Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 45 Part 2.djvu/1420

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3074 INDEX. Corporaliona-<:ontinned. Pea-. consolidated returns allowed affiliated; meaning of "affiliated group" __ 831 tax withheld at source by, agreeing to pay interest free from tax______ 833 information of dividend payments, etc., Corpa 9/ bl~~x~;-(;~-&~; 837 Department, Army). Correctional 1natitvtiom (,ee Penitentiaries and Prisons, United States). Corron" Sub,tancu, DangerO'll.t (He Fed- eral Caustic POUlon Act). Coram~ M,!TJI Jane (widow), pewuonlncreased___________________ 1757 Corricana, TI'a., appropriation for publio building______ 178 Corte, 4n~ (widow), penalon lDcreased_ _ _ _________ ____ ___ 2238 Cortng!" (widow), peDBlon lDcreaaed_ ____________ _ _ ____ 2216 Corundu, Canal Zone, amount authorized for coIl8tructing bar- racks aL ____________________ 130 Corvallil, Oreg., deficiencY' - appropriation for publio building at___________________ 1657 CortJJi~ Lill~ (widow), peDBlon ___ ~------------------------ 1821 Cory, 4-b~ (widow), peDBlon lDcreased___________________ 2087 Cory, Ada M. (wido1O), pension increased___________________ 2282 Cory, Captain H. D., payment to, for 1088 of publio funds____ 2331 Costa Rica! appropnation for minister to _______ 65 1 1096 CosteUo, MaTfl (widow), penQon__________ ~_ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 1744 Coates, DWudonne, distinguished flying cross to be pre- sented to, and Joseph LeBrix for aerial journey of 35,000 miles across the South Atlantic, etc__ 482 Cote, Ro,e Z. (daughter), ~ pension____________________________ 2380 Cotu, Emma J. (daughter), pension____________________________ 1801 Cotten, BUN B. H . (widow), pension____________________________ 1845 Cotter Ark., .bridge authorized&cl'OI!J8 White River, at_ 470 Cotlon, Cotton-<:ontinued. deficiency appropriations for supprellll- ing spread of pink bollworm of, in Arizona r eto _________________ _ Pea-. 13 for suppreSlllDg spread of pink boll- worm 0'- ______ ______ ___ 44,895,933 investigation by Secretaries of Agricul- ture and Commerce of new uses, etc., of, and by-products_______ 426 no pay to any empIQyee, Department of Agriculture, issuing prediction of future prices of. _____ ____ _____ 1190 payment to farmers for 1088 from non- production of, in noncotton zones established by a State _ ___ 688 Cotton District3, appropriation cooperative experiments, etc., in livestock production, etc., in ____________________ 567,1218 Cotton, Emma C. (widow), pension increased___________________ 2191 Cotton FutUTU Act, United States, appropriation for expenses enforcing 562, 1213 Cation Standardl Act, appropriation for expenses enforcing 562, 1213 Cotton Rag Ruga, proclamation increasing duty on, known as "hit and miss," to equalize differences in costs of production, etc__________________________ 2940 Cotton, Sarah. J . M . (widow), pension increased___________________ 2150 Coftomeed, appropriation for interbreeding exper- iments_______________________ 550 Cottrill! Ml!ria (widow), penSion lDcreased___________________ 1966 Couch, .Eli~abeth (widow), penSion lDcreased___________________ 1922 Couch, Ja'TM.IJ (son), penmon____________________________ 1779 Cougha.nou~, Amanda E., (widow), pension lDCreased_ __________________ 1872 Coughlan, Martha, Thoma8, and MaTJI (children), penmons___________________________ 1~ Coughnet, Alberta V. (widow), perurionincreased ___________________ 1866 Coulao~, ~aTfl J. (widow), peD8lon lDcreased___________________ 1794 Council Blu.ffa, Iowa, bridge authorized across Missouri appropriation for census reports of production, baled stock, eon- SUInption,etc________________ _ River between, and Omaha, Nebr_ 733 Council BluJI" I fY'oDO., a nd Omaha, Nebr., 88 may bridge Missouri River, between thetwo cities___;.._____________ 733 for additional amount to meet lie- rioue outbreak of pink bollworm of, in western Texas___________ 247 for investigating, etc., diseaaea of_ 550, 1200 for cultural methods, breeding, etc _______________________ 550,1200 for investigating insects affecting_ 558, 1208 for technical research into, and by- products __________________ 561,1212 publishing intended acreage plant- ing forbidden ______________ 561,1212 for collecting statistics of grade and staple length oL ___________ 562,1213 for preventing entry of Mexican, etc_ 1216 for suppreaeing spread of pink boll- worm of __________________ 565,1216 deficiency appropriation for collecting etc., statistics of grade and staple length of____________________ _ 13 Counterfeiting, etc Crime&, appropriation for expenses in suppres- sing ______________________ 173,1038 ClYUnt71 4gmt8, A(lricuUural Eztension Work, appropriation for salaries_ _ _ _ _____ 543, 1193 for cooperative use of! in reIu.bilitating flood devastatea farm areas____ 543 amount for salaries of, in developing cooperative extension system in agnculture and home economics with men, women, boys, and girb_________________________ 712 Court 01 Appeals, D. C., appropnation for salaries _________ 671,1287 reports of decisions __________ 671,1287 for care, etc., of building ________ 671,1287 for contingent expenses_________ 671,1287