numbered 290 , $3,107 .25 . Title of Act .

SEC. 5. This Act may be cited as the " Second Deficiency Act, fiscal year, 1928." Approved, May 29, 1928 . May 29,1 928- (H. R. 11468.1

CHAP . 854.-An Act Authorizing the Secretary of the Interior to execute an [Public, No . 564 .] agreement or agreements with drainage district or districts providing for drainage, and reclamation of Kootenai Indian allotments in Idaho within the exterior boundaries of such district or districts that may be benefited by the drainage and reclamation work, and for other purposes . Be it en act ed by the Senate and House o f Representatives o f the l otmen t goons, Idaho . Indian al- United States o f America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary Agreement a uthor- of the Interior is here by autho rized to enter i nto an a greement with ized with drai nage dis- trict s for dra inage of, drainage districts now formed or to be formed in pursuance to the there of boundaries drainage laws of the State of Idaho providing for the drainage and Post, p. 1574. reclamation of Kootenai Indian allotments situated within the exte- rior boundaries of any of such districts after he shall have first determined the plans submitted by such district or districts of the work to be accom plish ed th at sha ll be nefit the I ndian allo tments . co Maximum beapportionedd . The share of the cost that may be apportioned shall not exceed $114, 000 f or the total acreage of Indian lands approximating two thousand four hundred and thirty-six acres, and said sum, or so much there of as may b e req uired to pay the India ns' s hare of the mo Payments by install- cost of the work, shall be payable in not less than twenty annual installments, payments to begin on the same date that payments are to begin for lands other than Indian that are wi thin the r espec- tive irrigation districts, and such payments shall be made without Provisos .

interest : Prov ided, Th at should at any tim e it appear to the said Secreta ry that construc tion wor k is not being c arried o ut in ac cord-